Rummy is one of the favorite past times in India. Whenever we get free time, we can see people playing rummy in a group. Playing rummy helps us to relax and also to socialize with other people. It is one of the main reasons we see people playing rummy after marriage ceremonies and other festivals. In fact, festivals like Durga Pooja and Diwali aren’t complete without a rummy session as there is a widespread belief that playing cards on these festival days brings us good luck. The game keeps us active, healthy, and also improves our attention skill and memory power.
The culture of playing rummy has moved online since the advent of the internet. Though the gameplay has remained the same, the dynamics of online rummy sites have made the game more enjoyable. While playing rummy card game online, speed and timing play a vital role. Most rummy sites give a player a limited time to make their moves, the idea is to make the gameplay more quick and much engrossing. It is important that the players must work on their speed and timing, whenever they are playing this card game. Having the advantage of speed and timing will lend an extra edge to your gaming repertoire. In this post, you can find the necessary steps to improve your speed and timing.
1. Arrange your cards and Analyze
As soon as the cards are dealt, the player should arrange it color wise pattern (Black/Red/Black/Red). It will help them avoid confusion and give a clear idea of the cards they need to find. Most rummy sites have an option to sort your cards according to colors or suits. As you arrange the closely related cards, it will be easier for you to pick the missing card from the closed deck or open deck. The main objective in a rummy game is to make a pure sequence, without which there is no point in playing the game. Ensure you do not miss the slightest of opportunity that comes in your way to make a pure sequence.
2. Discard the high-value cards
It is best advised to discard unnecessary cards as they will be a burden later. High value cards may prove to be a burden if they are not grouped. Discard cards like King, Queen, and Jack, all carrying 10 points each.
3. Allotted time while playing rummy
Most rummy sites have a time limit to make your moves. For examples sites like Deccan Rummy gives 45 seconds for a user to make a move. Once you exceed it, you will lose your turn before making a move. It is done to ensure so as to not keep others waiting as they would interest in the game. Ensure you complete the move in a much quicker time. Taking long time would leave a negative impression about your rummy skills in the mind of your opponents.
4. Do not miss turns
If you miss 3 consecutive turns, the gaming system will drop you from the game. Hence, make sure you make you don’t miss more than 2 turns at any cost.
5. Observe your opponents always
While Playing rummy, it is important to observe your opponents’ moves every now and then. It would give you an idea about the melds that they are making. Once you have an idea about the cards they have and the possible moves that they could make, you are at an advantage to make your moves much earlier.
6. Make proper use of Joker Cards
Joker card plays a very important role while playing rummy. In a rummy game, there are two kinds of a joker card – Printed Joker and Wild Joker. You can use the joker card in place for a missing card while making a set or a sequence. Ensure you make use of the joker card prudently.
7. Declare as soon as possible
Once you arrange the 13 cards in your hands into proper sequences and/or sets, declare the game at the earliest. Place the last card in the finish card slot, arrange your cards and hit the declare button. If you delay declaring, someone else will declare and walk away with the win.
Speed and Timing are absolutely crucial elements while playing rummy card game. The tips mentioned above will help you pace your game up.