Ways to regain love for rummy game

Rummy Game

There are times in life where we do not find the motivation for an activity we love to do always either as a hobby or a profession. It is something every rummy game player undergoes at some point in time. The question is not about love being lost, our brain is programmed to look at an activity negatively if it’s monotonous. It could be in situations where your work is hectic or a family situation that is not allowing you to fully concentrate on the game. Whatever be the case, most of the players go through such stages. Especially, when players go on a losing streak.

For players, who play rummy game online as a source of second income, it might not be possible to stay away from the game for too long. However, there are other things in life to look forward to that can improve your mood and rejuvenate you during such instances. For example, you can go on vacation with your friends, catch a movie in a theatre, play outdoor games such as golf, football, or any other physically demanding game. Research indicates there is a direct correlation between physical and mental health. Going through these activities is known to rejuvenate you and increase your focus and concentration.

You can use this mental break away from the game to look at the game from a different angle. As we all know in this information and technology era, there is no stopping learning. People who stop learning become obsolete. So, you can use this break away from the game to engage yourself  in the below-mentioned activities which are proved to be highly effective.

Get back to being best in the Rummy Game

  1. Read a Book

Reading is one of the powerful means of enhancing one’s knowledge and worldview. Developing a reading habit is not only vital from an academic point of view but also helpful in everyday life. When was the last time you bought a book and read it end-to-end? Must be so long right? Unfortunately, the other mediums for engagement and entertainment have pushed reading habit to the backseat.

Pick a book, preferably a sports autobiography, and read it end to end. Books such as Touching the Void by Joe Simpson, will give you new hopes and look at life from a new different perspective.

  1. Watch a Sports Movie

Movies are a great source of fun and entertainment. Watching a sports movie can be really uplifting during times when you feel mentally down.

The focus of the most popular sports movies, in general, is not all about the sport, it’s the story theme (for example, rise of the underdog) that has always enamored the audience. For example, movies like Rocky still don’t age even after 4 decades. The tale of Rocky Balboa is arguably the greatest sports movie ever made. If you’re feeling down or depressed, watching Rocky can be immensely uplifting. If you are insistent about card games, then there can be no better option than Rounders. In fact, you can read about the best movies for card gamers in a separate post.

  1. Participate in Forums

Being a part of a forum or discussion board gives you a sense of belonging to a community. It is the reason why social networking sites were primarily formed. It brings closure, allows people to transfer knowledge, have fun at the same time.

If you love playing card games such as poker and 13 card rummy game, there are various discussion forums and message boards that you can be part of without having to actively play the game. For example, if you are on a mental break away from the game, you can join these forums to enhance your knowledge about the game. Maybe you come across a strategy or a hack that you have not heard before. Trust us, it will be an immensely enriching experience.

Staying a while away from the rummy game is not such a bad idea. You can make up for the time lost with additional winnings if you come well-prepared. Following these tips will help you in the process hugely.

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