Play Cash rummy games & move up the ladder

cash rummy games

Online rummy games have been a rage in India especially cash rummy games thesedays. The game of rummy is expanding like never before venturing into unexplored avenues and is constantly attracting new followers. The reason we could see behind this unexpected fan following is rummy’s simple gameplay and a huge sense of satisfaction and the profound euphoria that the game provides. We are not sure if the level of happiness that runs through you when you defeat your opponents in rummy can be quantified? And could there be any better place for online rummy than DeccanRummy, which has been specifically tailored to meet the expectations of the rummy lovers?

Online rummy games have become synonymous with happiness and merry-making after the advent of several rummy sites. Most of the players are happy to play free rummy games, rummy tournaments available on several websites. They provide a risk-free environment to earn cash without any advance payments. But then, free rummy games have their share of inconveniences. You will have to put up with the heavy crowd that keeps thronging in to register for a free rummy game or a tournament. The prize money is comparatively less than cash rummy games.

Can you play Cash rummy games? Are you up for a challenge?

Life is all about taking up challenges and progressing to the next levels, right? The more we push ourselves the more we scale. Rummy is no exception. DeccanRummy provides that fantastic opportunity for the players to achieve more. DeccanRummy is the best place to take up challenges as our ladder is easy to climb. We always suggest that our Rummy players must not confine their rummy expertise within the boundaries of playing free games and free tournaments. The advantages of moving up to the next level by investing in high stakes cash rummy games are fabulous and are too precious to miss.

High Stakes

DeccanRummy offers plenty of high stakes cash rummy games that allow you to make a huge kill. High stakes cash rummy games are available for both 13 cards Deals Rummy and 13 cards Pool Rummy variants. Our higher stakes games start from the range of Rs. 1000 and goes all the way up to Rs. 10000. Also, you have the opportunity to meet more skilled opponents, if you try playing cash games thus giving you a satisfying game experience; thereby enhancing your rummy skills. We know that a skilled rummy player like you wouldn’t become complacent so easily and will look forward to exploring into unknown territories.

The absolute best thing about our high stake cash rummy games is the huge prize money you are going to take home if you win. A 2 player deals rummy game with an entry fee of Rs. 1000 allows the player to win Rs. 18000 (minus the Deccan fee). It’s an instant jackpot which you wouldn’t want to miss. You can check the high stakes games available by the following steps.

1. Login to your account

2. Under Lobby, click Cash

3. Navigate to 13 cards Deals Rummy and 13 cards Pool rummy and scroll down to see the available high stakes games.


It’s not only about cash, there is much more to it – Cash games are going to fetch you Deccan Points (aka) Loyalty points which can be used in for various purposes. It is just icing on the cake, is it not? If you are worried about the lack of wherewithal to pay for cash games, why don’t you just preserve the money won by playing in our free rummy games? Withdrawing such prize amounts from free rummy games would curtail your growth here at DeccanRummy. We are sure that we have some instilled some much-needed confidence in you to progress to the next level. We hope you are going to prove your rummy mettle in our high stakes table and come out in flying colors. See you all at the high stakes cash tables!

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