Four strategical mistakes while playing rummy

Learning the rules of rummy game is not very complicated, but implementing the right moves at the right time can be quite challenging. There are many mistakes players at all level make that cost them the game eventually. It is important that you get to know about these common mistakes so as to avoid them in the future. So, it is good to know about the five common strategical mistakes players make, to make your rummy journey more smooth.


Four Strategical Mistakes

1. Prematurely Fold

While folding is not really a bad idea and smart players fold at times, it is important to note that folding is at times a sign of weakness. If you fold so very often then it signals to your opponent that you are a weak player. You certainly want to do not give cues to your opponents any time during the game, giving up so often by folding does not augur well for future prospects.

2. Playing at Multiple Tables

It is one of the major mistakes novices make. While multitabling is an exciting way to make quick bucks, without much experience, you may also lose all the money by end. The smartest way is to play one table at a time. Once you consistently start generating profit, you may go for multitable rummy action.

3. Not valuing your hands correctly

It is a known secret that the starting hands play an important role in a rummy game. One of the important aspect of rummy strategies is to analyze your starting hands and base your moves based on that. If you do not know understand your hand properly, you are probably never going to make it big in rummy. Learning how starting hands make a difference to your game is probably a good idea before moving to further rummy strategies.

4. Poor Bankroll Management

We understand not every can have the capacity to pump in unlimited amount of money into the tables. At Deccan Rummy, we also do not want you to overplay at any cost, that’s the reason we have responsible gaming practices to keep a check on the player’s gaming practices. It includes restricting their deposit limits, restricting entry to high-stakes etc. We advise the players to play at the tables that they can afford rather than overplaying and lose everything. Players who do not have control over their bankroll eventually lose their interest in the game.


Being a novice in rummy can be tough, but if you do not cave yourself to these mistakes, there is no reason why you can’t progress quickly. Do not allow these mistakes to cost you dearly. Take your game to the next level by mastering rummy strategies to take advantage of rummy hands and earn big winning opportunities.

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