Emotions you come across while playing online games


Sports bring a lot of emotions. It is an undeniable fact. How many times we have seen athletes shed joy of tears while winning against all odds or display agony and despair when they lose a hard fought game. Sports and emotions are inexplicably intertwined. Everyone who is into sports might have experienced such kinds of emotions. As the outdoor events have largely reduced, players are restricted to feed their cravings for gaming by playing online games. Similar to other sports, online games also involve several kinds of emotions.

From progressing to the higher stage to winning a games against all odds gives us a lots of goosebumps moments. The odds of prevailing in a tough multiplayer online games is low. And when one does the unthinkable in beating all odds to win such games, the euphoria of such win stays long. After all, who doesn’t like an underdog win? Most online multiplayer games like Classic rummy more or less sees a David vs Goliath battle, as players at all skills levels compete thereby leaving no stones unturned in resembling a war. You can simply Download rummy mobile for android and play rummy online on the move. In this post, we shall discuss a range of emotions players feel while playing online games.


Emotions while playing online games

1. Confidence

The first step to winning a game is developing confidence. Nobody gets to win in the first attempt in a game. We need sufficient amount of time to get used to the rules, platform, and various game mechanics. It takes a lot of effort and practice to master the rules of the game. Once, you go through that process, you will get a “come what we may succeed” attitude. It is very important to have full confidence and sense of self-assurance to progress further

2. Control

Once you have a good grip of the game, you can play the game more freely. Since you know the rules and you know the kind of opposition you are going to face, you will have a better control over the game. In a game like rummy where you cannot win every other game that you play, you know the necessity to exercise caution and control. There are occasions where you cannot win where folding is better than persisting. Once player gets to know the ins and outs of the game, he/she will have better control over his emotions.

3. Gratification

There are many occasions where you lose to a particular players. It hurts our ego to lose this much against a particular person. We cannot keep playing with the rage as the results might prove to be disastrous. At the same time, we need to something to assuage our hurt ego. In that case, working on your strengths and identifying your opponent’s weakness helps big time. Once you successfully find a way to overcome that particular opponent who has been defeating you, we can see the intense sense of gratification overflowing within us.

4. Joy and Exhilaration

Once thing we all gamers play for is for the final win. The path to victory is not without thorns. You will have to overcome various hurdles and pit stops on the way to go all the way. Being the most awaited time since we start playing the game, the victory moment gives us intense joy and exhilaration. We all crave for such moments. Don’t we?

5. Accomplishment

We all have a goal in mind. When playing skill games like online rummy, it may be a certain sum that we would want to win or rank as the top player among our peers. Some games like Indian Rummy online benefit us monetarily. We are actively pursuing that goal every time we play. Once we hit that target, there is a sense of accomplishment which only you can feel. When you know all our time and efforts have borne fruit, it’s not too much to feel proud of our accomplishments.

We are sure that every player playing online games have undergone these kinds of emotions one time or the other. Let us know what kind of emotions you’ve gone through in the comments.

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