pubg and poker

PUBG AND POKER have found its common path in the game plan of being determined to be the last person standing in the battle. using this idea of common game plan the pubg players have started striking poker tables to win real cash online.

“LET’S GO” – find the common things in the game plan of pubg and poker that players have found to make some real money and fame. online Poker gaming is an intensely social sensation, with millions of brains around the globe interrelating constantly not only to play but also share information and evaluate games on a global platform.

“THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE WINNER” –  pubg and poker both are a game of defeating all the fellow players in the battlefield to win. it’s important to outshine the other players in order to predominate the game through substantial skills. these online Poker games aren’t a game that can be won by the element of chance; it requires high intelligence and observant skills.

“ENEMIES AHEAD – observing the moves of your opponent! battlefield or poker table, a player should have the bulls eye to win. few say that the game of pubg and poker online involves element of surprise and luck which is a misleading statement to win. maybe you’re unarmed against an opponent with nice dealt face-down “hole cards” or an opponent with “m416 with suppressor”, what signifies is if you’re just playing the game or if you’re playing the players.

“FALLBACK TO SAFE ZONE”- a game is highly uncertain that sometimes it can start with heavy loots or loose loots and high cards or low cards but one has to prepare oneself for anything in the given time to win the chance through skills. a poker player would either bluff or look out for the better cards in the board while a pubg player would search for a hideout or a better time to use the element of surprise. in both the cases, the motto is to knock out the opponent to win the game.

“STAY ALERT”– be equipped! be prepared to dominate the game, find your heavy loots on the battlefield and match your cards to the board on the table. look out for the strategy to survive the possible probability of falls during the game. concoct the meal of chicken dinner from the start to the end with same ardour.

“EXCELLENT WORK”– realising the common background in these games, the players have started to evaluate both the gaming platforms to show their gaming appetite in winning the big pots of real cash and chicken dinners. if you thing you’re an expert in pubg, get no second thoughts and start playing online poker for the better chance of winning some real cash prize daily. “there can be only one winner, lets go be the winner winner chicken dinner on the table of poker”.

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