5 Reasons why Entrepreneurs must Play Rummy

It is often amusing to see Rummy game dismissed as a game of luck crudely.  If it is purely a game of luck there couldn’t be players who win multiple games and tournaments. There is quite a lot that makes the rummy game so different from other luck based games. In rummy games, you have to remember the fall of cards, do some math to guess the combinations your opponent is trying to make. For this, a lot of skill, expertise, and practice is necessary.  Often these things go behind the making of a great rummy player. Not only do these skills come in handy on the table, but also help the player in his personal life.

The rummy game being a skill game is almost very similar to entrepreneurship. Both require a lot of dedication and perseverance for succeeding. In this capitalistic world that is driven by ultra-materialism, running a startup is no easy task. Similarly, in rummy, it does take quite a bit of effort to come on top because of the heavy competition in that avenue. Here, we give you some reasons why rummy players make great entrepreneurs.

Rummy Player & EntrepreneurshipAnalyzing the scenario

A Rummy player formulates his strategy according to the scenario. Rummy tips varies according to the different scenarios, a player could encounter. A player has to do situational analysis by assessing the situation, calculating risk and thinking about the consequences. An entrepreneur has to assess various factors before taking a decision.

Reading your competitors

A rummy player carefully observes every move of his opponents and formulates his strategy based on it. Similarly, a business man should constantly be aware of their moves taken by his competitors. It’s a dog eat dog world out there. In a cut throat competition, only the fittest survive. It is always essential to know about the capabilities of your competitors.

Bankroll management – Rummy Player

Be it rummy or business bankroll management is an extremely important factor.  An experienced rummy player will be very conscious about the money he brings to the table & has for backup. In business, financial management is the most important factor. Your profit and losses are determined based on your financial management skills. Playing rummy would be a great step for the budding entrepreneurs to learn financial management.

Sensible & Prudent

It is very important to keep your emotions tight and stay level- headed while running your own business. You may encounter several adverse scenarios while running your business. On such occasions, you must not be swayed by your emotions. This is something you can learn from playing rummy. Playing the rummy game will help the player to mature mentally and educates player how to handle defeat and wins in life. This is one of the main reasons why all budding entrepreneurs should play rummy game online.

Be an opportunist

This is an era where an ultimate opportunist thrives. A good rummy player grabs all the opportunities to make sets/sequences and declares quickly. In business, the smart businessmen grab the opportunity as soon as they spot. These are incredibly tough days where there are minimal opportunities for start-ups. It is important an entrepreneur is constantly looking out for opportunities to expand his business. AS we can note, there is not much difference between a rummy player and a beginner. Both begin by throwing caution to the wind. It is the ability to make use of the opportunities that counts.  Playing rummy games will be a great learning curve for rummy players.

If you can dream it, you can do it – Walt Disney. Dream big, achieve big! Find the motivation to do what you like.

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