How overthinking affects your gameplay in rummy?


One of the foremost thing to succeed in rummy is to think ahead of your opponents. Aside from judging the moves of your opponents, you need to plan ahead and position your moves to counter them. It requires a lot of thinking. However, it does not mean you should overthink. Some players take things so far when it comes to planning and devising strategies that it backfires on them. Let’s look at some ways how overthinking is going to affect your game.

1. Preoccupied thoughts

Experienced rummy players know how to control their emotions and regulate their thoughts. On the other hand, beginners often have some reservations about the game. Some players prone to negative emotions read too much information about people losing and the fear of losing clogs their mind. Also, do not play rummy online when you are in some kind of a duress in your personal lives or play while consuming alcohol or other intoxicants, it would interfere in your thought process and would have negative consequences.

2. Overthinking about Course of action

The most concerning thing for a rummy player what is in next? After every move, players keep waiting with bated breath for the next course of action. While experienced players have encountered such situations numerous times, newbies waste too much time on it. Ultimately, overthinking on the next course of action might result in their missing moves. If you are very reluctant to make your move or skip the moves, it might leave an impression on your opponents that you are a weak player.

3. Worrying about the cards in hand

While RNG ensures every player gets random set of cards, it is not impossible to rule out certain people may get very good hands. Such distributions are completely random as the algorithm does not discriminate between players. Experienced players know how to deal with each hand as they have enough knowledge on starting hands. Rookies worry about their hands and do not know what to do thereby wasting a significant amount of time. By wasting time, you are giving the upper hand to your opponents. They may take advantage of the situation and prey upon you in a fraction of second.

4. Thinking about the opponents thoughts

It is one of the important aspects in rummy. You have to observe the opponents moves and gauge their probability of finishing. At times, they may trap you with a bait, in an attempt to fish out the cards from you. A beginner who has fallen into the trap might misunderstand every move as an attempted bluff and would keep pondering over. It results in nothing but wastage of time. It is the main reason so as to why keep stressing every player to play practice games before hitting the cash tables. Practicing helps you get familiar with different scenarios and how to deal with them effectively.

Playing rummy online and winning money may seem easy from the outside. However, once you get hold of the game, you would realize that it requires patience, skill, and strategy to sucked in the game. So don’t overthink! Make it simple!

How card games advance learning in children?

Card Games

Card games have been around for centuries. Historians trace card games to China as early as the 9th century, where the Chinese people used dominoes instead of cards. Slowly, it spread to different parts of the world. As it’s started spreading, different varieties of card games started to pop up around the globe. It then evolved into different forms after co-opting the local cultural elements.

Now, there are numerous card games available all over the world. In places like the Indian subcontinent, the rummy card game is trendy whereas, in the west card games like Poker, Baccarat is equally popular. Because of technological advancements brought out by globalization, card games have easily breached the borders and players at any part of the world can enjoy any game these days’ courtesy of online card gaming sites.

Card Games Online

Most of us get acquainted with the card games during our childhood. The value of playing it with our seniors is not merely for entertainment purposes. Card games hold several sociological and developmental benefits, especially when the elders play with the children. It advances our knowledge and makes learning such a simple task. The best thing about card games is that the players can enjoy it anywhere at their convenience. All you need it is a pack of cards, which is simple to carry and you can take it along wherever you go.

Card games help children to develop excellent motor skills. As they keep playing them, their decision making, IQ, and their ability to adapt to situations by leaps and bounds.

As we get to play online card game like rummy in a squad with many people, the children get amicable social interaction. They get a chance to interact with the elders and people from all age group which fosters a healthy bond at a young age. These are times where we don’t find much time to interact with our elders due to various issues like time and busy schedules. In these times, it will serve as an excellent tool for strengthening family relations.

As it turns out, life is increasingly competitive. It’s cut-throat competition on the outside, where there is a thin line between victory and defeat. Children can get a healthy dose of competitive spirit while playing card games. As victories and defeats are common while playing them, the children invariable becomes accustomed to both the cases and know how to handle them correctly. Children raised with a sense of sportsmanship and generosity often excel in life than the pampered ones.

Benefits of Card Gaming

Card games promote a variety of learning. For example, games like rummy card game promote memorization, mathematical skills, pattern analysis, lateral thinking, and observation. They entail a great deal of strategy, so players will always have to be on their toes as they seek various ways for winning. Children can be encouraged to learn on their own, which will sharpen their skills. Parents must spend time interacting with the children, and card games provide an excellent avenue for it.

Playing games like rummy is one of the easiest way to entertain a group of kids during their holidays. We’ve have grown up on a healthy dose of games like Indian rummy during our childhood; it’s time now for us to pass the mantle to the newer generation.

Hot Deals! Bring out the Best and Win Big!

Despite the presence of hundred other sites, to play rummy online, Deccan Rummy remains the No 1 choice for gamers at all level for our hot deals and offers. Deccan Rummy offers you perks, offers and thrills that no other website can offer! We are here to fill your life with fun and excitement with our mind-boggling games and offers.

What’s life without challenges? In fact, life without goals or challenges would be prosaic. Rummy junkies known for their love of thrill love double dose of challenges everyday. Knowing rummy lover’s penchant for challenges, we have a set of contests called HOT Deals that will surely push yourself hard.

The IPL might have been suspended, but the rummy action is only getting more Hot at Deccan Rummy with our exciting Hot Deals! Brush your skills as you need them in plenty to prevail in these ongoing Hot deals.

Hot Deals

Hot Deals

1. Beat the Clock – Players need to play a number of cash rummy games on designated tables during the time the offer is active. Players who complete the said objective will receive a surprise bonus.

2. Cash for Ace – Declare with a set of Aces and win a certain percentage of bonus from the winning amount.

3. Winnings Challenge -Win a designated amount on designated tables and earn a flat bonus.

4. Super Sixers or Kings Court – Declare with a finish card of 6 or King and get a certain designated percentage of bonus on the winning amount.

We run these promotions one each everyday in a random manner. You view what’s it for today under promotions in the upcoming section. The Hot deals has all the makings to beat your lockdown blues and take the heat several notches higher!

With awesome winning chances, this HOT Deals are unmissable for every rummy player. Bring out your best rummy skill and get rewarded in a big way!

Beat the Summer heat with Cash Rich Summer Satellite tournament

As the devastative covid 19 wave continues to hit India hard, it’s time for us to stay indoors and protect ourselves and our surroundings following covid appropriate behaviour. The extended lockdowns have shifted our life’s online, from office work to our entertainment needs. No one needs to step a foot outside their homes for entertainment requirements as the internet offers more than a million gaming options.

The gaming ecosystem in India is growing from strength to strength due to the increasing popularity of online games. Online rummy is one of the most popular games during these extended lockdowns. Thanks to the power internet, which made traditional games like Rummy more accessible during these lockdowns.

One of the main reasons for the popularity of online rummy is the earning potential and its role in social engagement. Sites like Deccan Rummy has seen a massive uptake in the number of users during this lockdown. We consider ourselves privileged to have earned their trust in a short duration. What better way to repay than hosting high-value tournaments and offers!

Summer Satellite

Summer Satellite Tournament

Gear for an adventurous rummy ride ahead as we are about to turn this summer on its head with an awesome promotion.

We understand that being confined to homes over a long period, the boredom is excruciating. The sweltering hot weather can make it incredibly uncomfortable too. However, we have to follow the protocols to break the chain of Covid transmission.

Being confined in homes does not mean you have to deprive yourself of fun and thrill. Here’s something exciting to look forward to during these tough time

Beat the Summer Heat and lockdown blues with our second edition of Summer Satellite Series. Running from June 10-12, the multi-level Summer Satellite Series 2021 comes with an mind-blowing prizepool of 1 Lakh.

Being a multi-level tournament, this tournament offers multiple winning opportunities!

SS Satellites 2021June 10 @9 PMJune 10 @3 PMRs.50402Rs. 20000


(35 Free Tickets to Qualifier)

SS Qualifiers 2021June 11 @9 PMJune 11 @3 PMFree ticket or Rs. 100299Rs. 30000


(75 Free Tickets to Qualifier)

SS Finale 2021June 12 @9 PMJune 12 @3 PMFree ticket or Rs. 200250Rs. 50000

It’s your turn to raise the game and make your way through a talented field of competitors to win this presigious tournament! Are you ready?