The Rise of Social Gaming in India

Social Gaming is a buzzword these days. Social gaming is all about playing online games with multiple players over the internet on a common platform. There are millions of social games available these days keeping the players occupied 24/7.

People play these games for various reasons the primary being to have fun and to relieve themselves of the stress. With the rising technological revolution, social gaming is all set to rule the internet in the years to come.

According to a recent research published, the gaming sector is growing at the rate of 60-70% in India. It is valued at 900-1200 crores approximately. The main reason for such an explosive growth is the rapid internet penetration and the proliferation of smartphone devices in India. With cheap data plans offered by mobile service providers throughout India, gaining access to the internet is not so difficult. People of India by nature are adventurous and they are not going to let go of such an opportunity. With various games available on the iOS and Android platform, they have their hands full.

Social Gaming

The rise of Mobile gaming companies offering Social Gaming

There are so many mobile gaming companies offering social games on both the platform. They identify the needs and requirements of various players and cater games to them. They have in-depth knowledge of the player’s mindset so they design and develop games that they like the most. Most of the games are available for free so that the players can play without much effort.

Many players are intrigued by the initial levels of the game which are free, however, if they wish to progress to the next levels, they need to make in-app purchases and that’s where the companies are making a huge profit. People naturally get lured to go to the next level as most of these games are very exciting. Companies too deploy various creative levels in the existing games to keep the audience’ interest soaring. Many of games are very motivating and encourage the people to push their limits. You may want to read about the 5 Motivational factors in Online Gaming that we had put up earlier in our blog.

Online Rummy – A skill based game

Many traditional games have been converted to the online platform and have found interest in the audiences. In particular skill, games seem to have high takers among the Indian audiences. Online rummy is a skill based game which is extremely popular among Indian audiences. You can see online rummy has featured in the top 5 mobile games. The reason for such a popularity is that online rummy requires the players to apply logic and overpower their opponents. The game involves a lot of intricate techniques like outmaneuvering your opponents with your decision-making skills, remembering the fall of cards and base your moves accordingly.

Additionally, online rummy has deep connections with the Indian history and it works to its advantage. Another factor that contributes to the rise of social gaming in India is, the companies come up with lots of incentives. For example, online rummy companies come up with generous offers and promotions like the welcome bonus, deposit bonus, leaderboard contest with opulent rewards.


Already popular with millions of users worldwide, social gaming continues to impress with local nuances and cultural elements incorporated to make the game interesting. For example, Deccan Rummy recently launched a promotion called Deccan Carnival, where a fictitious character called Rummy Raani travels to many locations and collects information about various places also coming up with various promotions. This promotion serves as a good example of how popular social gaming could be. Many rummy sites offering social rummy games also have extensive tutorials on rummy rules and how to play rummy online.
Social gaming is all set to make a big impact in the years to come given the explosive growth rate. It will continue to capture the attention of millions of passionate gamers throughout the country.

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