Play rummy game online & win iPhone 8

The go-to Indian online rummy portal, DeccanRummy is always in the news with their exciting promotions. Deccan Rummy has already established itself as one of the most popular and innovative online rummy sites, resplendent with promotions that provides a lucrative environment for all of our players.

Diamond weekly leaderboard

Be it exciting bonus offer or thrilling tournaments, Deccan Rummy has been one step ahead of all our competitors. One of the important promotions that still continue to attract players is the weekly leaderboard contest. Online Rummy players always love challenges. This weekly leaderboard contest exactly provides that. Right from the day of its launch, the promotion has captured the imagination of our players with its splendid giveaways which will make your hearts skip a beat. This leaderboard commencing on Sundays and ending on Saturday with each week’s winners announced at the Saturday’s EOD is exactly the type of offer, players are expecting.

What attracts the player is that the contest is open at every prize range that is available. From a mere buy-in of ₹10 up to ₹10,000, the contest opens a window of opportunity for the players to grab some of the most awesome prizes that they will not  get at other sites. For the past few weeks we have been giving away an amazing iPhone 8 for the winners of the Diamond leaderboard race. So many players have benefited out of this weekly leaderboard race and are proudly flashing their iPhone 8.

How to win iPhone 8 playing rummy game?

iPhone 8 is very much winnable. If you want to save your money on buying this awesome gadget, you probably ought to take this shot at winning one for free. The gorgeous device can be won by topping the weekly diamond leaderboard race. Playing cash rummy game online is the only way to win it.

Play cash games on tables valued more than Rs 2000 and generate loyalty points to stand a chance to win iPhone 8. As to the players who won, Deccan Rummy expresses our heartiest congratulations to each and every player who won. For players who couldn’t make the cut till now, we would advise them not to give up. The weekly leaderboard contest is still wide open and everyone can compete to try their luck.

How to check your loyalty points?

  1. Login to your account
  2. Click on leaderboard
  3. Click on diamond leaderboard to check the diamond points accumulated.
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