Six Interesting facts about playing cards

Playing Cards

Play your cards right is a common phrase used to suggest to take advantage of something. It is obvious that it originated in card games. Millions of players enjoy card games like Indian rummy, poker online and teen patti everyday. Speaking of card games, how much you do you know about playing cards actually?

Surprisingly, a lot of gamers know very little about the actual history of a physical deck of cards. Here, we present you some of the interesting facts about playing cards. If you already know some of these facts, join us and appreciate it. As for the rest of the gamers, these are some valuable information that will be useful to you.

1. Playing Cards originated in China

Research indicates that game of leaves which was played in China in the 9th century was the earliest card game. The first deck of cards was a 32 deck built with wood, bones, and paper.

It is then believed card games spread to countries like India, Persia, and Egypt before reaching the western world. In each stage, the game co-opted different cultural elements and branched out into different variations.

2. Symbols for Face Cards

If you play with a traditional deck of cards (french version), you may recognize some characters. It is because they were inspired from famous monarchs in history.

Generally, the king card in four suits are inspired from emperors Charles, David, Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great. Though there is no universal inspiration for Queen cards, it is generally believed that Pallas, Judith, Rachel, and Argine are inspiration for them.

3. Why 52 cards are there in a deck

Ever wondered why a standard deck has 52 cards? Over the past centuries, a deck of cards comprised of 24, 36, 48 cards and basically any number in between.
Though there are many unsubstantiated theories for its origin, it is generally believed that the british and french revolution played a major part in it.

4. Connection between cards and calendar

Though the exact origin of card games are still is disputed, there are certain fascinating aspect about playing cards. It is indeed enchanting how a deck of playing cards corresponds to the calendar
Four Suits – Four suits indicate four seasons of summer, winter, spring, and fall
Two Colors – Two colours (black and red) indicate day and night
13 cards – Thirteen cards in every suits indicated 13 weeks in every quarter
52 cards – 52 cards represent 52 weeks in a year
12 Courts- 12 Courts represent 12 months in a year

5. Playing Cards Production

United States Playing Card Company is the largest producer of playing card decks producing over 100 million decks a year. It was previously known as Bicycle Playing Cards.

6. Plastic Cards in Casino

When it comes to playing cards in casino, they are made of plastic. As casinos sees numerous footfalls everyday, paper cards get worn out easily. Most importantly, using plastic cards makes it impossible for any kinds of cheating like marking of cards, noticing the bends in cards etc. Even when paper cards are used, they are specifically discarded or sold in less than 12 hours. How long a deck is in use depends on factors such as number of players and whether shuffling is done with hand or machine.

Shabu ships the Second edition of Summer Satellite Series

People in the online rummy stream will always look to add credit badges in their gaming career. Some made it true in the last week at Deccan Rummy. The site hosted the second season of the “Summer Satellite Series”. Just like the other promotions, this was another hit in the rummy calendar. The tournament was much expected one among the Deccan Rummy players. The first season had its reach in the rummy community. That’s what made people consider the second season a great relief during the lockdown. We even had players contacting our social media profiles asking about the tournament even before the launch of the contest.

With rummy accessible at the very fingertip, lockdown can be never that hard. You need not wait for a good time; instead, start creating yours. Keep smiling and spreading happiness.


The special tournament came up with a prize pool of Rs 1 Lakh. The tournament is open for all players on the platform and was split into three stages as Satellites, Qualifiers, and the Grand Finale from June 10-12. The format of the tournament was similar to the first season, with players getting an option to win free tickets to enter the next level for free. Every level of the tourney was completely packed very soon. Some enjoyed their travel in the tourney with consistent winning from the Satellites to the grand finale; there are players who have consistently hit the tables to be part of the contest.


End of the three-day contest, we have got three promising and deserving players at the top 3 slots. The curtains have been closed, and the tourney was an absolute thriller!

Congrats to Shabu to have won the tournament! It’s been a great show indeed! We would also like to mention our hearty wishes to sainaidu and tarique for getting placed in the 2nd and 3rd positions, respectively. Players must make sure that this isn’t the end, start learning from their mistakes and progress triumph in the future!

Working From Home? Here are apps to assist you

Working from home? These are extraordinary times where we are largely confined to our homes. Now most of us are working from home online. Working from home is a new experience for most of us. While new COVID-19 cases to ravage the country, the best way to avoid the covid contraction, is stay home and follow clean hygiene habits.

While the regular way of working would take some time to resume, it is time to make the most of work from home option effectively. We’ve given a few recommendations which will help you with work from home option.

Effective Apps for Working From Home

1. Scheduling Apps

It is natural to go wayward with our schedule during these times. Apps can help you organize things like scheduling a meeting to trips. Luckily today’s Androids ecosystem has apps that helps in organizing different areas of your life. Apps like Todoist, Trello, and Google Assistant can help you organizing things.

2. Team Communication apps

Communicating with your team members is very important while working from home. Effective communication helps you keep in touch with your team mates and ensure workflow does not get affected. While nothing can compensate the physical interaction, apps like slack, zoom, and hangouts have reputation of ensuring great communication.

3. Gaming Apps

Online games have emerged as the leading entertainment option during this lockdown. In India, app games like Ludo king, online rummy, and poker have topped the charts in terms of downloads. India is the fifth largest gaming market in the world and more than 40% of population are expected to be playing games from their mobile apps. With games like PubG which revolutionized gaming industry banned, the attention has turned towards skill games like Rummy.

The availability of rummy apps on both Android and iOS make it easy convenient to play it on the go. Additionally, you also have a chance to some super cool prizes playing games like Classic rummy and poker online.

4. Exercise apps

It is important we maintain good physical health during these tough times. Because of the stress of being confined at home, many people are bound to overeat. Poor eating habits combined with not exercising results in lots of health complications. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a workout regime to keep you physically fit. Research indicates there is direct correlation between your physical and mental health. So make a move to shed those extra kilos you’ve put in during these lockdowns.

To help you, there are apps like Fitbit, MyFitnessPal, and Runtastic available that can help you maintain a good exercise routine. However, you need consistency and discipline in sticking to the routine to reap the full benefits of these apps.

Games for the lockdown!

People are finding it difficult to breathe easy during the lockdown. The common trouble among the people of the nation is “boredom”. In the event that if the lockdown had been only for days, things would have been different, however we are battling this infection for over a year. Hitting a dead end to invest energy? We present you with the best gaming choices to enjoy the lockdown. You would never feel exhausted subsequent to playing these. Gaming is genuine fun, and it is a serious test in picking one to play. Your work is simple here. Read below, 

Games to Play during Lockdown

Ludo King 

The game is considered the “Most recent Sensation” in the Indian gaming local area. The traffic for the game has gone up colossally since the time the beginning of the lockdown. The game was worked by Gamion; indeed, it is a long journey. The greatest achievement of the game is that it has successfully travelled from childhood board games to the cell phone effectively. The experience is certifiably not a bargaining one. Individuals across different age obstructions have adored the game as it empowers individuals to interface with referred to just as obscure players. So in this game, every player will be given four tokens each and is put on undertaking to arrive at the end goal. Players can kill others token, making the game spicier to play. 

The game is accessible across all stages like iOS, Android and windows. The game was played by a larger part of you during your youth, yet now a similar game with a totally new encounter is prepared for you. 

Online Rummy 

Online Rummy has consistently been in the top positions in the industry in the recent couple of years. The game known for an authentic reign in India is presently administering the internet gaming records of the country. Online rummy is viewed as probably the most extravagant game in the business. Indians have a unique spot for the game, directly from playing the game in social events and now playing it in the online circuit. Rummy is viewed as the best game for lockdown. The game is available 24*7 and can be played against players from across the nation. The game has consistently been the top pick as the game has broken the hindrance of betting and has demonstrated to be an expertise game. 

Despite the fact that there are numerous 13 card game destinations in the country, Deccan Rummy has been players’ #1 webpage. With extraordinary rummy promotions like rummy bonuses, rummy tournaments, and rummy leaderboards. The site has a remarkable client experience and charges the most reduced rake expense among the rummy sites in India. 

Individuals can appreciate a superior client experience by joining the Deccan Rummy online application. The application is accessible at the Deccan Rummy download page and can be easily installed on your device. 

Candy Crush 

The game was launched by the Kings and went to be an enormous hit, particularly among the female gamers including, school young ladies and homemakers. The game is exceptionally straightforward; it is tied in with coordinating with at least three like tiles. There are various difficulties tossed at the player at each level. It is allowed to play, and the player could select in to make any sort of purchase in required. The game can be played exclusively by a single player, making you own the credit for progress and disappointment. The game is a buddy while feeling exhausted.