Score better in rummy by keeping your emotions under check

Certain people think that luck plays a major role in the game of rummy. Sure, one cannot deny the involvement of luck in the game. For example, you could consider yourself lucky if you get a good starting hands. With a good starting hand, you can easily meld your sets and/or sequences without much worry. However, luck alone does not determine the outcome in a rummy game. It is the players’ skill and mental dexterity that determines the outcome in a rummy card game. Long term sustainability in a game depends on your skill and how well you are able to handle your emotions in a rummy table.

Take stock of emotions

Talking about emotions, it is very important to keep your emotional tab under control as not keeping track of it may cause spoilsport in the game. If you give into emotions like fear, anxiety or anger, then there is very little chance for you to win. Players who win consistently have mastered the art of handling their emotions well. They do not take hasty decisions when things do not turn out in their way.

Being a card game online that is heavily reliant on skill, one must focus on improving their skills continuously without giving room for emotions. You need to completely focus on the game and do not give any room for distracting thoughts and ensure that negative emotions do not ruin your game at any cost.

Make sure you are at peace at all the time and sit and play the game in a comfortable environment where you could focus on the game only. Keep the diverting thoughts at bay and ensure you put forward your best moves when on the table.

To help you further overcome the bouts of emotions that may interfere in the game which may affect your prospects, here are a few tips that you can follow:

Activities that you can follow


Meditation increases your focus and concentration. It helps you calm your mind and keeps negative thoughts at bay. Since a game like rummy involves you to concentrate heavily, it is important to not to let your attention go astray. A prolonged session of meditation would clear your mind and keep you focused. Be it any activity that involves your mind, it’s always better to start with meditating.

2. Listen to Soothing Music

A good music has the power to heal. It is not uncommon to see music used in various kinds of therapies. Music can touch your soul and calm your nerves. So when you are under any kind of duress, make sure you listen to your favorite track, which will set you right on track.

3. Exercising

Apart from having physical benefits, exercising also several benefits on your mind. Going on a long walk would help you break free from negative thought cycle and develop positive thoughts. Exercising releases endorphin, a feel good hormone which will lift your moods and keep you afloat.

Trying out any of these activities whenever you are under some kind of duress would help you a long way in beating the negative emotions. Have a happy gaming session.

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