Champions Trophy IndvsPak Final – Deposit & get 20% bonus

As the summer heats up so does the promotions here at Deccan Rummy. After the upgrade of our website we have launched 3 exciting promotions for our players

  1. Summer10
  2. ICC Champions Trophy 2017 Special
  3. Ramzan Special Tournament

In this Summer10 has run out of its time and has been of real help to the players in boosting their bankrolls. As this is a cricketing season, we launched the promotion on the eve of the ICC Champions Trophy 2017 wherein the player who deposits cash will be entitled to a 20% instant bonus. The bonus is valid for deposits up to Rs. 2000. The bonus code for all the matches was updated under the rummy promotion section in our website and also in the facebook feed that the players can use while making a deposit.

Champions Trophy

 Champions Trophy 2017 – INDvsPAK Final

What a thrilling tournament had this been all the while? While India cruising into finals was not surprising as the odds were heavily in favor of them, what was surprising was Pakistan’s entry into the finals. Nobody expected Pakistan to reach the finals but somehow they drew strength from within and scampered across to the finals. It’s always great when a team that is termed as the underdog achieves more than its expectations.

On paper, India vs Pakistan appears like a battle of David vs Goliath, but given the way Pakistan has performed of late, India will have to work hard for the victory. Sure, the 124 run trouncing of Pakistan in the league match will keep us at an advantage but it’s safe to stick to a plan rather than blindly throwing caution to the wind. All said we are in for a cracking encounter that’s going to evoke some hard emotions from both the sides. Television Channels and social media are already making a kill by building up this epic clash and their TRP ratings are already soaring. We believe it’s going to be the classical Darwinism that’s going to decide the outcome of this encounter – Survival of the fittest. Let the better team win this Champions Trophy and make cricket great again.

Regular readers know the similarity between Cricket and rummy. Just like cricket, where underdogs perform in an unexpected manner, in rummy, there are several occasions where a rummy beginner sends a rummy expert packing.

The Bonus code

The bonus code for this epic encounter is INDVSPAK Make sure you deposit during match hours and get the 20% bonus instantly. As this is the last day of the promotion, make optimum use of this promotion by depositing the maximum amount of Rs. 2000. Deposit now & boost your bankroll!

Always enjoy the best online rummy action on Deccan Rummy’s new website, which has been optimized to give you a superior gaming experience. Play & win.Deccan Rummy mobile will be the best rummy card game download that you’ve done undoubtedly.


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