Play rummy and be a part of Gold Bonanza

Play rummy
“Gold coin winners across the nation”

Our goldQuest tourney has made heads turn by the rummy contingents with its huge success. Right from the day of its inception, goldQuest tourney has been very successful in attracting players across our country without any barriers. New players are absolutely fascinated by the offer and are eagerly participating in this tournament. Winning a brand new gold coin has always been a dream. To stick their neck out and battle some of the experienced players take a lot of heart and courage. Many of them much to our surprise have been successful in their first attempts. This shows that nothing is unconquerable in this Online rummy world. We appreciate their monumental efforts from the bottom of our hearts. Several gold coin winners are from rural parts of India much to our surprise. This indicates the depth the rummy tournament has penetrated.

We never expected this kind of response when we first announced this promotion, to be fair. The overwhelming response to this promotion made us announce this tourney as a routine affair. The curiosity and excitement for this tourney hasn’t toned down a bit to this day.

The reason we believe for the massive success of this tourney is its simple structure that saves the players from toiling hard.

Game Play

  1. The Game has 3 rounds of Online rummy where every round has 3 Deals
  2. End of the first round also called as Quarterfinal, the player who has the maximum points in each table moves to the second round.
  3. At the end of the second round, the player who has the maximum points in each table to the final round
  4. The end of the final round, the player who has the maximum number of points after the three deals will take home a 0.5 gm 999 Gold Coin.

*If there are two or more players with similar points at the end of a round, then our software randomly selects a player, who then moves into the next round

We know for a fact that winning is not everything in sports – those who have lost games will definitely know that. A game you lose fighting hard is more gratifying than winning games at ease.  Rummy is a game similar to roller coaster – there will be ups and down. Winning and losing happens very frequently for a rummy player. It is important to keep your feet on the ground and remain unfazed by wins or losses. As mentioned earlier, nothing in the world is insurmountable when you remain stapled with grit and determination.

How to Join?

You can enter the tournament at no entry fee by simply registering your entry at the goldQuest option under Tournaments tab in the lobby section, after logging in to your account. Only 180 seats are available. Grab your position as soon as you can!!!

Time for registration: Everyday at 11 am

Time the game starts: Every day at 1 pm.

Entry to this tournament is restricted to players who have earned minimum 100 loyalty points within last three days. Please refer our article on Loyalty points to know more about it.

For those who couldn’t make the cut, don’t feel disappointed; continue playing and the victory that is eluding you will fall in your lap sooner than later.

The fan base for this tournament continues to grow exponentially. It’s time for lurkers to jump into action as just 180 seats are available in the goldQuest tourney per day. So, better hurry up and register now. Play Rummy with us and bestow upon yourself this golden opportunity.

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