Playing rummy online – Top 5 Motivational tips

In order to be a successful rummy player, staying motivated is one of the key aspects. Motivation is mandatory for any sport. We see many professional sports team hiring mentors. The role of mentors is to motivate and encourage players to bring out the best in them. The 13 card rummy game requires quite a bit of self-motivation as it is a game, where you cannot afford to hire someone to motivate you. Unfortunately, many rummy players suffer from low self-esteem and give up after a few losses. It is very wrong. Feeling demotivated is not uncommon, but the key aspect of attaining success is to overcome your demotivation.


If you want to excel in rummy games, self-motivation is indispensable. You must learn how to motivate yourself. You must be able to draw that inner strength to win no matter how discouraging your hands are. Those who appear demotivated lose the battle even before it begins. Here are several tips, I’ve found to be effective to build motivation while playing rummy online:

Gather Tips from winners & follow them

If you are feeling unmotivated, follow those players who are successful in the game. Upon following them, you will know about their efforts to get to their current position. Many rummy players make a note of strategy then and there as each game differs; you must follow this technique to get that spark that will help you to fire on all cylinders. In the meanwhile, also engage in conversation with that person using our interactive gaming chat feature to get some knowledge about the game. You can connect with them through social media and build a relationship thenceforth. Mentor/prodigy relationships are somewhat a cliché, but it is still very much relevant in this case. There is no easy way to get that motivation than by connecting with the successful players.

Let go of the past

It may be hard to believe, but your past can drag you down miserably. In games like rummy, your previous losses can be a heavy burden on your shoulders. The good news is that it’s already the past and it is dead after all. You can take it off your shoulders and leave it. Today is a new day, and you have a great chance to try again. No matter how many losses you’ve suffered in the past, you still have a fair chance to win today because of the unpredictable nature of the game. Don’t let the burden of the past drown you in the present. Meditation is a great motivating tool to get rid of the stress and get your spirits up! Practice meditation & some deep breathing exercises to improve your concentration levels.

Set a Goal – A believable one

Setting a goal and pursuing it vigorously is an art. It is not as easy as people think. It requires a lot of confidence and commitment to work towards the goal. Set believable goals so that you have a chance of reaching the goal. For example, if you are a rummy player with a string of losses, there is no point in aiming for a tournament win. It’s a bit of a stretch. Your first goal must be to break free from the flurry of losses that is plaguing you. To begin, set a goal of winning at least 10 games this week. It is certainly achievable if you remain motivated. Once you reach that goal, stop for that week & come up with some tough goals gradually.  Setting goals are very handy in keeping you motivated because you hold yourself more accountable.

Listen to Motivational speeches online

Rummy games can sometimes be very mentally exhaustive. As players play the game hours together, they start losing that desire to win and begin losing money. Professional rummy players prepare themselves mentally hours before the game and hit the table with lots of confidence. If you’d ask them their secret of success, their answer would be their high motivation levels. They get that motivation by listening to motivational speeches. There are tons of motivational speeches available on Youtube for free. Listen to time whenever time permits. Keep constantly looking for ways to unwind yourself. You can even read some self-improvement books to get that desire to perform at your highest levels. Eg: Try reading “The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield.

Keep Pushing

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts – Winston Churchill.

When you meet hurdles along your journey, you may want to quit. You feel it’s something too much to take, too often. You may think you’ll never achieve your dream. But this is where winners and losers differ. The courage to continue separates winners from the losers. The same is applicable in online Rummy.

Apply these tips and check if it is working out for you. Don’t be content with mediocrity. Push yourself to the limits and let your excellence win laurels for you. Stay Motivated!

Himadri ships the Rummy Leaderboard Bonanza

After two months of hard fought high intense action, The Grand Rummy Powerplay came to a conclusion yesterday. With the contest scheduled to end on Sunday, however, heavy downpour postponed the match to the next day. It gave the players an extra chance to win some points.

Ever since the contest was announced, a sea of players from all walks of life was eagerly participating in this tournament. Players cut across different experience levels joined the action to have a crack at some of the most awesome prizes in the rummy circuit.

Made up of two exciting contests, The Rummy Leaderboard Bonanaza and Rummy Fantasy League, both these contests offered plenty of winning opportunities for the players. It’s all about capitalizing your rummy skills. The other important quality that is required to win contest of this nature (long drawn out) is patience. Patience when combined with skills and precision can be a surefire recipe for success.

Himadri the winner of Rummy Leaderboard Bonanza

The action soared high with players competing for lots of mind-blowing prizes in both these tournaments. In particular, the rummy leaderboard bonanza saw heavy competition. The players were battling hard to get placed within the top 10.

After a hard battle that lasted for two months, it was player “himadri” who claimed the top spot in our Rummy Leaderboard Bonanza. Deccan Rummy extends our heartfelt appreciations to himadri who had the resolve to prevail in this incredible battle of mental strength and resilience. For his extraordinary efforts, himadri will receive a Kawasaki Vulcan S from us shortly. A win of this magnitude is a lifetime achievement for any player. Hopefully, we haven’t seen the last of himadri, more biggies are going to follow this remarkable player

Special appreciations to Udayon and Ramakanta for securing the second and third spot respectively in this contest. Both the players gave a tough fight to himadri till the end. UDayon will receive a Royal Enfield Super Meteor 650 and ramakanta will receive a Jawa 42 Bobber shortly. Many veterans made a comeback and had their moments.

Deccan Rummy also congratulates all the other prize winners and extends our heartfelt thanks to people who participated. Not everyone can win a contest like this, its all about passion, dedication, and commitment to the sport. If you think, you have them all along with rummy skills, and then there’s nothing stopping you from cashing your skills in a big way.

Stay tuned to our platform for many exciting rummy promotions in the upcoming days. Play rummy online to get a chance to win many exciting prizes

How to Create Opportunities in Online Rummy?

Skill games like Online Rummy provide players with the finest of opportunities to taste success. Players would focus on winning; at the same time, individuals must know how to cross the finish line. The rules and other regulations are fixed, but the formula isn’t fixed. People will have to apply their rummy knowledge at that instance to face the challenge.

In the online rummy platform, people are from different geographic locations; hence, the range for a high-level contest is wide open. To overcome such hurdles, one has to have extra packages within oneself in the form of Rummy Skills. There would be several opportunities hidden in the table, but it depends on the player’s game on unlocking them.

We provide you with few tips to keep your game in the most updated style.

Make the Best Use of Joker cards

By holding a Joker card, there isn’t any guarantee of winning the game. Joker card, be it in any count, is useful only when used in the best way; it is worth owning the card. Remember, your joker card can not get you the basic sequences. Hence the to complete the very basic winning requirement doesn’t need the joker card. The card is useful in travelling in a game but can’t initiate your game.

First and Second Drop

More than triumphs, it’s about staying smart in Online Rummy. A good player would choose to drop from the game more than taking risks of playing a bad hand. When there is a terrible hand dealt, a smart one will focus on dropping so that the loss of 20 points is less than losing something more than that. When there’s no way, you got to accept there’s no scope for a win.

Read your opponents

There’s a more important skill one needs at the Rummy tables, reading the opponents’ game. One has to read each card the opponents pick and discard. Similarly, your opponents will be reading your game, hence will get to know your needs. Thus make sure to confuse your opponents.

Solitaire gets inducted into World Video Game Hall of Fame

The solitaire game which was one card game which most of us would have played at some point of time in our lives has been inducted into the Strong Museum of Play’s World Video Game Hall of Fame. Solitaire game was inducted along with other games such as Nintendo’s Super Mario Kart racing game, violent Mortal Combat game, and colossal cave adventure. Similar to Solitaire, Mortal Kombat and Super Mario Kart had a tremendous impact in their respective categories and have spawned a generation of games.

The World Video game hall of fame was established in the year 2015 to honor games which enjoyed popularity over a considerable period and which exerted considerable influence in the video game industry.

For the class of 2019, they received a nomination from more than 100 countries and they narrowed the finalists to the list of twelve. Eventually, four were given the honor among which solitaire finds a place.

Don’t we all get a little nostalgic about this game? How many times the game has come to our rescue when we ever we feel bored? The game has always been with us, during our lunchtime, bored long drawn out afternoons in our work where we find nothing interesting. In a way, I feel that the game is like re-energizer. It’s the way it has worked out for me. I’ve always relied on a game of solitaire to get my focus back on track if my attention drifts out of the plane. Who could forget the iconic animation where all the cards jumping out of their stacks and bounce away after we clubbed the cards into a group. The success of solitaire paved the way for other card games like rummy, poker, and teen Patti to forage into the online sphere.

Solitaire – An experiment

Solitaire game was first bundled along with Windows 3.0 as a way for the users to get used to the mouse, which was fairly new those days. The game honed clicking, double-clicking, drag-and-drop and other skills required to operate the mouse. Since its inception then it has been distributed over a billion computers. Microsoft claims that some 35 billion solitaire hands are dealt each year. Game experts observe that Solitaire was one of the earliest success stories in the gaming community and its success helped pave the way for the casual gaming community. It seems like the game finally got its due with this honor.

The single player card game was developed by Wes Cherry during his time as an intern at Microsoft. Says Cherry “I came up with the idea to write Solitaire for Windows out of boredom, really. There weren’t many games right at the time, so we had to make them”. Wes Cherry didn’t expect such a mind-blowing reception for his lazy creation. And what’s more amusing is that he wasn’t paid for his creation.

It’s hard to imagine an online game occupying more screen time than Solitaire. In fact, the game was bundled up with every windows version till Windows 7 after which Microsoft started to include a few more generic card games. You could still see people play solitaire to assassinate free time. We hope the hall of fame status accorded to Solitaire has cemented its legacy and the future generation would continue to enjoy the game. Seeing Indians’ fascination for card games like 13 card rummy and poker, we could envision any of these Indian card games making it into the grandest stage of them all in the near future.