Upside & Downside of playing with Rummy Mobile Apps

Rummy has been India’s favorite card game from time immemorial, and today, thanks to various technological advancements, rummy players need not scout for clubs or people to play the game, as a number of sites offering rummy games online. Although offline rummy is an unbeatable experience, playing online rummy has become a norm these days. And the latest trend in playing rummy online is playing it using the rummy mobile app.

Ever since mobile rummy came into the picture, the popularity of it has been skyrocketing. Truth said millions of players enjoying playing rummy wanted an easier way to play the game. Initially, just a few sites developed a rummy app for their users. Because of the huge popularity and demand, now every rummy site is now essentially forced to develop their own mobile app for their players to enjoy.

An experienced rummy player would be able to discern playing rummy on a mobile from playing it online. In this article, we shall briefly analyze the advantages and disadvantages of rummy mobile APP.

Rummy Mobile

Play as and when you like

The primary advantage of playing rummy on your mobile device is that you can practically play the game at any place where you get an Internet connection. Stuck in a queue somewhere? Bored during a long travel? Log in and play a little rummy online. In these days where ISPs like Jio and Airtel come up with huge offers, getting an internet connection is not a big deal. Most of the mobile rummy apps are available for Android as well as iOS platforms. As long as you have an iOS or an Android device and are free to download, you can download them for free & enjoy playing to your heart’s content.

Smooth Gaming Experience

Given the sophisticated technology used to build Rummy Mobile APP these days, you’ll enjoy a smooth gaming experience in your mobiles than on your computer. Unlike flash games that crash so often, these mobile games have strong durability and provide an awesome gaming experience at all times.

Enhanced visuals

With every new type of smartphones that are releasing now, the online rummy operators are responding to it by coming up with excellent updates to their existing app or even completely revamping the process. One of the reasons why people prefer playing using the mobile App is the sophisticated and enhanced graphics. With tight competition around, users are guaranteed to get a good mobile APP with user-friendly features like enhanced visuals, easy swipe, 2D tables and easy navigation. The Deccan Rummy mobile app is one of the best apps available boasting of the above-said features.

Mobile Friendly Promotions

Finally, if you’re playing you are using the mobile APP; you may be receiving exclusive bonuses. Many online rummy sites see giveaways as one of the options to popularize their rummy mobile app.

The down side

The convenience of playing on a device that you carry along everywhere comes at the cost of a smaller screen size. True that there are tablets and smartphones with bigger screen sizes but it takes time for the player used to playing on a desktop or a laptop to adjust to playing using a mobile app. Because of this factor, some players would play fewer games than they would otherwise. Multiplayer gaming which can be managed quite easily on a desktop is impossible using a mobile rummy app. Rummy on mobiles could become incredibly addictive. As it is, mobile phones have become an inseparable part of a person. Throw in the excitement of playing rummy, there is an instant addiction that you need to watch out.

On a neutral scale, if you analyze the positive side of mobile apps far outweigh the negative ones. It would come as no surprise if the mobile rummy app becomes the default choice for rummy enthusiasts to play and enjoy Indian rummy card game in the future. As mobile technology keeps growing, we’re bound to see more and more online rummy operators jumping into the fray and improve their mobile offerings.

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