3 ways to confuse your opponents while playing rummy

The game of rummy is of the most loved strategy game that has been played in India for decades. The main reason why the game has enjoyed such a massive popularity in India is due to the fact that the game is fun, thrilling and requires some intelligence to compete. Most importantly, it is easy to play. With some amounts of practice and perseverance, players can learn the intricacies of the game and can compete with other rummy gamers at any level. Additionally, most rummy sites have dedicated articles on rummy tips and strategies that you can go through to sharpen your knowledge.

A successful player knows how to draw his opponents into making moves that are beneficial to his game and help him meet the objective. This is possible once the players learn how to bluff his opponents. Upon research about the ways in which players managed to be successful in rummy game, bluffing proved to be the primary catalyst that helped the player to meet his objective. In this article, we shall see the ways through which you can confuse your opponents and win the game.

  1. Bait your opponents

Rummy experts know the way to extract the card they want from their opponents. The method of luring your opponents to drop a card that you require is called as baiting in online rummy. Take for example, if you are looking for a queen of hearts to form a set when you already have a queen of clubs and diamonds. Drop a king of hearts. That way, your opponents might think you aren’t making any sequence with it and may drop the queen of hearts in the even he has it. Pick that card immediately and form a set of queens!

  1. Pick cards from the open deck

The more you pick the cards from the open deck, the more your opponents become jittery. Regardless of whether it fits your scheme of things, if you keep picking cards from the open deck for a  couple of turns, your opponent might get wary that you are about to complete the hand and may fold. Many successful players use this technique to rattle their opponents.

  1. Drop lower ranked cards

The most important strategy to be successful in an online rummy game is to not give any clues about the combinations that you are trying to meld. Once they get a clue they can easily gauge your game-play. So, the onus is on the player to keep his combinations intact. Dropping the lower ranked cards is a good strategy followed by several successful rummy players. This will create a false impression in the minds of your adversaries that you are about to complete the game. If you use this strategy, they will be forced to fold their hand.

  1. Read the hands of your opponents

One of the hardest things for a rummy player is to read the hands their opponents are trying to build. But if you manage to do this, you are on your way to victory as other strategies are largely reliant on this skill. A good observation skill is required in order to track your opponents’ combinations. Keenly watch their discards and pick-ups. Throw one or two cards as a bait so that you will get an idea about their melds.

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