Why should you play Online Rummy?

The experience of playing online rummy is really a thrilling one. Several elements in the game make people feel the rhythm of the card game. Several features like Bonus offers, rummy promotions, and rummy tournaments (cash, free and special tournaments) have lifted players’ gaming experience. There’s every reason people can enjoy the card game. People can enjoy the game without any limitations.

The delight of playing rummy is never down, that too when you play with your circle of individuals, family, and companions. In many parts of India, playing the 13 card rummy game is a custom during festive times. With the present way of life, it is difficult to play the traditional rummy by welcoming individuals to sit for a game.

Why should you play Rummy games?

Hobby :

Fun, excitement, rewards, benefits-all at its best in Online Rummy. It has become the best pastime for some in our country. Rummy has everything for one to spend their time. Some bring in cash out of rummy for their living. You need not invite any players to compete with; the online rummy host gets you rivals from across different geographic areas.


In today’s world, individuals are loaded up with stress. Many are searching for the ideal way of forgetting the pressure. Sit down, stretch your legs, and begin playing the magnificent game. This game gives great mind work and reduces the pressure in a person. The game ends up being the best redirection from ordinary work. There isn’t any need to play for cash; players can even practice with no money. This will open up you to play with more opportunities.


Rummy isn’t that simple to dominate. One demands a lot of rummy skills to make the game convenient to play. When you feel simple to play the game, you will see it much engaging and will be motivated enough to play more. When winning turns into a habit, what will prevent you from playing the game?


Online Rummy is the best pastime that fills in a person’s wallet. The game is earning players huge prizes through numerous rummy tournaments in online rummy. The game has numerous rummy promotions on stock to urge players to play the game.

Facts about online gaming

Online gaming is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the global arena. The revenue the industry generates is a record-breaking number every year. The industry globally had earned a gain of 21.1 Billion US Dollars in 2020. The 2020 revenue is 21% more than the previous year record. There are many more facts that you must know; read below.


The number of gamers in the industry is increasing day by day. Almost 2.7 Billion players have played in 2020 alone. With nearly half of the 2021spent in the covid lockdown phase, the number is expected to be increased drastically.

Average gamer age

The myth that gaming is for children is no more truth. The average age of a gamer is 34, which proves people across ages play the game. This generation is exposed to online games much earlier; hence the situation likely helps people grow along with games. Another fact regarding online games is that more than 30% of the gamers are aged more than 50.

Female gamers

There is a misunderstood fact that the industry has only male gamers. But the real fact is that 45% of the gamers and 46% of the purchases made in the gaming industry are female gamers. Profile personalisation options available in the games help female gamers connect well with the game.

Chinese market

China is one of the biggest gaming in the world. In 2018, the Chinese video game market generated more than 27$ billion. In recent years, India has been one of the top countries in the global online gaming arena.

Smart device users

Almost 70% of mobile/tablet users are online gamers. Smartphones have played a huge role in the growth of the online gaming industry. With smartphone and budget-friendly data plans available, there’s an opportunity for everyone to play online games.


You would think First Person Shooter games would top the most loved gaming genre. But in reality, 62% of players love puzzle and brain games, followed by adventure and shooter games. In the Women gamers, category 72% of gamers prefer puzzle games, and in the men’s category, it is 52%.


People would have experienced the VR effect in movies, but it’s now time for you to enjoy gaming. The experiment is a success and has a very bright chance of reaching every player in the industry.

Celebrate Diwali with our Special Diwali Rummy Dhamaka tourney

The festival of light is here. We can feel the excitement in the air. Diwali is celebrated all around India with much fervour and enthusiasm. It’s the time of the year where the whole country is illuminated by diyas, lightened throughout the country and the beautiful display of fireworks.

Diwali also symbolises the victory of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and light over darkness. With the diyas shining all over the country, it gives us a positive feeling. Diwali is the right occasion for new beginnings.

Being a celebration of prosperity, we are here to give you chance to accrue more fortune with our Diwali Rummy Dhamaka tournament. Best known for launching electrifying rummy tournaments during festivals, Deccan Rummy is here to present you with massive winning opportunities with this Special Tournament.

Unleash your rummy skills and grab massive winning chances by playing our Diwali Rummy Dhamaka tourney from Nov 5-9. With a massive 2 Lakh Prizepool, this multi-level tournament is here to lighten your Diwalis. Buckle yourself for a crazy ride ahead as this multilevel tournament comes with an opportunity to win free tickets and move to the next stage.

Feel the thrill of competing with thousands of other talented rummy enthusiasts all over India and win your share of prizes.

Tourney NameDateRegn TimeBuy-inSeatsPrizepool
DRD Satellite 1Nov 5 @ 9 PMNov 5 @ 3 PM₹ 50402₹20000 + (30 Free Tickets to Qualifier)
DRD Satellite 2Nov 6 @ 9 PMNov 6 @ 3 PM₹ 50402₹20000 + (30 Free Tickets to Qualifier)
DRD Satellite 3Nov 7 @ 9 PMNov 7 @ 3 PM₹ 50402₹20000 + (30 Free Tickets to Qualifier)


Tourney NameDateRegn TimeBuy-inSeatsPrizepool
DRD QualifierNov 8 @ 9 PMNov 8 @ 3 PMTicket or Rs.100402₹50,000 + (50 Free Tickets to Finale)


Tourney NameDateRegn TimeBuy-inSeatsPrizepool
DRD FinaleNov 9 @ 9 PMNov 9 @ 3 PMTicket or Rs.250402₹1 Lakh

Deccan Rummy, India’s Fastest Rummy Site has always been at the forefront of launching huge rummy promotions and with its recent Diwali Rummy Dhamaka, it’s all set to go high.

Get set to battle it out big with the fellow brilliant rummy minds, overcome everyone with your exceptional skills, and walk away with the honours!

Tips to be a Responsible Rummy Player

Online gaming is a great challenge to gaming enthusiasts. The industry is really huge, with quite a lot of gaming options available. Gaming is indeed a great activity to spend enough time in it. It has been a brain-boosting option to mankind. One of the biggest of the industry is online rummy. The game involves a lot of rummy skills, rummy strategy and real cash winning.

The opportunity to be a huge cash winner is wide open but being responsible at the tables is one important factor in the game. Players are in definite need of responsible gaming. Of course, the game has humongous advantages, but only when you handle your game carefully.

Here are some rules written for any player to follow that could help one be a responsible player.

Age restriction

Individuals of age less than 18 are recommended to avoid the game. Minors will be protected from playing as the game involves real cash. Players also have to make not to save passwords on their devices.

Have your own limit

People often tend to get carried away on the winning real cash part. Players need to have their own money limits. Deccan Rummy, by default, has set limits to every player on the site. The site makes sure to follow up on players activities with regard to rummy deposits.

Plan your game

We know how much time, money and skill we have. That’s the point where one has to be intelligent enough. Make sure to be careful enough to not become an addictive one. The practice game option helps players to refine the game. Practice games before cash games is an effective choice.

Avoid malpractice

The player activities are monitored constantly; hence avoid trying practices against the rule book. If proven of any illegal activities can lead to banning the person from accession the site permanently. All the financial activities relating to the account would be frozen.

Finance chart

Have a note on your deposits and withdrawals to check on your gaming efficiency. Making such records can make things clear and say while playing online rummy.

Don’t share details

There are many confidential pieces of information in the account. Passwords, bank details and many more sensitive details are available. Put efforts to save your details.