How to Spot Rummy Sharks in a table?

In every sport, there’s a shark. It means they are an expert in the game. To overcome the sharks, you need to pull a rabbit out of a hat to deal with them. It can be possible only by studying their game play. It is always good to know your competitor’s capabilities in any sport. Only when you gauge their capability you can devise a plan to outsmart them. Sharks in skill based card games like rummy and poker, keep their game play tight.

You never know when they are going to attack. One must be prepared to encounter such sharks anytime especially in sites like Deccan Rummy, which hosts plenty of high value tournaments and leader board contests. Once you identify their level of expertise, it is easy for you to foresee their moves. But trust us, it’s not easy! It takes years of experience to become an expert as rummy and poker always present the player with unpredictable scenarios every now and then. Here are a few steps to follow which will help you identify a rummy shark and how to deal with such kinds.


1. Calm demeanor

Whenever we start a new game, we are a bit panicky. Being a newbie, we do not know the intricacies of the game and commit a lot of mistakes. In case of rummy, sometimes we may drop a wild joker card unknowingly. As we are nervous and anxious, we do not have much control over the game during the initial stages. Also, in online rummy, every player has a time limit within which he/she should make a move. It’s a bit stressful being a newbie to handle all this at one go. Rummy sharks however are cool as a cucumber. They play the game in a non-nonchalant manner. You can notice them preplan their moves as soon as the game starts and they almost never allow the time to lapse.

2. Play to their strengths

Kingpins of any sports achieved their status after realizing their strengths. In football, Ronaldo and Messi are towering about their peers as they play to their strengths. Each player has different strengths – Ronaldo is known for his speed, strength and dribbling abilities whereas Messi is known for his precision and his versatility as a winger and central based player. Similarly, Rummy veterans are simply head and shoulders above the rest in terms of knowledge and strategies. The good news is that Messi and Ronaldo are naturally gifted players, whereas in skill-based card games like rummy and poker, players have a chance to cultivate it. Rummy Sharks, with their strong grasp on rummy rules and rummy strategies start the race holding an upper hand.

3. Quitting at the right time

They say quitting is for losers. However, this is not true for a mind sport like Rummy especially. While winning every game is a hallmark of a champion, it’s simply not possible in a game like rummy, factoring in elements like starting hand cards which come into play. That said, smart players know when to drop. If the starting hand they receive is simply unplayable, they do not dig further and immediately drop. It makes a lot of sense to drop initially as you lose only with 20 points rather than sticking in and lose with heavy points. Quitting in rummy is not certainly not cowering down in fear. Knowing when to quit is what that makes a player great. Rummy Sharks drop the game more frequently than you can imagine them to do.

4. Spotting a ruse

Magicians fool their audience by performing a mock action, called the ruse. They can fool with you a sleight of their hand which is a pretty common occurrence during a magic show. However, a magician no matter how skilled they are cannot deceive a seasoned magician. Apply the same analogy in rummy. If you try to bait your skilled opponent by throwing a card, he/she will instinctively catch the drift and beat you with your own game. If he catches your bluff, you can rest assured that you are up against a shark.

5. Apex Predators

Sharks are the top or apex predators in the marine ecosystem. One of the remarkable facts about the shark is their ability to detect blood in their territory. It is with this ability combined with their strong build, which helps them decimate their prey to shreds. Rummy veterans would observe novices within moments from the start of the game and they would pounce on them and decimate them systematically with their rummy strategies.

So do you think that you have it what it takes to become a shark? Download Rummy app now and start practicing now. Your time is now!

What’s new for Ugadi at Deccan Rummy?

Advance Ugadi wishes to all our players! Let the special festival bring unlimited happiness in your home. Here’s a festival announcement from our side. Ugadi Special Tournament on the way!- A special tourney in an all-new gaming structure.  Kick start a new year with a special tournament.

About Ugadi

Ugadi is also called Yugadi. It is a special date for the Hindus from Maharashtra, Andra Pradesh, Telangana, and Karnataka states of India. The term Ugadi means “beginning of a new age” and is celebrated on the first day of the Hindu calendar month “Chaitra”. It usually falls either in the month of March or April in the English calendar. This year it is on March 25.

Preparations start a week early in the country. The homes are cleaned with fresh mango leaves hung at the entrance. New clothes, colorful grand Kollam increase the richness of the day. Special prayers are done in temples praying for an excellent year ahead. People also prepare special dishes, of which, patchadi – a chutney dish is a highlight amongst the servings. When it comes to the sweet flavors Bobbattu (kind of poli bread) is a popular one. In Karnataka, a special dish called obbattu is prepared.

People also celebrate by helping and giving gifts to the needy. You could see processions along the streets of Maharashtra with music and dance.

Are you looking for something special? This is for you:

Ugadi Special Tournament


Deccan Rummy is back with another extraordinary festival promotion. This is something for Rummy enthusiasts. The tournament starts from March 23 – 25. The tourney carries prizes worth ₹ 1 lakh. The tournament is split into 3 different stages.

  • Ugadi Satellite
  • Ugadi Qualifier
  • Ugadi Special Finale

All 3 days the corresponding round will start by 9 pm and registration starts by 3 pm. Every round has its own entry fee and varying rewards. The tournament gets better every day you play it.

Tournament Details

Tournament NameDateReg TimeBuy-inSeatsPrizepool
Ugadi SatelliteMarch 23rd @ 9 PM3:00 PMRs 50402Rs 20000+ 46 tickets to Qualifer
Ugadi QualifierMarch 23rd @ 9 PM3:00 PMRs 100299Rs 30000+ 100 tickets to Finale
Ugadi Special FinaleMarch 25th @ 9 PM3:00 PMRs 200250Rs 50000

Players can either use tickets or make a buy-in to play the different levels.

Prize pool

The overall prize pool of the tourney is ₹ 1 lakh. The prize amount is split into 20k, 30k, and 50k for every round in order of Satellite, Qualifier, and Finale. It sounds really good na, to win a tournament worth ₹1 lakh at the very beginning of the year. It is really a great treat for Rummy enthusiasts to play a tournament like this.

The tourney is open to all. Each and every player has every possibility to win this fantastic special tournament.


We have players like Vincent Roy, who won the 2018 Ugadi tournament.  VincentRoy had some fierce battle at the table before getting crowned the champion.

We are excited so as you are. It’s time to test your Rummy skills.

Five life lessons that can be learned from playing rummy

Rummy is a game that is heavily reliant on your mental skills. The culture of playing rummy online is embraced by a lot of people all over India as youngsters have a big affinity for skill-based games. You need solid to have critical thinking ability, analytical skills, bankroll management and emotional control in order to emerge successful in the game. Possessing these skills will help you go a long way in rummy. Players tend to acquire these skills as they keep playing. A rummy game is not just a past time or an opportunity to win big bucks, but also will you give you important life lessons. The skills that you develop while playing Rummy seamlessly transfer to your real lives. Here are some of the important skills that you acquire in your real lives while playing online rummy.

Life Lessons from Rummy

  1. You take better control

In a rummy game, you do not have any control over the cards that are dealt with you. Luck favors us sometimes but in most cases, it’s the randomness that plays a major role. In such cases, you play with whatever cards that you have and make an effort to win. Over a period of time after playing, you prepare yourself even for the worst-case scenario. This skill is seamlessly transferred to your real-life while facing any kinds of setbacks or obstacles. You know how to handle it effectively as you are in complete control. You think twice before making a decision. Once you’ve taken a decision, there is no looking back.

  1. Emotional Control

It’s pretty important to have emotional control while playing rummy online. If you are swayed by emotions, then your chances of win diminish. It’s important not to fly high during your winning streak, nor chase losses out of anger in search of a victory when you are in a losing streak. Just like any other sport, wins and losses are part of rummy. Being patient, you get that badly needed calmness to think about getting over the setbacks. Rummy is certainly not a sport where “draw” is an option. As you get used to wins and losses, you would not know how to deal with victories and setbacks in your real life.

  1. Attentiveness

Rummy requires your utmost attention all the time. You cannot afford to relax or get distracted anyway, as it would most certainly affect your concentration and might result in a loss. As a player, you need to keep track of your opponents’ moves so that you do not voluntarily drop cards required by them. You would be able to achieve your dreams in life only when you remain focussed without any distractions.

  1. Learning from Mistakes

Playing Rummy Online can be the perfect way to learn from your mistakes as the game offers multiple chances to reform yourselves. With the assistance of volumes of documents on Rummy Rules, Rummy tips, and videos, you can get an opportunity to indulge in some self-improvement exercise. When chips are down in your real life, you do not get bogged down, you learn to fight with whatever resource that comes to your aid.

  1. Bankroll Management

A good rummy player knows how much to invest in a game. He nerves make an investment that bites his hand. He is prudent about the money and never splurges. If you learn the art of effective bankroll management while playing rummy, it will come to your rescue in real-life situations as well.

If played properly, rummy can be more than just a game. It teaches you skills and discipline which allows you to be successful in life. What are you waiting for? Start playing online rummy now and score big wins! Your time is now!

Post Holi action plan – Time to Unwind and Relax

Holi – The most colorful and vibrant festival in India has just passed by. Though it’s a blast at the time of the festival, the aftereffects of the festival are simply unpleasant. From fishing clothes that have been ruined by colors to clearing the paints and colors laden all over our skin, the process is tedious.

Additionally, think about the extra carbs that you gobbled up in your body with no remorse. Gujjiyas, Pakoras, Thandai and other tasty Holi delicacies that you gorged on are going to add a lot of flab to your body. It would be a cause of concern if you are a fitness freak. Also, the wild celebration takes a toll on our physical and mental well-being. We sure do not want to lose fruitful hours of our productivity because of exhaustion. However, it’s not too late, you have some detox methods which will relieve you from exhaustion and make you alright in a few days.

1. Hydrate Yourself

It’s pretty obvious that dehydration plays a vital role in your exhaustion. It’s important you hydrate yourself which makes up a bulk of your lost energy. Adding a pinch of salt along with Lemon or ginger would help you boost your energy levels. Hydrating yourself will help you flush the toxins inside your body and help your digestive system pretty much.

2. Get adequate rest

Ensure you get adequate rest after the holi party. A good night’s sleep helps you to recharge yourself and improve your mood. Improper sleep habits will cause fatigue and reduce your efficiency in work drastically.

3. A healthy Breakfast

Now that you’ve binged on excess carbs and fat this festival season, it’s time to shed excess calories. For this, following a healthy eating habit is pretty essential. Ensure you include a lot of fiber in your breakfast, a healthy meal consisting of beans, peas, chickpeas or lentils goes a long way in flushing out the toxins out of your body.

4. Exercising

There’s no substitute for exercising as they not only help you physically but also improve your mental health. With exercising, your blood flow is regulated and also your mind becomes active. Exercising releases endorphins – a feel-good hormone that helps you to keep your mood stable.

5. Play Online Games

Playing Online games can be a great way to relax and unwind. The positive effects of online games are numerous, from better memory and problem-solving to improving your moods and fostering social interaction. Games like Classic Rummy and Poker improve your memory as you have to remember the fall of cards. Indian Rummy especially requires you to apply your analytical and logical skills in order to prevail in the game. Strategic games also improve your problem-solving ability. Following these ideas would help you beat the tiredness of your Holi celebration.