Are you a Fan of Deccan Rummy? Here’s a quiz you must take!

Rummy, the 13 card game is a cultural phenomenon. No other game except Cricket enjoys the kind of popularity and adulation that rummy garners from the Indian gaming audience. Rummy culture of India has been amazing for decades now. The quick gameplay, adrenaline-pumping excitement, the puzzling factor associated with the game, this trifecta of engrossing elements are what that separates classic rummy from other games. Despite the exploding popularity of several action and adventure games worldwide, Indian gamers have a special place in their hearts for rummy. Online Rummy portals like Deccan Rummy plays a big role in keeping up the passion for the game alive. In its quest to optimize the experience for players, Deccan Rummy has been the pioneer in coming up with various offers and promotions. If you are in pursuit of stardom in the rummy world, there’s no better place to start than Deccan Rummy.

Deccan Rummy

Love playing at Deccan Rummy? Let’s test your knowledge on Deccan Rummy with a quiz. Take this quiz and let’s see how many of you get all the questions right!

Deccan Rummy Quiz

1. How much worth is the freerolls in Deccan Rummy?
a. 20 Lakhs
b. 15 Lakhs
c. 10 Lakhs
d. None of the above

2. Our Weekly Leaderboard runs from?
a. Friday to Friday
b. Saturday to Saturday
c. Sunday to Saturday Midnight
d. None of the above

3. How much is the Max Welcome Bonus in our site?
a. Rs. 1500
b. Rs. 5000
c. Rs. 1000
d. Rs. 25000

4. Does Deccan Rummy host special tournaments during Indian Festivals?
a. Yes
b. No

5. Which tournament offers free movie vouchers to players?
a. GiftRaffle Tournament
b. Movie Mania Tournament
c. Mega Blast tournament
d. Knight Rider tournament

6. Which is the fastest Rummy tourney at Deccan Rummy?
a. Midday Minerva
b. Hyper500
c. Turbo 250
d. Rapid Rustle

7. For which tournament, Social Media contests are conducted to give away free tickets?
a. Evening Surprise
b. Late Night thunder
c. Social Sharks
d. Rummy Express

8. Which Tournament at Deccan Rummy has daily satellites?
a. Rummy Express
b. Cash Splash
c. Morning Dangal
d. Zoom

9. How many Rummy variants are available at DeccanRummy?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. One

10. Which contest at Deccan Rummy provides the winners with Smartphones and gadgets?
a. Special Rummy Tournament
b. Weekly Leaderboard
c. Midday Minerva

11. What is the entry criteria for GoldQuest tournament?
a. Rs. 100 Buy-in
b. Rs. 200 Buy-in
c. Open to Players who earn minimum 100 loyalty points within last three days

12. Happy hours offer is available everyday at Deccan Rummy
a. False
b. True

Let us know in the comments section. We will reply with the correct answers.

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