With a host of high quality guaranteed rummy tournaments and lucrative promotional offers hosted all through the year avid rummy aficionado, Deccan Rummy, India’s leading online rummy site has earned the tag of being the loved rummy site among the Indian gaming audience. Ensuring our loyal rummy base is fully satisfied, we offer our loyal customers countless opportunities to win big bucks and rake in big moolahs throughout the year. Aside from providing a superior gaming experience, we delight the customer with superior customer service. It comes as no surprise to see the customers flock in droves to our gaming platform for some intriguing gaming action and an opportunity to earn a life-changing sum of money.
One of the huge attractions besides the seamless gaming interface has been our rummy tournaments which see participation from brilliant minds all over the country. Our rummy games and tournaments are leagues apart from the rest both in terms of the prize pool as well as quality. We’ve just decided to up the ante with yet another stunning offering in the tournament section.

Rummy Express
Gear up for an exciting rummy ride with our brand new rummy tournament called Rummy express. Coming with a collective prize pool of Rs. 4 Lakhs, the rummy express tournament promises to be an exciting ride for the rummy enthusiasts as the name suggests.
Our Rummy players have been requesting for a bigger tournament with satellites for some time. This tournament comes to fulfill their longtime wish.
There’s no better word for a rummy player than high value. High value is the cornerstone of the Rummy Express tournament.
True to its name, rummy express promises to be an exciting ride. Players who played the tournament in the limited time since its launch have been raving about the exciting format. The multi-level rummy tournament at extremely low buy-in allows every player an opportunity to win big cash prizes online.
Want to know how to reach the final to grab the prize? Follow the hierarchy given below!
Express Satellites
Play our Express Satellites every day at a low buy-in of Rs. 20 for a prize pool of Rs. 3240. Satellites will be conducted 5 times a day at 10:30 AM, 12:30 PM, 2:30 PM, 4:30 PM and 6:30 PM. In addition to the prizes, 30 tickets to Express Qualifiers will be issued in this round.
Express Qualifiers
Play our Express Qualifiers every day at a nominal buy-in of Rs. 50 for a prize pool of Rs. 4860. Qualifiers will be conducted 3 times a day at 12:30 PM, 4:30 PM, and 8:30 PM. In addition to the prizes, 36 tickets for the final will be issued to the winners.
Express Final
Don’t want to take the long route to the final? No problem! Take part in the final with a nominal buy-in of Rs. 100 and fight for the prize pool of Rs. 6480 each day. Players who won the free tickets through qualifiers can play this tournament free of cost.
Imagine getting close to a payout of INR 4 lakhs a month at an extremely low investment! It’s a windfall prize pool! Well, this is a reality now with our latest offering in Rummy Express, an express ride that is thoroughly enjoyable and hugely beneficial!
So if you want to win big, gear up for this tournament and login to your Deccan Rummy account to register for this rummy express series! This is one opportunity you definitely should not miss out on.