
Five types of Gamers you would see at Rummy tables

Online rummy tables are vibrant, colourful and energetic places. The minute you step into one, you will instinctively be drawn into the action. New gamers may be mesmerized by all the colours, software functionality, and speediness of the game. No doubt most of us would have played rummy at some point of time in our lives. However, the dynamics of online rummy is entirely different from the offline version. It is not uncommon to be fascinated or even overwhelmed by its settings.

The Indian rummy game which people play as a hobby also gives you a platform to socialize. Most people get amused by the different types of people they meet at rummy tables. The online rummy crowd can be really diverse. Here is a list of people you are bound to meet while playing online rummy.

Types of Rummy Players

  1. Casual Gamers

Casual gamers usually belong to the age group of 20-30. They might be already working in an office and play mainly as a hobby. You can spot them randomly on cash tables at times and also during tournaments. As the game is just a hobby for these kinds of players, they mainly concentrate on freeroll games. They do not spend much time on cash tables. They do not have much mastery over rummy rules nor expertise in rummy strategies. At times, they do not even visit the site for months

  1. New Players

New people keep coming all the time on our platform. As they learn about the game and the earning potential through social media and display advertisements, they really want to give it a try. In the beginning, they do appear overenthusiastic, people already familiar with the game may even win a couple of games. However, since they are overzealous, they are bound to commit certain mistakes. You should count yourself lucky if you find one on your table

  1. Aggressive Gamers

Normally, certain people are aggressive by nature. They do not think much while embarking on a task. They believe their instincts and go all-in. However, rummy is not such a game. It requires your complete focus, clear thought process, and strategic analysis. Aggressive gamers tend to lose quite often as the losses they endure create negative energy. Unless, they change their thought process and learn to exercise patience, endurance, and other skills required for rummy, there’s not much hope

  1. One-hit Wonders

These are the type of players who always wanted to try out online rummy and now have the money. Some among them may get lucky the first time they hit the tables. This may due to luck or their prior familiarity with the game. No matter what, there’s nothing earth-shattering about a newbie getting lucky in his first attempt.

  1. The Veteran

People will solid experience in rummy is referred to as veterans. These are players who you can never rule out. Given their experience and grasp of rummy, they can always come back even when the odds are completely stacked against them. Usually, this category of gamers emerges on top during special rummy tournaments and leaderboard contests.  Unlike the rest of the players, they are not easy to spot, just like how a shark decimates its opponents; they surprise their opponents and attack and conquer rummy tables.

Huge Cash up for Rewards this Ganesh Chaturthi

Are you ready for the rummy showdown?

Special promotion

Deccan Rummy is always known for hosting fantabulous rummy promotions. One such is on the way; it’s time for a special rummy tournament. Looking at the Indian calendar, there’s an auspicious day in the next few days. Ganesh Chaturthi is the special day, and the Ganesh Chaturthi special tournament is the special event at Deccan Rummy. It’s not going to be a single-day event. Yes, you read it right. Starting from September 2, the tourney reaches the last stop on September 10. The tourney comes with a whopping prize pool worth Rs 5 Lakhs.


It is a great opportunity to win home a huge amount. The tourney is split into three stages, satellite, qualifier, and finale. The biggest plus point of the contest is that you can win free tickets to play the higher stages of the game for free by securing top positions at the previous level of games. The buy-in varies as Rs 50, Rs 150 and Rs 500 for different levels. The nine-day event is something you shouldn’t miss out on.
The Ganesh Chaturthi special tournament is a perfect one to earn stardom in the online rummy circuit. Remember, the tourney has a lot of opportunities to win huge throughout the run.

It is possible for a player to join the satellite level of the tournament and play the rest of the tournament for free. The satellites level runs from September 2 to 6, with an overall prize pool for the level being Rs 1 Lakhs, i.e., Rs 20k every day. The Qualifiers stage is from the 7th to the 9th, with a prize pool of Rs 50k every day, and the Grand Finale is on September 10, with the prize pool worth Rs 250000.

Not just this, there are many more rummy promotions you get to be a part of. There are many rummy tournaments, rummy leaderboards and rummy bonuses that can be yours.


BigBrother84 Ships Independence Day Tournament

It was a power-packed Sunday evening yesterday as the Independence Day Special tournament went underway on our platform. With a mammoth prize pool of Rs. 1.5 Lakhs, the tournament was action-packed right from the start. With more than 500 players in the fray, the action was pulsating with fortunes swinging between a set of players.

BigBrother84 comes out on top

The journey ended with player “bigbrother84” navigating his way to the top to claim the tournament. Congratulations to Bigbrother84 for his spectacular performance which brought him this victory. It was his relentless commitment and passion towards the game which was the main reason behind his victory. Not many boast of such a performance on a grand stage like this. For his stellar efforts, he takes home a solid cut from the prize pool as well as bragging rights for life.

Special congratulations to players “mukeshmk” and “narenthbe” for securing the second and third positions respectively. Narenthbe has been one of the consistent winners in our tournaments. By capturing the top three slots, these three proved that they are indeed a force to be reckoned with! Want to become a rummy shark-like them? It’s simple! Master the rummy rules and stay updated about the latest rummy strategies, you could very well have your payday soon!

It is understandable that not everyone can win prizes in tournaments such as these but by displaying your fierce fighting spirit, you’ve won our hearts. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to all the players who participated in this tournament and made it a grand success.

Stay Connected

With the festival season ushering in our country, we’ve planned for extraordinary celebrations on our platform. We have a track record of consistently hosting high-value guarantees and lucrative bonus offers on our platform during festivals and special occasions. We have many exciting promotions in the pipeline to celebrate these upcoming festivals in a grand way with massive winning opportunities. And Happy news for Tamil Nadu players as the online rummy is back in Tamil Nadu. You can enjoy the games like you used to in the past!

So, never miss a moment! Stay connected with us for the latest updates about the game and promotions! Good luck, everyone, and keep crushing!


How your sleep impacts your rummy game?

If you want to be consistently successful in rummy, you should be prepared both physically and mentally. It includes following a gruelling routine and having a passionate commitment to the sport. At times, the demanding schedule may have some negative impacts on your life including affecting your sleep. It is important that you do not allow this to happen.

 Smart players know how important rest plays a role. In this article, we will discuss how proper sleep can help you to come up with your best game.

 Take charge of your Sleep Habits

 1. Decision Making

 Rummy is a mind sport. It involves various mental skills such as observation, concentration, and decision making. In order to take correct decisions at the right time, you must be in a sound state of mind. For that, there is no medicine other than having a sufficient amount of sleep. Your brain needs rest to keep it rejuvenated. Feeling fresh will help you make well-informed decisions and make the right moves.

 2. Keep out frustration

 One of the foremost things bothering rummy players is getting frustrated. There is a fair chance, that things do not go out of your way every now and then. During such circumstances, it is quite natural to get frustrated. Being in an agitated state of mind, a lot of players tend to commit mistakes and lose badly. Such frustrations can also happen due to a lack of proper sleep. Sleeping well before playing will keep your mind calm and you can utilize your mental skills in a much better way.

 3. Losing Focus

 If you do not have sufficient sleep, you cannot concentrate properly. It is proven by research that an average adult human must have 7-8  hours of sleep every day to function properly. Sleeping helps in removing toxins from your brain that built up while you are awake. So, getting proper sleep is crucial for consolidating your brain’s power. A slight dip in your concentration could change your fortunes drastically in the game.

Ensure you get proper sleep every day to remain focused while you are playing rummy online.

 4. Memory

 Rummy Players have to consistently learn new strategies in order to put a strong fight. It includes understanding the concepts, reading about new strategies and implementing them in live tables. So for that, it is obvious that your memory power comes into the picture. Your memory power has a direct correlation with your sleeping habits. People suffering from insomnia tend to be absent-minded and have a hard time ingesting concepts and strategies. Getting a good night of sleep will improve your memory power and keep your brain active.

 All these tips may sound pretty simple or basic to you, but they will have a profound impact on your game. Get your sleeping habits in order to bring your best to the table!