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How to deal with a bad hand in a rummy game

Life is not a bed of roses. We all don’t get the things on a silver platter. We have to scrape and piece it together to get what we want. The same situation translates into the online rummy sphere.

Rummy is a game that requires you to utilize your skills and strategies to win. Each player gets 13 cards which they have to assemble into sets and sequences. At times, the players may get bad hands which they may find difficult to organize. No matter the hand, a good rummy player would prevail in the game no matter how bad their hands are. In this post, we will teach you how to deal with a bad hand.

Dealing with a Bad Hand

1. Bluffing

Bluffing is a term that’s often related to having some sort of a negative connotation. However, in card games, bluffing is an art which needs to be perfected by everyone. Bluffing is nothing but tricking your opponent by throwing a card or with your emotions (in a real game). For instance, You may throw a card you need and deceive your opponent.

While it may sound so simple in writing, executing it to perfection is an art. You need to practice as much as possible to master this art.

2. Analyze your cards

As soon as the cards are dealt, sort your cards and analyze them before making a move. This will give you an idea about how to proceed with the game and strategize your moves.

For instance, if receive a bad hand and play it without analyzing the cards, chances are such that you will lose by a big margin. At the same time, you should analyze your competitor’s cards and their moves. While keeping track of their moves will give you an upper hand.

3. Discard High-Value Cards

In the Indian rummy game (King, Queen, Jack, and 10) are considered high-value cards. All these cards are worth 10 points each. If you are dealt a bad hand consisting of high-value cards, it’s imperative to discard them right away.

If you do not discard them at the earliest, chances are that they may cost you the game heavily. When you play rummy with real money and do not discard it as said, you will have to lose a large amount of money.

4. Drop the game

At times, you can quit the game without suffering a huge loss. It can be done by using the Drop option available on the screen.
1. First Drop – If you decide to quit in the first round, you will lose with 20 points
2. Middle Drop – If you decide to quit at any point other than the first round, you will lose with 40 points.

The drop option is quite useful when it comes to dealing with a bad hand in a rummy game. You can quit the game, there’s no shame in doing so, even for expert players at all times.

If you are a novice, you can learn how to play rummy at Deccan Rummy. Join our site and get access to a range of practice games, and tournaments at no cost! Download our rummy app for android and get started today!

How to unlock unlimited Refer a Friend Bonus?

Probably the best thing about Online rummy other than the rush and fun part is the real cash earning opportunity. With a wide range of promotions live, sites like Deccan Rummy give players a opportunity to win real cash regularly. From rummy bonus to tournaments to leaderboard contest, the site is filled with exclusive promotions that could increase your bankroll consistently. Why not share the same with your friends?

Rummy is a game that is best enjoyed when played with a group. Deccan Rummy provides opportunity to share the thrilling rummy experience with friends.

With our Refer a Friend offer, Players can refer their friends to Deccan Rummy through different means which have been detailed below. These revered players can create an account, and start their rummy career.

For each game that they play, you would get a reward which is 10% of their rake fee. This promotion is better compared to most Refer-A-Friend programs that will generally offer a little award for the referrer. There’s no limitation on the quantity of players that you can refer to our site.

How to refer a friend  to Deccan Rummy?

⦁ Click on Refer and Earn

⦁ Go Invite your friend – > ‘Web Mail Share’. Add email manually or import contacts from gmail and send an email to every one of your friends.

⦁ Click on Social Share. Select the account you need to use to share the outside reference (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn).

⦁ Get them to register with the link.

⦁ Remind them of the welcome bonus offers and other extra offers that they can benefit of when they register.

⦁ Once they hit the money tables, your reward will begin growing.

How to improve Positive thinking in Life?

Staying positive all the time is nearly unrealistic. Human brains are hardwired to look at things in a negative or skeptical way naturally. It takes a lot of time and efforts to train your brain look at things positively. Reinforcing positive thoughts is much easier said than done with the amount of baggage the modern world forces up on us. However, it’s not simply unachievable.

If you are determined to succeed in life, having a positive outlook is very important. You will have to constantly work to eliminate negative thoughts. Having a positive outlook is remarkably good for your physical and mental health. You will also become more productive in your work if you start approaching things with a positive outlook. This post will explain the five easy-to-do steps to reinforce positive thinking in your life.

1. Replace Negative Thoughts with positive ones

The first step to change your thoughts to positive, is to replace all the negative thoughts with positive. Dealing with negative thoughts can have detrimental effects. Most of our negative thoughts stem from gut feeling, not absolute facts. Following negative thoughts can have dire consequences. Try to analyze the thoughts rationally. Following a rational approach will automatically eliminate negative thoughts which stem largely out of insecurity, fear, and skeptic nature. Replacing such negative thoughts with practical, positive thoughts will solve half of your problems.

2. Socialize

According to a legendary Greek Philosopher “Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual”. Humans can hardly survive with out socializing. Being reclusive often is just going to keep you in a shell and you are more prone to be affected by negative thoughts. It’s always good to follow the nature’s protocol and mingle with everybody. Socializing with people elevates our mood and keep us in good spirits.

3. Play Online Games

At times socializing may not be possible. As we are living amidst the Coronavirus Pandemic, social settings have changed considerably. Till the vaccines are ready, we must be prepared to follow all the protocols as advised by the health organizations such as following social distancing etc. However, it does not mean you should avoid human contact completely. We may be separated physically. but there’s nothing that stops us socializing through online. Online games give the perfect platform for it. Games like Online Rummy, Online Poker, and various other games provides a shared platform for gamers to play the game.

Playing Skill games like 13 card Rummy online improves our attention span, memory, and analytical skills. Additionally, they also provide an opportunity to win money online. As most of the games are based on objective, you will learn how to work towards your goal staying positively. You can simply register in a rummy site or with a rummy mobile app and start playing.

4. Eliminate unnecessary stress and worries

Burdening yourself with stressful thoughts and activities is only going to make things worse. A lot of people increase their stress by constantly worrying about their futures thereby making their present hell. It serves no purpose. Ensure you do things that makes you happy. Be it exercising, chit-chatting with your friends, or watching your favorite stand-up comedy shows or movies, seek out things that puts a smile on your face. Laughing your heart out flushes out most of your stress and it also releases endorphins, a feel good hormone that elevates your mood.

5. Accept and Find Solutions

There are quite a few things in life that are beyond our control. No matter how hard we try, we cannot change them. Haven’t your heard of the phrase the only constant in life is change. There is a lot of truth to it. Instead of being resistant to change, learn to embrace it. Once you realize that change is inevitable, it’s more easier for you to cope up even when something horrible happens. Try to look for the positive aspect in every change that happens instead of scrutinizing it or trying to escape your way out of it.

As mentioned, staying positive all the time is more easier said than done. However, following these steps will see a gradual change in your mentality. You will be more outgoing and reciprocal to changes. You will be strong enough even when a tragedy strikes unexpectedly.

Importance of Money ethics in Online Rummy

Be it managing your monthly expenses, planning an outing, or playing a game, setting a budget is very important. It gives an impression that you are a financially shrewd person. Following money ethics properly takes you a long way as a responsible human. Usually, when it comes to recreational activities, we tend to take ethics lightly, and as a result of it, people usually endure losses.

Just like how we follow certain principles, and ethics in real life, the online gaming sphere also has certain rules, regulations, codes of conduct, and principles to follow. By adhering to this, you can have a safe and secure gaming experience and also avail yourself of a chance to win lots of money.

1. Fix a Budget

Is it possible to manage your monthly home expenses without properly framing a budget? Wouldn’t things go really haywire? You don’t want to become a bummer by mismanaging your money, right? The same scene plays out in the online gaming sphere.

When it comes to playing rummy games online, it is better to fix a budget and utilize it according to your convenience. For instance, whenever you play cash games or tournaments with cash, you can invest the money only required by allocating an amount specified for online gaming, weekly or monthly according to your convenience.

2. Set a limit

We at Deccan Rummy strongly believe in providing a safe, secure, and responsible gaming environment for our players. At the same time, we want to ensure players do not go astray when it comes to depositing money. It is the reason why we’ve fixed a deposit limit for every player. This way we are able to keep the player’s gaming habits in check and ensure this recreational activity does not turn into an obsession.

From a personal end, make sure you bring only what you can afford to the table. Ensure you do not burn your pocket or waste too much time playing.

3. Reinvest your money

Reinvesting your gain is pretty common in financial markets. By reinvesting, you can leverage the advantage of capital gain and net a good profit.

Similarly, you can reinvest your winnings in Cash rummy games. For example, we have a lot of freeroll games which come with a good chunk of the prize pool and cost you nothing to play. Instead of withdrawing your winnings, you can use them to reinvest while playing cash games. At times, we may experience a cash crunch, or during situations where you don’t want to shell out more, this money would come in handy.

4. Offers & Promotions

Many Rummy sites reward their users with periodic bonus offers and cashback. Smart Players would take advantage of these bonus offers as soon as they are on to load their accounts with cash.

For Instance, there are monthly, daily, and weekly bonus offers that add value to your deposit. These extras would come in handy as you do not have to think about adding money every time you want to play.


Play Rummy following money ethics religiously. As a platform provider, Deccan Rummy has integrated a lot of features to ensure you have a safe and secure gaming experience. So go ahead, and have a trailblazing gaming experience.