Four ways rummy game helps you in life

Today’s monotonous lifestyle is really taking our toll on your mind and body, isn’t it? From home to office, and from office to home, every day seems like a carbon copy. We do not find much time to pursue our hobbies with our busy lifestyle. It’s incredibly grating to follow the same routine all the time. Online gaming has come as a breather for those who want some relaxation to break free from the stressful daily routines.


A lot of people these days play games online across multiple genres. Games like Indian Rummy, Poker, and Blackjack are incredibly popular among the gaming audiences. These games fire the players mentally and charge them up.

Especially rummy game online has picked up steam in the last decade, thereby making it as the biggest Indian game in terms of users as well as revenue. Sites like Deccan Rummy have taken the rummy experience to the next level with their intuitive gaming interface and mammoth promotions.

Playing rummy online helps you beat stress and improve your focus. Want to know how? Well, here are the few reasons which will prove how rummy is effective in relieving your stress and breaking your routine.

This is how Rummy game helps you:

1. Strategy

One of the key elements to be successful in rummy is to get a strong hold on strategies. It is the reason why rummy is referred as the game of skill. The focus  should be on building a pure sequence as soon as you get your cards. Ignore high value cards and try out lots of tactical moves to stay ahead in the race.

For example, if you receive a majority of black cards (10/13) then chances are that your opponent might hold majority red cards. He would require a few more to declare. Hold back on your red cards. You need to think like this from all angles.

As rummy game requires you to be constantly on your toes, it will reflect in your real life and you will be in a position to face any challenge that may come your way.

2. Improve your memory skills

Having a good memory is a must in rummy. As a player, you need to remember the fall of cards throughout the game. It is very important not to discard cards which will be picked by your opponent.

As you keep playing rummy online, your short time memory would improve. Rummy acts as a stimulant for your mind and always keeps you active. So, improve your memory skills by playing rummy online.

3. Attention span

One of the biggest crisis modern day youngsters are facing is the attention span. Our attention span has taken a major hit, thanks to the number of distractions we have. Rummy game requires your complete focus. Though rummy rules remain the same for online as well as offline, while playing online rummy, getting your focus  is easier compared to online, as there are less distractions around. As you play rummy online for a considerable period, your attention span definitely improves.

4. Mentally Agile

In a rummy game, you need real mental agility. The ability to think and react quickly is what that separates genius players from ordinary ones. As soon as the cards are dealt, quickly arrange them into probable sequences and sets. Rummy game bolsters creativity so try out multiple rummy strategies before settling for what works for you. Be it rummy or your life, people who think out of the box often end up being successful.

Five behavioral traits of successful rummy player

Rummy is an entertaining card game that has been associated with the Indian culture and ethos for several centuries. Not only has it acted as a source of entertainment and fun but also as a bridge in mending the generation gaps. One can see the pattern in the way we learned about the game. Most of us learned the game from our earlier generations. We saw them playing, played with them, aped their strategies before establishing ourselves. The traits of the rummy players are pretty interesting .When the game reached its pinnacle, it became a source of study. Many gaming gurus were keen on studying players’ behavior and their approach when it comes to playing 13 card rummy online. The findings on the study were pretty interesting and it is acting as a doctrine for players’ who wish to emulate them.

Having merely mastered the skill is just not enough; players’ must also notice the habits of the successful player and start emulating them so they can advance their gaming career. Are you curious to know the habits of pro rummy players? Read on to polish your skills and enrich your gaming sessions.

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Time to review your New Year resolutions


Last year was an unforgettable year which changed the millions of people living all over the world. The Coronavirus Pandemic has disrupted our lives in every sphere possible. From the threat of pandemic wrecking havoc to having contained the pandemic with minimal damage, our country has come a long way. It was a challenging year for everyone. It was a year that illustrated that with unity and discipline we can ward off any evil.

Now we’ve successfully overcome those dark days and stepped into 2021. New Year always signifies new beginnings, new opportunities, and brings us hopes. Every year people make resolutions during New Year. Resolutions empower you to try out new activities and to leave out activities that are harming you. Some people want to shed their weight, quit smoking or drinking, develop a chiseled body, may have some goals related to finance or education. . How many of us end up successful in keeping our resolutions intact is infact debatable, but the point is every new activity needs a starting point. As long as resolutions do that, why discourage them? Here are a few new year resolutions that you can possibly take and try to follow:

1. Shed those extra kilos

Being obese is no fun. Obesity paves way to multiple diseases. We are sure you must have heard about the adage “health is wealth”, so it’s an area which you cannot ignore. Following a physical training regime everyday would ensure you lose those extra fat that keeps you lazy most of the time. Check with the people who rave about how drastically their lives changed after they lost their weight. Exercising everyday not helps you stay physically fit but also improves your mental health.

2. Develop a skill

Age is never a restriction to learning. It is just a number. Considering the volatile nature of job market, it is essential to keep yourself updated with the latest technical developments. If not, you run the risk of being left out. You cannot keep persevering with what you have. You need to look out for ways to up-skill whenever and wherever possible. Whatever field you are employed in, make sure you keep a track of latest developments in that field and stay updated.

3. Travel more

Now that the vaccination drive has begun, normalcy is being slowly restored. Travel curfews are being slowly lifted. Make sure you have at least two unexplored location in your travel bucket list. The reason we are advocating travel is that it gives you a new perspective to your lives. Plan your travel well in advance to ensure you do not face last minute hiccups. Ensure you take all the safety measures while travelling.

4. Develop productive hobbies

Do you endlessly watch TV or binge on OTT Platform in your free time? If so, it’s time to search for alternate option as it’s not going to help you much. Merely playing a video game for entertainment would be of no avail. It is the reason why should probably try out cognitively enriching game like Indian rummy. Playing rummy online with is known to enhance your concentration, memory, and analytical skills. Rummy players are found out to have lower anxiety levels. Skills associated with rummy game such as decision making, critical thinking, and problem solving often translates into real lives enriching your skills. You can also use your Rummy Skills to have a crack to win a whole-sum cash prize in no time.

Review your resolutions

Let’s face it, if you are not paying attention to your resolutions regularly, you are going to break it. Thus, a crucial part of meeting your resolutions is to periodically review your progress. At a bare minimum, this should be a monthly review, but the more frequent the better. At times when you fall back, the review should help you get back on track. So, if you have not yet taken your resolutions, it’s not too late. Try these activities right now and notice a marked improvement in your lives in a few days.

Five Key Things to know before choosing to play rummy online

The game of Indian rummy has forever attracted players across all walks of life. Much like several aspects in our life, gaming has also moved online. With the changing times and emphasis on social distancing, much of the gaming action has moved online. By playing rummy games online, players get to enjoy their favorite card game from the comfort of their homes and an opportunity to win rewards. Rummy enthusiasts across the game enjoys the game getting onboard in these sites. If you are planning to play rummy online, make sure to take note of these five things.

Play Rummy Online

Play Rummy Online – Checklists

Background check of the website

It’s absolutely mandatory that you select the most trustworthy platform to play rummy online. Running a background check on the website before registering is absolutely essential. It includes reading reviews online about the site, user ratings, checking the site for RNG certification and its payment gateway options. As much as there are genuine rummy sites out there in the market, there are a number of scam sites who would rip you off your money.

Ensure the site has enough information

As much as you are familiar in the game, there are quite a few aspects which you will have to learn. Websites like Deccan Rummy has complete information about the game. From rummy rules and how to play rummy online to advanced rummy strategies and responsible gaming practices, the site has enough information for all types of rummy players. It includes tutorials and videos about the game.

Get used to online playing pattern

If you have spent years playing rummy offline, it may be a bit difficult to adjust in the online ecosystem. You will have to spend some time considerably to learn the gaming mechanics and pattern. While the game play and rules are no different from the offline version, what matters is how to adjust in the online ecosystem. You can start off by playing in the freeroll tournaments which is going to cost you nothing.

Go slow with Multi-tabling

One of the interesting feature that sets online rummy apart from the offline version is multi-tabling compatibility. No matter how strong you are in rummy, you cannot play more than one game at a time in the offline version. In the online ecosystem, the players have an option to play more than one tables at a time. However, it requires some expertise in the game and familiarity with the website. So, take your time to cool your heals off and proceed to multi-tabling gradually. You do not need to rush to multi-tabling no matter right at the beginning.

Start from the lower stakes

It’s much similar to what we have explained above. It’s essential to understand the pattern of the game and understand the functionality of online rummy version. For that, it’s best advised to start off with freerolls and move to lower stakes. You can then gradually move to higher stakes. It eliminates the chance of losing big money right at the beginning. A organic rise also boosts your confidence by a big margin.

Online Rummy has garnered massive popularity in the recent years. Most of it is attributed to the easy gameplay and the ability to enjoy the game anytime, anywhere. Most rummy sites provide you the advantage of huge welcome bonus offers which will strengthen your bankroll on your first deposit. If you want to migrate to the online ecosystem, take into account these factors and start playing now!