How Cheating is prevented in Online rummy with technology?

Is it possible to cheat in online rummy? This is the pressing question that’s been pondering over in the minds of online rummy skeptics. As the stories of some fake sites ripping people off continues to emerge every now and then, the skeptics have valid ground to air their doubts. Most skeptics are also worried about their identify safety and payment safety as they worry about the authenticity and legality of games.

To clear the air, online rummy is first a legal game. According to supreme court of India, playing rummy for stakes is legal as it is primarily a skill game. As far as authenticity angle goes, it largely depends on the platform where you play rummy online.

In a broader scheme of things, most online rummy sites these days are secure. This is ofcourse not to deny the presence of certain fake sites. However, as people are increasingly aware of the safety features that are essential to a rummy platform, most sites existing these days have enforced strict fairplay and security measures as their reputation is on the line.

Having mentioned that, we will run you through a series of features implemented by popular rummy sites like Deccan Rummy that leaves no cracks open for cheating of any kind.

1. RNG

The Random Number Generator algorithm, abbreviated as RNG is a foolproof system that prevents a player from making any reasonable prediction about the cards that are dealt to him.

The primary feature of RNG is generating different kind of random elements. This feature is used not only in rummy, but also in several other online games. RNG incorporates various mathematical concepts to constantly create a random sequence without any pattern of predictabily. Which essentially means no player would get the same set of cards in the subsequent rummy game they play. With RNG, the possibility of favoritsm in dealing the cards is completely eliminated. Every player starts the game on an equal footing.

2. Fairplay Algorithm

We want every player to have a fair and enjoyable gaming experience, so Deccan Rummy maintains a strict fair play practice on our platform.

At Deccan Rummy, we have a 24/7 monitoring mechanism which checks any fairplay violation

Anti Collusion measures are integrated into our platform, which checks if players indulge in any kinds of collusion

If we receive any trigger warnings of foulplay or collusions, the players involved in such malpractices are summarily banned and the funds in their account are locked.

The veracity of our fairplay and RNG algorithm is tested and certified by Infysec Labs as per international rules and norms.

3. Payment Security

Our site provide safe and secure payment options for players to make their deposits. You can use your debit or credit cards or internet banking or even payment wallets for funds transfer. Armed with SSL certificate, all the transactions done in our platform are safe and secure.

To Sum up, we can guarantee a safe and secure gaming experience at Deccan Rummy. Feel free to hit the tables and play our online rummy games and relish the gaming experience.

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