Play rummy and be a part of Gold Bonanza

Play rummy
“Gold coin winners across the nation”

Our goldQuest tourney has made heads turn by the rummy contingents with its huge success. Right from the day of its inception, goldQuest tourney has been very successful in attracting players across our country without any barriers. New players are absolutely fascinated by the offer and are eagerly participating in this tournament. Winning a brand new gold coin has always been a dream. To stick their neck out and battle some of the experienced players take a lot of heart and courage. Many of them much to our surprise have been successful in their first attempts. This shows that nothing is unconquerable in this Online rummy world. We appreciate their monumental efforts from the bottom of our hearts. Several gold coin winners are from rural parts of India much to our surprise. This indicates the depth the rummy tournament has penetrated.

We never expected this kind of response when we first announced this promotion, to be fair. The overwhelming response to this promotion made us announce this tourney as a routine affair. The curiosity and excitement for this tourney hasn’t toned down a bit to this day.

The reason we believe for the massive success of this tourney is its simple structure that saves the players from toiling hard.

Game Play

  1. The Game has 3 rounds of Online rummy where every round has 3 Deals
  2. End of the first round also called as Quarterfinal, the player who has the maximum points in each table moves to the second round.
  3. At the end of the second round, the player who has the maximum points in each table to the final round
  4. The end of the final round, the player who has the maximum number of points after the three deals will take home a 0.5 gm 999 Gold Coin.

*If there are two or more players with similar points at the end of a round, then our software randomly selects a player, who then moves into the next round

We know for a fact that winning is not everything in sports – those who have lost games will definitely know that. A game you lose fighting hard is more gratifying than winning games at ease.  Rummy is a game similar to roller coaster – there will be ups and down. Winning and losing happens very frequently for a rummy player. It is important to keep your feet on the ground and remain unfazed by wins or losses. As mentioned earlier, nothing in the world is insurmountable when you remain stapled with grit and determination.

How to Join?

You can enter the tournament at no entry fee by simply registering your entry at the goldQuest option under Tournaments tab in the lobby section, after logging in to your account. Only 180 seats are available. Grab your position as soon as you can!!!

Time for registration: Everyday at 11 am

Time the game starts: Every day at 1 pm.

Entry to this tournament is restricted to players who have earned minimum 100 loyalty points within last three days. Please refer our article on Loyalty points to know more about it.

For those who couldn’t make the cut, don’t feel disappointed; continue playing and the victory that is eluding you will fall in your lap sooner than later.

The fan base for this tournament continues to grow exponentially. It’s time for lurkers to jump into action as just 180 seats are available in the goldQuest tourney per day. So, better hurry up and register now. Play Rummy with us and bestow upon yourself this golden opportunity.

5 Best Movies About Card Games

Movies just like card games have always captured our imagination and hearts. We belong to a nation that lives and breathes movies, idolizes their stars and elevates them to demigod status. Similar to movies, sports also remains a great fascination for Indians. We have seen sports icons revered like gods in ou country. The hero-worshipping cult phenomena originated in India. So, movies with sports as the main plot should always be a sure winner, right? Unfortunately, for a nation that is fascinated with sports and movies, we haven’t seen much of sports dramas. Barring a few phenomenal films like Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar, Iqbal, Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, and Chak De, we don’t have any other notable mentions. Isn’t it baffling that in a country that is obsessed with sports and films, we haven’t seen the two clubbed together?

Indians love for card games needs no introduction. Movies made with card games as a theme can be as gripping as the game. It is bemusing to note that not a single Indian movie has been made about it, so far. Bollywood is losing big time by not tapping our card game love. Hollywood has cashed on this phenomenon big time; they have made some exceptional movies with card games as the central plot. Those movies were highly successful because of their entertaining screenplay and a gripping narrative. Let us delve into some of these movies in detail:


Card Games

This is undeniably the greatest movie made on card games in cinema history. Rounders is what you call a quintessential card game movie. Matt Damon plays a guy named Mike, a law student, and a former poker player shoulders the responsibility to raise funds to help a friend struggling to pay off his bad debts. He now has to play at an underground poker circuit that he vowed never to return after losing his life savings. Rounders tapped the underground poker culture prevailing at that time very well and beautifully transformed it into the screen. The poker scenes in the film were truly the best of its kind. The settings, milieu associated with poker were portrayed so realistically. The film touched various issues like the mindset of players, psychological nuances involved in the game and most importantly the lingo normally used by professional players. Though it was not successful at the time of its release, it is now considered a cult classic movie in the poker circles. The film was largely instrumental in propelling poker to the mainstream popularity that it enjoys today.


Card Games

The film is based on the best-selling book by Ben Mezrich – Bringing Down the House. This fantastic movie showcases a group of MIT students who “count cards” to win millions at casinos around Las Vegas. However, things go awry once the casinos realize they are being scammed. This movie was inspired by the true story of the MIT Blackjack Team. Blackjack is undoubtedly one of the most popular games played in the casinos worldwide and the movie. Panned by the critics at the time of its release, it has now become a cult-classic.


Card Games

This movie featuring Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster is a gripping movie based on Poker filled with ample doses of witty humor. Mel Gibson plays a gambler who wants to participate in the Wild West’s biggest poker game but falls short of $3000 to the required buy-in. The film is all about Gibson’s effort to raise the funds and troubles he encounters in his efforts. Though not as great as Rounders in its depiction of poker, it is still recommended for beginners.

The Cincinnati Kid

Card Games

This is one of the best poker movie ever made. The film tells the story of a cocky, brash gambler played with élan by Steve McQueen out to topple the poker veteran Edward G Robinson, referred as “the man” in the poker world. Set in New Orleans in the 1930s in the wake of Great depression, the film captures the intricacies of the game very well and is known for its accurate portrayal of the high-stakes gambling culture.

The Sting


This film was a critical and commercial success and was awarded 7 Oscars. A con artist teams with up his old friend and seeks revenge on a mobster who was responsible for the death of his accomplice. The film is remembered for some accurate depictions of swindling, gambling and scheming techniques widely prevalent at that time. Poker played a key part in the plot. The one poker scene in this film looked far more realistic that those of any of the films mentioned thus far.

Other honourable mentions in this list are Casino Royale, The Cooler, California Split, The Gambler etc. Feeling excited after reading this article? Want to play a game? Why don’t you head over to Deccan Rummy to play an exciting game of online rummy or to to play an action-packed game of poker? We offer you a live environment to relive the exciting experience you have just seen in movies. Do you want to experience the thrill of playing with some of the best players in India and get rewarded in the process? Would you say no to such a proposition? Comeon choose to play rummy at Deccan Rummy and get rewarded for doing so richly. You can also refer your friends to play with us and earn richly with our bring a friend offer.

Types of Online Rummy Players

Online rummy has been a blessing in disguise for many of us. It has come as a breath of fresh air for those of us who were struggling to cope up with playing high-intensity action games or mind-bending strategy games. The beauty of online rummy lies in the fact that it strikes a balance between the above-mentioned games and comes across as a down-to-earth game. It carries moderate doses of action and strategy but can still be high octane thriller when played between talented players. There are virtually no barriers to play card games like online rummy.

We have often instructed our players to observe their opponents’ moves every game and make their moves accordingly. Have you ever thought why we accentuate this point every time in our blog posts? It is important for online rummy players to classify their opponents based on their strengths. If you know the mindset of your opponents, then it will be easier to deal with them.

The following is a broad classification of online rummy players in general which we made after years of observing and reading their game play.

  1. Aggressive – These are players who love to attack or enjoy being in a confrontation. They ruthlessly prey on the gullible players. They display their aggression openly by spamming the chat messages with frivolous, non-sequitur messages – other times they spam the chat with angry messages. We would advise our players to ignore such messages and stick with their original plan and strategies.
  2. Manipulative – These are some of the smartest folks out there. Card games are always a tricky business and they are masters in it. They are good in deceiving their opponents either by intentionally dropping the cards you want or trying to win over you with seemingly friendly messages in the interactive chat feature. Do not fall for their trap – Do not fall for their trap – they would have dropped the card as bait, their friendly messages might be an effort to obtain vital information.
  3. Assiduous Players – Watch out for these Archie Bunker types. Be extremely wary of them, they hate losing – should they lose the game they don’t take it lightly. They are very conservative by heart and it will reflect on their game play. They take very long time to make their move that their opponents get literally tired of them and fold their cards. They do win a lot of times more than the expectations.
  4. Light-hearted – They are your average Joe. They are mostly fun-loving, easy-going, care-free average blokes. Most of such guys play the game mainly for entertainment and losses won’t affect them easily. What we love about them is their resilience and an easy going mentality. If you see a player celebrating jubilantly by posting a spree of messages after a victory, chances are pretty high that he belongs to this category. They also don’t whine much about the losses the way other category players do. Although they are here just for fun, they do win lots of rummy games & tournaments more often than not. We consider ourselves fortunate to house a barrage of these fun-loving folks whom we consider as our pillars of strength.

Maybe you need to find under which category you fall in? As mentioned earlier, it’s always better to know what you are up against and be prepared. We hope that the article served its purpose in explaining about the different characteristics of online rummy players.

Should you have any further clarifications on this article or any other topics that you want us to write about, feel free to share it in the comment section below or mail us at

Idioms that have their origins from Card games

Card games

Have you ever thought about the relationship between certain common idioms and phrases that we use in real life and card games? Some words which we use inadvertently in our daily lives have larger significance in the world of online rummy and other card games. On closer examination, it will be revealed that these phrases indeed have their origin from the card games. Let us briefly analyse some of these phrases:

  1. Cards are stacked against – This phrase is often used in situations where luck and fortune elude us leaving us with little chances for a victory or to put it simply a very disadvantageous situation. This term has its origins in gambling, where to stack the cards means to arrange cards in secret in one’s own favour or against one’s opponent. Isn’t that a recurring situation while playing rummy online or any other card games? How many times have we seen players land in such a situation where cards are stacked against them leaving them with very little chances of victory?
  2. Play your cards right – It is used to emphasize the need to work or negotiate correctly and skilfully. This is very much applicable to rummy where it is very important to play our hand cards correctly. An error in judgment or a lapse in concentration will cost us dearly. Online Rummy is not a game that can be played by being laid back and placid – you would require 100 % concentration, focus, and energy.
  3. When the chips are down – We use this when things really get really difficult for us. This phrase has its origins from the poker game: when all the bets have been made and all the cards dealt the finality of throwing your chips in a poker game.
  4. The joker in the pack – A fortune or a lucky charm that could change a situation in a way that you do not expect. Jokers play a very important role in a rummy game. In fact, they are often referred as trump cards that could change the course of the game. The game often swings in favour of the person holding multiple jokers. We can often see anxious players in tables waiting for the joker cards with a bated breath.
  5. A few cards short of a deck – It can be thought of as a polite way of referring someone with a less intellectual capacity. It is actually an insult concealed with humour. Don’t we hear people who lost the game lamenting about how they were “A few cards short of a deck” very often?
  6. Have an ace up your sleeve – If you have an ace up your sleeve, you are in secret possession of something which would come to your advantage. This phrase has its origins in the 18th century where while playing card games players would secretly hide aces in their sleeves and pulled them out when nobody was looking.

I’m sure most of us wouldn’t have recognized these many similarities between online rummy and real life. This shows that the relationship between card games and players goes well beyond their screen time. Players can refer rummy rules and how to play rummy tutorial in our site for a better understanding about the game. Also read how playing rummy can be a gratifying experience.