Rummy etiquettes for every rummy player

Most people think that since they are sitting behing a computer while playing online rummy, it gives them free license to act whatever way they want. Behaving like a jackass is not appreciated in the online rummy community. Most rummy websites hold certain standards for the players. Be it any activity, manners maketh a person. People who maintain etiquettes and stick to principles and rules thrive by for a long period. People with scant regard for the rules and etiquettes find themselves in trouble more often than not.

It is the players responsibility to abide by the Rummy rules and follow certain etiquettes whenever they play rummy online. Ensure these etiquettes are well etched in your mind whenever you hit our tables.

Rummy Etiquettes

Rummy Etiquettes

1. Do not berate or mock a player for a wrong move. Rummy platforms cannot guarantee a level field in all the tables as players with different skill levels hit our platform. The last thing a player would want is to be a subject of mockery from other players.

2. Do not pass lewd or objectionable comments towards other players at any cost.

3. Be civic while using the chat feature in the rummy tables. Abstain from posting comments that are abusive, derogatory, dismissive, scornful in nature. Posting such contents constitute as violation of terms and conditions and players can be banned for such violations.

4. Do not create more than one account in any platform. It’s against the terms and conditions of the site as you are robbing other’s geniune chances to win.

5. Humbleness is a virtue that never goes unrewarded. Be courteous to your fellow players, dealers, and to the support agents.

6. Never conspire against any player as it’s a violation of our fairplay policy. Our rummy platform is meant for people to enjoy the fun and thrill of rummy along with a chance to make a fortune. People indulging in any kinds of malpractices will be banned and will also lose their further chances to compete in our platform.

7. We understand that the internet speed will differ from one part of the country to the other. Hence, we request players to be patient if their opponents take the full alloted time to make their moves.

8. Do not spam or flood the comment section in our blogs or reading materials with unwanted marketing messages. Ensure you post queries relevant to the discussion all the time.

9. Do not scream out of joy or agony during winnings and losses. There are many other players who hit our tables with a lot of hopes. Ensure you do not berate them.

10. If you’re ever disconnected, be prepared to see your stack reduced. That’s just part of the game, an unfortunate part to be sure, but one which will occur far more frequently than you might imagine.

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