One of the main reasons people hesitate to play rummy online for cash is the possibility of losing money. While winning every single game that you play is highly not possible, however most people lose money due to mistakes in executing their strategies. By using perfect rummy strategy for that particular game, you can very well extend your winning streak. Here are a few things that you can follow to not lose money playing rummy online.
1. Do not take hurried decisions
We all know online rummy is a time-based game. Every player gets a certain amount of time to make their moves. Making a move within the allotted time comes with experience. However, you have to ensure you do not rush off in your quest to win the game.
The chances of committing a mistake is high when you take decisions with regards to dropping the cards, when you are rushing over in the game. If you have limited time in your hands, do not play cash games, try freeroll where you lose nothing.
2. Do not chase your losses
Most people who lose a few games commit this grave mistake. If you are on a losing spree, it is not a good idea to go after earning what you lost. It may result in further losses thereby denting a huge financial and psychological blow. Take a break from cash tables on such circumstances and introspect what went wrong. Most often than not, it must be a strategic mistake which might have cost you the games. On such occasions, spend time playing practice rummy games.
At Deccan Rummy, you have practice tables for all rummy variants where you can sharpen your skills. By winning a few practice games, you can get back that lost confidence and go stronger in cash games.
3. Rework your strategies
It is no doubt that rummy is a skill game. Sometimes, players get struck with a particular strategy which helped them during a game. Following the same strategy for all games is not a good idea. In rummy, each game is different as the RNG is going to hand over non-repetitive hands and also your opponents are going to be different each game. Therefore, you must ensure you devise your strategies according to the hand you receive. It is where practice games comes to your rescue again. It is highly impossible to be a one-trick pony in a diverse game like rummy.
4. Stick to Rules
One of the basic requirements to be successful in rummy is to have a proper understanding of rummy rules. Without a clear knowledge about the rummy rules, it is highly impossible to win in rummy.
As cash rummy tables are extremely competitive, a slight mistake could cost your game. So, we suggest you to get familiar with how to play rummy, rummy tips and strategies from our vast collection of rummy related resources.
5. Play Rummy Online – Check your internet connection
Since you are playing with live players in a rummy platform over an internet connection, it is important to have a stable internet connection. Imagine a situation, where you are one move away from the victory and your internet disconnects? How hard that can be?
A lot of people on the brink of victory lose games due to internet connectivity issues. So, the next time you decide to play rummy online, ensure your internet connection is stable. While playing with mobile data from your rummy app is what many people do, but, given the frequent disruptions in connections that are possible with mobile internet, we would advise you to play rummy from app with your mobile connected to a WiFi when playing high stake games, perched on a seat without having to move.