Browser based Rummy vs Rummy mobile APP

Smartphone penetration has reached its near ubiquity where it is now impossible to imagine the world without it. Many day-to-day tasks like banking, shopping has moved to the mobile platform making our lives extremely comfortable. No longer would you have to stand in queues to get your tasks done, instead it can be done at the touch of your smartphone.  We are living in a time where mobile apps are replacing brick-and-mortar model that was prevalent for Virtual ages. What’s amazing is the quick shift from web-based applications to mobile based applications especially when the web-based applications haven’t even gone obsolete.

Shifting the customer’s mindset from a web-based task to mobile tasking is a massive shift; it takes a lot of work on the company’s part to achieve this arduous shift. Games are no exception to this. When traditional games like rummy were converted to a digital web-based format, people were taking to it very kindly as the gameplay was made incredibly easy. In addition to this, there were lots of promotions offered by the rummy sites through which the customers benefitted immensely. Now most rummy sites have launched Rummy APPs for their customers and it comes as no surprise that they are proving to be an instant hit among their customers. It really begs the question, which format would be ideal to the players for an invigorating gaming session – Mobile Rummy or Web-based Rummy?

Browser based rummy was a rage among the youth of India when it first hit the market. Many online rummy sites have sprung up in the recent past and they are offering different rummy games & variants 24/7. To top it, they offer many exciting contests, offers, and promotions, exclusively for their customers. True to their passion for the game, rummy enthusiasts latched on it and now we have a big online rummy community. The migration from traditional rummy to online version was very smooth and successful. These days you no longer have to depend on your friends or visit a club to play rummy. Simply join a legal rummy site of your choice and start playing.

Mobile Rummy was obviously the next step. As mentioned before smartphones are considered as a handheld computer which has multiple features to run any application. Rummy sites recognized the growing trend of popular games moving towards the mobile platform and started developing mobile APP for their customers to play rummy. Many successful rummy sites like Deccan Rummy achieved this transition smoothly as they realize the growing concern of their customers. Now we have a stylish rummy app that leaves the other rummy sites marveling at us.

The main reason for the demand for Mobile rummy these days is its portability. Unlike Web-based rummy where you have to sit in front of your PC or Laptop for hours together, smart phones allow you to play even while you’re on the move. Imagine playing rummy during travel, free time in office, or even while standing in a queue, an exciting proposition, is it not?

For a seamless rummy experience, many people prefer playing rummy with a mobile APP as it offers betters clarity and visuals. Deccan Rummy Mobile APP is made using state-of-the-art technology that gives our APP a slick look. Despite money being the main reason for the users to play cash games, users aren’t going to be satisfied with a half-baked, lame mobile app without any arresting features. So, Deccan Rummy mobile APP was built with a special emphasis on aesthetics. By downloading our APP, you can play rummy with enhanced cards clarity on a mind-blowing user interface. Also, mandatory features for a rummy app like navigation, swipe, and drag-and-drop have been made very user-friendly. Once you play using our APP, we bet you are going to fall in love with its explosive features. Our Mobile APP is available on both Android and iOS platforms. Users can download the Deccan Rummy Mobile APP for android devices even from our Rummy Mobile Page in our site.

Smartphones have influenced the way we live our everyday lives and even our interactions with our friends, neighbors, and relatives. In the gaming world, evolution is inevitable in this day of modern science & technology. Many games in their traditional form have been made Mobile compatible. Rummy is no exception to this transition. While it is true that browser based rummy has replaced traditional rummy, now it’s the time for Mobile Rummy to rule the reigns. Mobile-gaming Industry in India hasn’t even reached its prime yet but look at the impact it has been creating?

Anyways, it is for the players to decide their best mode for playing rummy. As far as Deccan Rummy is concerned, we always have our doors open to welcome players in both these formats. It eventually boils down to a situation like whatever the mode you choose, you have to play to your merits and also follow the terms and condition of the site hosting the game. Players can refer rummy rules and how to play rummy tutorial in our site for a better understanding about the game.

Ways to Play Rummy games

Over the past decade, the advancement of technology has created an amazing array of changes in our lives. Many traditional activities have been modernized and made our lives incredibly comfortable. Card Games are no alien to this modernisation; many card games like rummy, poker have been digitized and now have become accessible to billions of players around the globe in numerous forms. Players no longer have to wait for someone to join the game as the online rummy community has grown in numbers exponentially. You can play rummy whenever you feel like playing as the gateways of the rummy world are wide open. Now let us discuss the popular ways through which rummy games can be accessed;

Rummy Websites

Gone are the days, where you will have to depend on a friend or relative to join you for an exciting rummy game; now 13 card Indian rummy games are available 24/7 through different online rummy sites. Players can now play different rummy variants (varies from portal to portal where each variant has unique gameplay), & go head to head with players across India in the various rummy tournaments. You can simply join a rummy site by providing basic some details and start playing rummy games for free and also be entitled to a lot of cash bonuses and promotions. It is very important you check the safety measures implemented by the online site before joining the website. The safety measures that one needs to check in a rummy website have been mentioned below:

  1. Random Number Generator Certificate to ensure card sequences is unpredictable, non-repeatable and uniformly distributed
  2. Anti-Collusion and anti-fraud measures
  3. SSL certified to establish a secure encrypted connection

Deccan Rummy is one such fascinating and safe rummy site available.  Our tables are flash free which makes it incredibly faster in loading than the rummy tables in other websites. Deccan Rummy hosts exciting rummy tournaments in our websites every day amounting up to Rs. 2.5 Lakhs a month. Once you register, you will be entitled to a slew of offers and promotions with incredibly rich bonuses and also get to play in our special tournaments that are conducted on festival days. In case you’re contemplating about joining a rummy site, head straightaway to Deccan Rummy for a rewarding rummy experience. There is a slew of sensational offers and promotions waiting exclusively for you.

Rummy Mobile

Rummy on mobiles is becoming the norm. The game that made us crazy and left us craving for more on many occasions in our lives is now available at the touch of your fingers. Unfortunately, we live in a country where casinos are confined to just one or two cities. Mobile card gaming has saved users from the trouble of visiting finding the right casinos or clubs to play games like poker and rummy. Many sites have developed Rummy app for their customers and they are available absolutely free for download. You no longer have to search for a deck of cards, tables or even friends to enjoy the game. Players can download the APP for their mobile devices (both Android and iOS devices) and can enjoy playing the game from anywhere. Downloading and installing the APP gives you an access to enter the rummy world where people would volunteer to join you for an exciting rummy game. Deccan Rummy has recently launched our mobile APP for Android and iOS devices for free. Named Deccan Rummy Mobile, our app has several advantages over playing through other ways. Download our APP now and feel the difference of Rummy mobile.

In the event, you haven’t downloaded the mobile app you can download it from

  1. Android users can download the app from Google play store.
  2. IOS Users can download from App store.

Live Tournaments

We understand traditional card game lovers still prefer to play the game with a deck of cards in their hands. Now that rummy has been declared legal by the supreme court of India, many clubs and hotels are hosting rummy tournaments with humungous cash prizes. However, the onus is on the players to research and find a genuine club.

Card games enthusiasts can draw a distinction between the ways mentioned and pick the one best suited to them.

Internet Penetration & Gaming Industry in India

India at present has 462 million internet users surpassing the United States in terms of the number of internet users and is now trailing only to China’s mammoth 731 million users. It is expected that there will be about 600 million internet users in India by 2020, according to a report by Assocham-Deloitte. Internet penetration has been growing at a rate of 10% per year and is expected to grow at a higher rate in the forthcoming years. Despite this growth rate, only 22 % of the Indian market is penetrated, leaving a lot of ground to cover. It is expected that this numbers would rise to 50% at the end of the year as the government is aiming to move towards a cashless economy.

As the masses are smitten by the technological advancements and social network, there is scope for huge growth, particularly on mobile. As of 2016, India had an estimate of 262 million mobile internet users living in urban communities, and 109 million living in rural areas. Mobile devices account for 79 percent of web traffic in India compared to 50% globally.  Mobile internet usage is expected to grow since smartphones are available for a lesser cost when compared to other countries. At $158 per unit, India has the lowest average smartphone cost. According to a report, the smartphone market will grow at a CAGR of 23% in India through 2018 and would account for 30% of the global growth during the period.

Indians are spending 8 hours a day on the internet on average, which is more than the 6.15 hours, the Chinese spend. Facebook is the most popular social networking site in the country. Facebook had 165 million monthly active users in India, largest in the world after the US. With the free data by Reliance Jio, the numbers skyrocketed as it the facebook logins surged by a staggering 467%.

However, the average broadband speed in India is at a dismal 4.1 Mbps compared to global average of 6.3 Mbps. So, India has a huge burden on her shoulders to increase its broadband speed to catch up to the global standards. Only a fast broadband connection would enable our users to venture into highbrow research and create any meaningful impact.

Indian gaming industry

Indian gaming industry is currently valued at $890 million and is expected to grow at double digits. In 2016, India accounted for 0.55% of the global gaming industry and is expected to grow because of the internet penetration and increasing game preferences by the young internet users,

In Q2 2016, India ranked fifth globally by game downloads at 1.6 billion and expected to reach 5.3 billion in 2020. It is expected to surpass both Russia and Brazil in the coming years.

Google Play is generating 13 times more downloads compared to iOS which is understandable as the penetration of iPhone in India is very less compared to android based phones. In Q2 2016, over 300 million games were downloaded on iOS and Google Play combined in India.

The gaming industry currently has 250 game developers and is forecasted to increase in the near future as the demand for online games is ever increasing.

There has been an increase in demand of Indian made games. Just like the film industry which is always dominated by Indian content, games made in India are slowly capturing the attention of Indian consumer. The success stories of several online based games like Online Rummy Games, Online Poker are some examples of Indian gamers’ preferences.

These stats clearly indicate that the growth of Indian gaming industry is going to skyrocket in the upcoming years as there are more areas to explore according to experts. The reason behind this increase is due to many factors listed below;

Free Downloads

Many interesting games available to play in Playstore and App store come free. You don’t have to pay a penny for downloading the game from the Playstore or Appstore.  Games such as Temple Run, Subway surfers, angry birds and the latest Super Mario Run were a major hit in India because of free Downloads. Also, the other interesting factor to note is that these games live up to the expectations of people with its invigorating game play. Many of these games could even be played offline and your progress levels will be counted once you go online.

Zero Monetisation

The major reason for Indian gaming industry for becoming a strong Global market leader in terms of Downloads and revenues is that we haven’t started focusing on in-app purchasing, in-app advertising, incentive advertising, and subscription service. Indian games such as Gully Cricket, Real Cricket 16, Best bus 3D gaming are a few games which were built with no in-app features but still made their mark being popular downloads among Indian game lovers. The demonetisation of high-value currency notes and the push for a cashless economy is expected to improve the fortunes of Indian gaming industry in the near future.

Numerous offers from Internet Service providers

Internet service provider companies are already boosting their majority of revenues in the mobility division of their companies by attracting the customers with multiple Internet package offers. As we already know Jio, a MukeshAmbani Enterprise in Telecommunications have already become a strong competitor to all the other Companies in this sector by having introduced the unlimited Usage offer till March 31st in voice and data streams for all their customers. Similarly, all companies have been competing strongly in providing the best offers in data Usage to increase their customer base.

Instant Deposit Bonus upto 200%

Ever since the launch of our Mobile APP for Android and iOS, there has been a significant surge in the number of registrations at Deccan Rummy. Many new users have been captivated by the prospect of playing online rummy on their mobiles and have downloaded our APP. We noticed that many of our existing users have referred their friends to try our APP. We extend our warmest thanks to all our existing customers who have made our APP reach new customers. Deccan Rummy heartily welcomes our new customers who took a wise decision to join the “Truest Rummy Sensation”.

We are overwhelmed by the response you’ve shown for the launch of our mobile APP and to celebrate the same we have extended our 200% Instant Bonus offer again by a month, EXCLUSIVELY for YOU.

Rummy promotion

Deccan Rummy Mobile App supports both 2-player and 6-player games for three exciting rummy variants – Points Rummy, 201/101 pool rummy, and Deals Rummy. You can select the most convenient format and hit our tables straightaway. Playing with our Mobile APP gives you an edge over playing in web or offline on several grounds. You can read our article on Advantages of playing with a Mobile APP.

Offer Time Period:  Feb 1- Feb 28, 2017

How the Offer Works?

  1. Your First Deposit of the day is entitled to a bonus up to 200%
  2. Any Subsequent deposits made in the day will not be eligible for bonus
  3. This bonus amount cannot be withdrawn straight away. It can only be used to play cash games and then the winnings can be withdrawn.
  4. The bonus amount will be displayed as Play Chips in our mobile APP. (1 play chip = INR 1/-).
  5. If you are found using multiple accounts to grab the offer, the entire amount credited will be cancelled.
  6. Please note that up to 200% means, not necessarily 200% every time.


Now that you’ve installed your Mobile APP, isn’t it time to make your game session exciting by playing cash games? We understand new users might be skeptical about making a deposit so we assure them once again that Deccan Rummy is 100% SAFE & SECURE and also 100% LEGAL. Our online rummy site is completely secured and fully encrypted to assure full comfort and credibility to all our players. The Payments you make are highly secured, safe and protected with high-standard encryption.

We know many players love to play cash games but refrain from playing as they fear about losing their hard earned money. To enable player shed the fear, we are crediting this bonus amount instantly to their account, which they can use for playing cash rummy games or tournaments.

Deccan Rummy has a wide range of cash games in all our rummy variants:

  • Points Rummy – From as low as 80 Paise to Rs. 40000
  • Deals Rummy – From as low as Rs. 5 to Rs. 10000
  • Pool Rummy – From as low as Rs. 25 to Rs 10000

You can also utilise this bonus amount to play our exciting cash rummy tournaments

  1. Zoom Tourney –   Entry Fee of Rs. 75
  2. Challengers               –   Entry Fee of Rs. 50
  3. Twenty20                  –   Entry Fee of Rs. 20
  4. Knight Rider              –    Entry Fee of Rs. 100

In addition to this, you can participate in our special tourneys if it comes with a buy-in, with the help of this bonus amount. Playing cash games will help you to accrue loyalty points. We have two exciting tourneys at present based on Loyalty points:

  1. Loyalty Grande – (Min 300 points in last 3 days)
  2. Loyalty Challenge – (Min 500 Points in last 3 days)

There are many exciting loyalty leaderboard contests in the pipeline so it is better to be prepared now.

So, go ahead and hunt for the bonus now and make your mobile rummy session memorable!