Idioms that have their origins from Card games

Card games

Have you ever thought about the relationship between certain common idioms and phrases that we use in real life and card games? Some words which we use inadvertently in our daily lives have larger significance in the world of online rummy and other card games. On closer examination, it will be revealed that these phrases indeed have their origin from the card games. Let us briefly analyse some of these phrases:

  1. Cards are stacked against – This phrase is often used in situations where luck and fortune elude us leaving us with little chances for a victory or to put it simply a very disadvantageous situation. This term has its origins in gambling, where to stack the cards means to arrange cards in secret in one’s own favour or against one’s opponent. Isn’t that a recurring situation while playing rummy online or any other card games? How many times have we seen players land in such a situation where cards are stacked against them leaving them with very little chances of victory?
  2. Play your cards right – It is used to emphasize the need to work or negotiate correctly and skilfully. This is very much applicable to rummy where it is very important to play our hand cards correctly. An error in judgment or a lapse in concentration will cost us dearly. Online Rummy is not a game that can be played by being laid back and placid – you would require 100 % concentration, focus, and energy.
  3. When the chips are down – We use this when things really get really difficult for us. This phrase has its origins from the poker game: when all the bets have been made and all the cards dealt the finality of throwing your chips in a poker game.
  4. The joker in the pack – A fortune or a lucky charm that could change a situation in a way that you do not expect. Jokers play a very important role in a rummy game. In fact, they are often referred as trump cards that could change the course of the game. The game often swings in favour of the person holding multiple jokers. We can often see anxious players in tables waiting for the joker cards with a bated breath.
  5. A few cards short of a deck – It can be thought of as a polite way of referring someone with a less intellectual capacity. It is actually an insult concealed with humour. Don’t we hear people who lost the game lamenting about how they were “A few cards short of a deck” very often?
  6. Have an ace up your sleeve – If you have an ace up your sleeve, you are in secret possession of something which would come to your advantage. This phrase has its origins in the 18th century where while playing card games players would secretly hide aces in their sleeves and pulled them out when nobody was looking.

I’m sure most of us wouldn’t have recognized these many similarities between online rummy and real life. This shows that the relationship between card games and players goes well beyond their screen time. Players can refer rummy rules and how to play rummy tutorial in our site for a better understanding about the game. Also read how playing rummy can be a gratifying experience.

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