Three ways to keep yourself updated about the gaming developments

Playing online games are one of the most preferred hobbies of many people these days. Prior to the advent of internet games, video gaming has played a big part in our life growing up. It may be the super mario or contra we played during our childhood days, we all have pleasant memories of playing such games in our childhood.

Good thing is that we have don’t have to keep reminiscing about the past, as the internet has paved a way to enjoy them at this moment. You can play any game that you like in minutes. You can always find a player at any time you are comfortable with anytime.

It’s quite natural for us to be bored with a genre after a while. Afterall, we don’t even like to repeat what we eat. Internet is such a vast space so finding that particular game which you can vibe with, may be not possible.

It would be amazing if we could find that online game, we are dying to play easily isn’t it? Here are some of the tips to stay updated with the latest developments in the online gaming world.

1. Subscribe to Gaming Websites and Online Games Blogs

Going with the spike in the number of games, there has been a astronomical growth in the number of websites, forums, and discussion boards. These sites provide you the latest developments in the online gaming community via emails, newsletters, and blogs.

There are so many websites discussing different genres of online games. All you need to do is type in google the topic you’re interested in, and you can get relevant results. For example, if you are interested in playing rummy game online. Type Online Rummy news, you will end up in sites like Deccan Rummy. You can simply register and subscribe to our mailing list, newsletters, and SMS to stay updated about the tournaments and games.

2. Check out Youtube Streams

Youtube plays a very important role these days in the gaming industry. With nearly 100 billion hours of content watched in 2020, youtube’s gaming reach has grown manifold in recent times.

Several game influencers and game reviewers have youtube channels posting reviews and updates about the latest developments in the gaming industry. Moreover, several gamers livestream their gaming sessions. Watching this will help you pick up tips and strategies apart from the exposure to the MMORPG world.

3. Gaming enthusiasts

Most of us might may have a buddy in our group who is interested in online games. Gone are the days, where online gaming was merely a source of entertainment. With the popularity of real money online games, millions of players play such games to win real cash. Keeping in touch with such players will give you an idea about how to get started. Discuss about their approach towards the game and their strategies. Playing and winning cash in online games is no rocket science. You can easily master it!

Tips to remain positive at all circumstances

The real truth of life is your tomorrow is what you did today! Today’s world has a lot of advancements in living and technology. There’s a change in everything around us. At the same time, there’s a lot of hurdles that people have to come across. There’s something missing in a lot of people. Positive intent is something that motivates every individual. A positive mindset can make a person reach huge heights in life. We may like to be positive, but the measures we take for being so is something that worries always. Everyone has a bad day, but it’s all about how one comes through it. Here we present you with some ideas that could fill you in with positivity. 

Find solutions 

When things are very much comfortable people, rejoice in the moment, but when put on a fix, they fail to overcome the odds. A person without a problem is something impossible, but getting stuck with the problem and worrying will not help you in any aspect. Instead of trying to settle down with the puzzles, start finding solutions for the problem and clear out the cause for the problem in the future. Changes happen in life, but things depend on how you handle them. One has to accept the change and act accordingly. Quitting is really a very bad habit. 

Play online games 

A small break can refresh your mind. Make sure to ease out excess pressure at the right times. One of the best ways to refresh your mind is to play online games, especially online rummy. Yes, you read it right; it’s online rummy. The game has broken the barrier of being gambling long ago; it’s completely a skill game now. Online rummy sites have framed a completely safe ecosystem for people to enjoy playing card game. It is not something new for us; rummy has been part of the Indian culture. Regardless of the state you are from; you would have had at least a hint on the game. Download the Deccan Rummy mobile app from the download page on the site. Play rummy for real cash from home 24*7. Play cash games, cash tournaments, and cash leaderboard promotions. 

Avoid negativity and inculcate Positive thoughts

The best way to stay positive is to cut down the negative roots of life. Throughout the negative thoughts, and never accept the negative vibes from others. When you start observing things the right way, you yourself will feel the difference in living. Too many negative thoughts can kill a person’s mind. Being negative at things can easily restrict you without letting the world know who you are. A negative person near you can stop you from thinking across boundaries. Taking new steps is important in life, for which there need positive vibes around oneself. 

Just a day to go for Summer Satellite Series 2021!

Deccan Rummy is one of the most rewarding rummy site in the market when it comes HIGH VALUE tournaments and offers! We have exciting freeroll and cash tournaments running throughout the year and at all seasons like last year’s Summer Satellite Series.

Deccan Rummy’s Special tournaments are super interesting as it offers the users an exciting winning opportunities. When it comes to doling out special offers, We have always upped the ante and set high standards. Special tournaments have been one of the cornerstones of our success.

Summer Satellite Series 2021

What’s a summer without some mind-blowing rummy action? Looking for an exciting challenge? Love to swim against the sharks? We have you covered with a fantastic rummy promotion this summer.

We are bringing you every reason to stay home and stay safe! Here we present you the launch of Summer Series 2021. Season 2 of the Summer series is re-framed version with a Satellites, Qualifiers & Grand finale.The contest is worth ₹1 lakh and the top rank holders at each level of contest will win free tickets to play the next level of tournament.

There is a lot of anticipation building up for this tournament as winning a special tournament earns you a bragging right in the rummy community apart from the prize money. As the tournament is a multi-level progressive tournament, it offers you several winning chances. You earn money in satellites, qualifiers, and finale! Isn’t that wonderful?

Right from rolling out bonus offers to Special tournaments, Deccan Rummy is consistently working towards making gaming a pleasure! Armour yourself with the requisite rummy skills and go for big wins!

What’s better to play online games – Android or iPhone?

Have you ever thought about the difference in gaming experience in Android and macOS platform? It is not that one platform is better than the other; it’s about how the experience differs. It’s about the various factors that revolve around the user’s experience in both the OS platforms. Over the last decade, the impact of the mobile phone, regardless of the OS, has left a huge impact. Mobile phones have proved to be more portable and provide comparatively better specifications.

The comparison between the two OS platforms started in 2007 when the very first iPhone was launched.

Gaming – Android and iOS

Game launch

Several gamer developers prefer releasing their games in the Apple store before launching in the Google play store. There’s a lot of advantage on such launches. When it comes to Mac OS, there may be different versions of the software, but there are only two devices (iPhone and iPad). Whereas, when it comes to the android section, there are more models in thousands; hence adaptability of the app needs a lot of scope. The cost will be higher relatively when compared to the Mac OS launch. It is believed that the app users in the Mac OS users invest more money compared to the Android users. With the developers looking to make huge revenues, they preferably chose to launch in the Mac OS naturally.

If you are a player who is looking to play the game as soon as it is launched, you should opt to buy an iPhone. You are going to enjoy gaming even before the Android users.


Mac OS users will remember the announcement Apple made in 2016. The company made an important update regarding removing all the outdated software in order to focus on the quality of gaming rather than the quantity of gaming. At the same time, Google has all apps regardless of any kind of specific check-in points. There’s a stat that the number of games available in the Mac OS platform is decreasing, and the games in the android platform are increasing consistently. Some developers make full efforts to make sure their players do not feel the difference in accessing the game on both platforms. There are prime game collections on both platforms. There is a very slight difference in the gaming experience with the Mac OS platform scoring extra marks; that doesn’t mean there’s nothing in the android section.

Game list updates

iPhone users will receive regular updates in the games accessible for them. The Apple company could suddenly remove your favourite game from their support list. This happens regularly as the company regularly checks on the service they provide their customers. It doesn’t happen at the Google store until and unless there is a legal issue with respect to the tropics. Players can enjoy the relief that their favourite online gaming apps will be available all time.

So looking for the gaming app that is available on both platforms? India’s best rummy app, Deccan Rummy, is available to both Android and iOs users; head to Deccan Rummy mobile app to start winning real cash from home.