The best Cash Tourney Schedule for you!

Rummy tournaments are the real destination to test one’s rummy skills & rummy strategies. It is always believed that Rummy tournaments test a rummy player’s maturity with regard to the game. Players in the Indian online rummy circuit are given a huge number of opportunities to play rummy tournaments in the form of Free & Cash tournaments. It becomes easier for a player with regard to a rummy tournament when they choose Deccan Rummy for their rummy career. The rummy site has done a commendable job in presenting their players with the perfect schedule of Rummy tournaments.

There is a perfect mix of free-roll & cash rummy tournaments. Even though people from outside might think about choosing only free-roll games, but in reality, playing only free-roll tournaments will not be a character of a successful rummy player. Featuring in cash tournaments will help in building oneself as a pro player in the online rummy platform.

When an individual starts spending time in the cash tourneys, there will be a point when he/she completely understands the cash tourney setup and starts winning more than ever. A Free-roll tourney is a safe option, whereas cash tourneys are the real test for you; there comes extra responsibility as it is a real cash buy-in.

Let’s look at the daily schedule of cash tournaments at Deccan Rummy,

Cash 10 & Cash 15

Both the tournaments are quite similar. The name of the contest gets the basic details about the tournaments. Cash 10 requires a ₹10 buy-in, whereas cash 15 needs a ₹15 buy-in. The tournaments are scheduled throughout the day, with both the contests hosted 12 times every day. The seating capacity in both the tourneys is 36, and the prize pool is ₹324 for cash 10 & ₹459 for cash 15. With the contests hosted several times a day, the players in the platform feel elated about the system.

Twenty 20

The tourney is a super cool tourney hosted every morning at 10 am. There are 300 players allowed in playing the tourney. Players have to make a buy-in of ₹20 to play for the ₹6000 worth prize pool. The fun & thrill in the tourney is always at the top!

Morning Dangal

How about a pretty better tourney after playing the twenty 20 tourney? If yes, here’s one for you. Morning Dangal is a cash tourney hosted at 11:45 am; only 144 players are allowed to compete for the Rs 3600 prize pool.


Are you ready to take up the challenge at Noon? Feature at the Challengers tourney at Noon and get your chance to grab from the Rs 3600 prize pool. Players must make a buy-in worth Rs 50, and the seating capacity is 72.


People would have been tired of zoom calls during Work From Home during the lockdown. This Zoom will never tire you; instead, it will boost you to win more at the tables. Play the Zoom tourney every day at 2 pm with a Rs 75 buy-in to smart out the players to win from the Rs 5400 prize pool.

Knight Riders

A tourney for those wanting to ride on the winning track! Play the Knight Riders tourney every day at 4 pm. There are 36 seats for you; make a buy-in worth Rs 100 and play for the Rs 3600 prize pool.

Cash Splash

The last cash tourney for the day, Cash Splash. 400 seats are there for the players to compete for the Rs 10k prize pool. The players must make a buy-in worth Rs 25.

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