What Makes a Good Rummy Player?

Rummy is a game which has always had a massive fan base in India since time immemorial. Earlier, the game was played within the family circles with a small audience. Now with the mushrooming of various online websites, the rummy action has moved from offline to compatible mobile screens. Now the platform has started attracting millions of followers from all parts of the world.

And moreover, the online sites have introduced various promotions, offers, and analytics to attract players from all walks of life.

So, you may wonder, what does it take to become a good rummy player? It takes a lot of practice to become a good player. To excel in any activity, you need patience, perseverance, determination, and commitment. The same qualities extend to performing better in Online Rummy as well.

Mentioned below are a few traits which you need to develop in order to become a good online rummy player.

1. Be Observant

It is important for rummy players to be aware of the happenings at the table. You cannot stay idle without observing what other players do. Observing the moves of other players give you an idea about the sequences they are trying to build. You can base your moves on not giving them any chances. Keep track of the cards they pick up and discard, this method goes a long way in becoming a good player.

2. Fast Decision Making

Unlike offline rummy where you have plenty of time to plan your moves, in online rummy, you do not have much. Within the limited time you’ve gotten, you must make your moves. That doesn’t mean you may play waywardly. For example, instead of waiting with an incomplete sequence, you must consider breaking that sequence and moving on to other things. Wasting too much time on such stuff will prove costlier.

3. Patience

At times especially during tournaments, the pace of the game can be relentless for a newbie. Experts know how to handle this. It is important to stay calm, composed, and level-headed during the game. Rummy is a thinking man’s game, there’s no room for nervousness in the game. The best players know when to fire on all cylinders, that’s the reason they emerge victorious often in tournaments.

4. Exercise proper judgment

Situations might not be in your favour at all times. Starting hand in a rummy game plays a crucial role. For example, you may not get the best starting hand at the beginning of the game, during such instances, you need to analyze your hand. You need to check whether it’s playable or not. Taking the right call is important as it is going to decide your fortune in the game.

5. Remain Positive

One of the key aspects of human well-being is remaining positive at all times. We all face adversities from various quarters, it is important to remain positive at all times. Winning and losing are part of the game. It is important not to feel disheartened by a few defeats that you may encounter in the game. Defeats are an opportunity to identify the flaws in your game and improve the next time.

How to deal with Face cards in a 13 card rummy game?

Rummy is the king among card games. Despite the prevalence of several other card games in India, rummy enjoys a unparalleled popularity among the masses. Whether it was the offline version that was enjoyed by people in person or the online version, where you can play with an opponent at a remote location, the game is entertaining and incredibly rewarding.

With the arrival of online rummy, millions of gamers all around India play Indian rummy online, a popular variant of rummy with each other. The game which by itself is enjoyable adds a dash of excitement with the cash factor. If you play the game skillfully, you can win huge amounts of money unlike games where luck plays the factor. It is perhaps for this reasons as to why so many people prefer online rummy compared to other card games.

If you want to win consistently in rummy, you should be familiar with the rummy rules and rummy strategies. This is an exercise in that process as we are about to mention the use of face cards and how they should be handled in a rummy game.

Face Cards

A standard deck has 52 cards in addition to two printed joker cards. The cards that have faces embedded on them are referred to as face cards. The king, queen and jack considered as face cards. Each of these cards carry 10 points and are considered as high-value cards. Though joker card too has a face embedded to it, since it has no value of its own, we shall deal with the other three cards.

In the modern deck there are 12 face cards. Four cards of King, Queen, and Jack respectively in four suites, namely, spades, hearts, clubs, and diamonds. King is considered as the highest card in virtually all games. Whereas the Ace card is considered as the highest in rummy. However, ace card can combine with both high value and low value cards.

The King card traces its roots to France, where the images of kings represented the importance of French Monarchy.

How to deal with Face cards

Discard when unpaired

As mentioned, face cards are high-value cards which may cause you to lose by a heavy margin, if they are not bound in a set or a sequence. If your opponents declare the game, then you are losing by a heavy margin. In order to avoid that precarious scenario, it’s better to discard high-value cards as the game progresses, if they do not fit in a set or sequence. Retaining such cards with the hope that they will eventually be a part of sequence and/or a set is not such a bright idea.

Retain when pairs

Though it does not have much utility, at times when they pair in a run or a set, it can contribute to your victory. You can use these combinations to advance your moves. For example, a jack, queen, king, and ace of spades is a good sequence. Similarly, if you have three queen cards from three different suits, you can use it as a set. There is no need to disturb this set just for the sake of discarding high value cards.

Combination with Joker

If the printed joker or wild joker is available which can combine with your existing high-value cards, do not let go of this opportunity. For example, if you have two king cards belonging to spade and clubs respectively, if you find a printed joker or a wild joker, you can combine the two kings and the joker respectively to form a set. However, do remember such combinations may be helpful only when you have a pure sequence in hand. Without making a pure run in a 13 card rummy game, no matter what combination you have you will end up losing heavily with 80 points.

Role of Ace Card in a Rummy Game

Ace Card’s role in Rummy

Rummy is an interesting card game that 2-6 groups of players can enjoy. Each player is dealt 13 cards and they have to arrange them into proper sequences and sets with a successful declaration requiring 2 sequences including a pure sequence. The first player to reach the objective is declared the winner. Players can use joker cards (both printed joker and wild jokers) to meet the objective.

Depending on the game, the Ace card assumes the position of a low or a high card. By low, we mean that the Ace card will assume the role of 1 and combine with 2 and 3 to form a pure sequence. A-2-3 is an example of a straight sequence. By high, we mean that card assumes the topmost position, one above King card. The ace card has a value of 10 points on most rummy online sites.

In certain games as per the table rule, K-A-2 shall also be considered a valid sequence. In such a case, the player has to fix the score right at the beginning.

How the Score of Ace is calculated

Scoring is done depending on the way Ace is used in a game. If it’s a high card that combines with the likes of King and Queen, then the Ace card carries 10 Points. On the other hand, if it is used as a low card in substitute of 1, the card carries 1 point just as its rank indicates. If round the corner rule is agreed upon by the user, the value of the Ace card should be fixed right at the beginning.

Download the Rummy Card game

Discover the thrill of rummy in its truest form by downloading our rummy mobile App for free. Whether you are using an Android device or an iOS device, our app is available for both versions. Download our Mobile App and avail of exclusive benefits like app-only exclusive bonuses, tournaments, fast withdrawals, and 24/7 customer support.


How effectively you can use King and Queen card in a rummy game?

Rummy is a card game based on skills which is widely played in all households across India. You need to use a wide range of analytical and cognitive skills to succeed in the game. Playing rummy over a course of time makes you mentally sharp and increases your attention levels considerably. With money, the game becomes all the more interesting and get to play like a king.

As the game allows you the opportunity to win huge loads of money, people rush to various online rummy platforms to bag their slice of prizes. No one would want to lose money, for this, you need to be constantly on your toes with your rummy strategies in every game that you play. Here, we discuss about how effectively you can use two important cards – King and Queens to win the game.


King and Queen Card

There are totally 8 King and Queen in a standard deck of cards – 4 King and 4 Queen across the 4 suits. The King and Queen card are among the highest ranked card in rummy. Along with jack, these two cards carry 10 points each.

In a game of rummy, it is mandatory to declare with two sequences at least. King and Queen cards would invariably come into the picture. Here’s how you can effectively use these cards to meet the objective.

Make it as a part of sequence or set

Like every other card, the face cards King and Queen can be combined to make a sequence.
Say for example J,Q, and K is a classic example of sequence
You can also use the face card Ace along with King and Queen to make a sequence. Q, K, A is a sequence.
You can also use joker card ( printed or wild) with King and Queen to be a make a sequence. For example, Q, K, and PJ is a valid sequence.
Three or more same ranked cards belonging to different suits constitute a set. For example, if you King of spades, King of Hearts, and King of Clubs, you can combine them to form a set. You can also use a printed joker in place of missing cards.
But do remember, whatever sequences you make, having a pure sequence is mandatory for a successful declare.

Get rid of the face cards

At times, cards with higher points may prove to be a liability. When you are not able to complete the objective, these cards add up and cause you to lose by huge points. Therefore, if the face cards  do not fit in a sequence or a set, get rid of them at the earliest. You have a better possibility of building a sequence with lower ranked cards on such occasions.

Now that you’ve learned about how effectively you can use these face cards, isn’t it try some magic with them? Download Deccan Rummy app for your android and implement these strategies! With over 5 million users, Deccan Rummy is the most trusted online rummy platform in India. Join us and start having a positive gaming experience!