Experiences that are as thrilling as playing rummy online

Few activities give the thrilling experience of playing rummy. Online Rummy takes the rummy playing experience up high several notches than the traditional method of playing rummy with physical deck of cards.

The whole environment in online rummy sites is dynamic and is constantly buzzing with activities. The pinnacle of enjoying rummy is participating in a online rummy tournament, which gives you an opportunity to rub shoulders with some of the best minds of the sport. Think about the adrenaline gushing, hair-rising and heart-stopping moments that come during the closing stages of a rummy tournament. Can any modern game offer such heart-pounding moments?

It is the combination of all these factors which lend an advantage to rummy, despite the pervasive reach of high-end technology games like PubG. Who would have thought such a simple multiplayer card game online could prevail amidst the tidal wave of new games with superior technology hitting the market everyday. The thrill and fun of a win in a rummy game is probably unmatched. Keep aside the monetary benefits associated with the game, rummy still offers a gratifying experience for players.

In this post we shall probably look at a few other activities which give us thrilling moments as much as when we play rummy online in any sites. If you’re an adrenaline junkie seeking your next big thrill, these are certain activities that should be on your bucket list.

1. Watching a T20 match

The game of cricket has evolved from a five day test match to a one-day international (with a total of 100 overs) to Twenty-20, a short match where each side gets just 20 overs apiece. In today’s fast-paced world, no individual has the time to devote a whole day for watching cricket action. A typical T20 game lasts just for about 3 hours, which is roughly as much as watching an Indian movie.

The game presents an excellent alternative to catch some cricket action during the evenings after work. The action is fast, exciting and not to forget the heart-pounding finishes. Think about the recently concluded India vs New Zealand series, where the Indian team snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. The popularity of this format has sparked a series of T20 league championships all over the world. The T20 format has fueled some spark into the game which was considered too boring for its long duration.

2. Watching a thrilling movie

Most movie buffs like the thriller genre. The plot is thick and multilayered, there’s action, intrigue, mystery and everything a movie buff love. Think about the times we’ve screamed when a suspense has been unfurled in a total shocking and unexpected fashion in the movie. We do go through some anxious moments when the protagonist pieces together the evidences to solve the jigsaw puzzle. Movies in this thriller/mystery genres impresses as it glues us to the plot and we invariably get into the shoes of the protagonist in deducing the mystery.

3. Going on an adventure trip

Are you a thrill-seeker or an adrenaline junkie who gets his/her kicks by going on an adventure? Bungee Jumping from the mountains should be on your radar. Another activity that should give you butterflies in the stomach should be Skydiving. Usually done from an airplane or an you jump out with a parachute on your back. The fall just lasts between 40 seconds and a minute but that’s long enough memory to carry for your rest of your lives. Life is all about discovering the unknown. Doing these activities could give you a new perspective about life.

4. Enjoy outdoor games

Thrills are more enjoyable when shared, and your thrill is amplified by multitudes if you can get people with similar tastes to join you. Nothing beats the good-old ground games which gets you some sun and some fun. Whether it’s the game of a football or a basketball, playing the game with a circle of friends is an immensely gratifying experience. We do enjoy watching the blood, sweat, and tears involved in those games in television. Why not relive those moments in your real life?

These are some activities that are most certain to infuse some thrilling moments in your lives. Do let us know of any other activities that you consider as thrilling as these in the comments section below.

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