10 General Rummy Tips for Beginners

13 card Online Rummy games are all about taking right decisions at the right time. Knowing the correct rummy tips is mandatory for success in rummy online. Sometimes it can be very difficult to identify the right rummy tips in the beginning. After all, there is such a huge amount of information out there these days that it can be very difficult to know where to start.

 Rummy Tips

 General Rummy Tips

But starting out in the correct way is very important in this game. There is nothing wrong in being amateurish at the beginning. But if you do not utilize the opportunities to correct your mistakes, it could harm your play in the future. So in this article, I am going to discuss the top 10 beginner rummy tips for new rummy players. Let’s get started!

  1. Define your goal. Be clear what you want to achieve playing rummy online. Do you play the game for fun or just to make some additional income? Some play it for fun, some play for passion, and some play it to win real cash online. Defining your purpose is very important as the strategy varies according to your purpose.
  2. Do a proper research about the site before signing up. Check the authenticity, license, and testimonials in the social media to know about the site before signing up.
  3. You can start playing free online rummy as soon as you have set up your account in a rummy site. Most rummy sites have practice tables which allow you to have an idea about the game.
  4. Have a thorough read about the basics of the game. Most of the online rummy game sites have tutorials about “How to Play Indian rummy” online. Read the document and get familiar with the game and rummy rules.
  5. It is important for rummy novices to keep it relatively tight. This means that you only want to play good starting hands. You do not want to begin with a string of losses.
  6. Do not go for high stakes straight away. As you are a beginner, you might not know various rummy strategies. Limit yourself to playing low stakes in the beginning. Nothing wrong in being very ambitious but make sure you do not go broke.
  7. Do not chase the losses. This is simply not the right time to chase losses as you’re still in your learning curve.
  8. Do not play too may rummy tables at the beginning. With online rummy, you can play multiple that allows you an opportunity to multiply your winnings. However, each additional table takes a little bit away from your concentration levels and this can lead to blunders.
  9. Utilize all the freeroll offers and promotions to its maximum capacity. Most rummy sites have incredible signup bonuses, welcome bonuses & freeroll tournaments. Make use of them before going for cash rummy games.
  10. Don’t play when you’re in a bad mood. When you play rummy, you must not use it as an outlet for beating stress or depression.

Play @ Deccan Rummy – No. 1 site for rummy beginners

If you’re a rummy beginner looking for an authentic rummy site to play, head to DeccanRummy.com for some invigorating gaming sessions. DeccanRummy.com is a legal online Indian Rummy site offering some quality Indian rummy games online for free and cash.

Our site is tailor-made to suit the needs of both rummy beginners and experts. We have an incredible welcome bonus offer that allows the players to make up to Rs. 5000. No other Indian rummy site offers this much. Additionally, we run freeroll tournaments worth Rs. 1000 every day that gives players to make some quick cash without spending a penny. Register at DeccanRummy.com and avail all these exciting benefits. Play, progress and prosper!

Rummy Promotion – Jazzy July 30 % Bonus reminder

Deccan Rummy is fast becoming the number one online rummy game site in India. With thousands of rummy players available anytime, you can expect an invigorating gaming session on our website anytime.  We guarantee loads of money in our monthly promotions, feature special tournaments with trips to exotic locations as prizes.

Jazzy July

Join the action here at Deccan Rummy in our exciting online rummy promotions, fast-paced online rummy tournaments, and benefit from our ongoing bonus offers and freeroll tournaments. Our gaming environment is suitable for rummy players at all levels. Our rummy games will help you enhance your rummy skills and face any level of competition. You will come up with several rummy tips of your own after playing the game for a few months. Our tournaments are designed in a way to bring you the perfect dose of adrenaline and our promotions will provide the right motivation for you to push even harder. Without your support, we wouldn’t have become one of the finest online rummy game sites in India

Over the past few months, we have launched several online promotions and offers. Jazzy July Bonus offer is one such exciting promotion that offers exciting benefits to our players. As the offer is about to expire, players must hurry and make use of it soon

What is this Jazzy July Bonus all about?

Make a cash deposit and we will give you a 30% bonus up to Rs. 900! We will credit the bonus amount in the form of bonus points. As you play cash games, it moves as redeemable bonus amount. The minimum cash deposit eligible for this offer is Rs. 500.00.

Deposit code for this week – RummyKing

The maximum bonus amount you can get this offer is Rs. 900. We will credit the bonus amount in bonus points at the rate of Rs. 1 = 10 Points.

For example, if you make a deposit of Rs. 1000 with the bonus code, the 30 % offer is automatically applied and a bonus amount of Rs. 300 (Rs. 1000*30/100) will be credited to your account. We will credit this bonus amount of Rs. 300 as 3000 Points.

The Jazzy July Bonus offer is going to end on Jul 31. Make a deposit immediately and avail the offer.

We are confident that you will enjoy your online gaming experience at Deccan Rummy, and in our mission to set the bar high for online gaming, we want to hear from you. Post in the comments section below on the ways in which we could do so. Feel free to share your views about our rummy promotions and offers. Alternatively, you can also e-mail us at support@deccarummy.com.

Weekend winnings 20% Bonus at DeccanRummy.com – A reminder

It is not for nothing DeccanRummy.com remains as the most preferred destination for online rummy enthusiasts. At Deccan Rummy, we strive continuously to offer our players with fabulous promotions. We periodically host attractive offers and promotions much to the delight of our customers. Additionally, we host exclusive tournaments, mobile-specific promotions and bonus offer with exceptional benefits. With every promotion, we are giving you more reasons to dwell into our rummy games.

You can make your rummy experience memorable and a rich one at DeccanRummy by taking part in all our promotions. Additionally, these bonus amounts are going to give you an impetus to score up your game. Participating in our bonus offers is smart since you’re already paying a small portion of your winnings (in the form of a “service fee or rake”), you might as well make up for it by grabbing these bonuses. Check our promotions page to know more about the latest offers & promotions at DeccanRummy.com

Be honest, who doesn’t like to see their account stacked with cash?

Over the past few months, it’s raining cash here at Deccan Rummy – Make the most of it.


Weekend Winnings @ Deccanrummy.com

The rummy bonus offer is applicable for all the cash rummy players at DeccanRummy.com. The Weekend Winnings offer from Deccan Rummy will run on 22 and 23 of July 2017. You can avail the bonus amount by using entering “RUMMYKING” while making a deposit. We will credit your account with 20% Bonus amount instantly. This offer is applicable only for one of your deposits this weekend. The maximum bonus you can avail during the offer period is Rs. 1000.00. It means the maximum deposit amount for which this bonus amount is eligible is Rs. 5000.00 Any deposits made over Rs. 5000 will attract only the maximum bonus amount of Rs. 1000.00

The Bonus amount will be credited in Points at the rate of Rs. 1 = 10 Points. For example, if you are making a deposit of Rs. 5000 with the bonus code, we will apply the offer instantly and a bonus amount of Rs. 1000 will be credited as 10000 Bonus Points. The bonus point cannot be redeemed directly. As you keep playing cash games, the bonus points will become available for redemption.

 Don’t miss!

Make this weekend special by availing a great bonus with this offer. Head straight to the game lobby and take part in this promotion to win an awesome bonus amount. If you miss it, you’ll have to wait one more week to get the next weekend offer. So, you better hurry and avail it on time!

See you soon at our cash rummy tables!

Please do let us know your feedback about our offers and promotions at support@deccanrummy.com.

Playing rummy online – Top 5 Motivational tips

In order to be a successful rummy player, staying motivated is one of the key aspects. Motivation is mandatory for any sport. We see many professional sports team hiring mentors. The role of mentors is to motivate and encourage players to bring out the best in them. The 13 card rummy game requires quite a bit of self-motivation as it is a game, where you cannot afford to hire someone to motivate you. Unfortunately, many rummy players suffer from low self-esteem and give up after a few losses. It is very wrong. Feeling demotivated is not uncommon, but the key aspect of attaining success is to overcome your demotivation.


If you want to excel in rummy games, self-motivation is indispensable. You must learn how to motivate yourself. You must be able to draw that inner strength to win no matter how discouraging your hands are. Those who appear demotivated lose the battle even before it begins. Here are several tips, I’ve found to be effective to build motivation while playing rummy online:

Gather Tips from winners & follow them

If you are feeling unmotivated, follow those players who are successful in the game. Upon following them, you will know about their efforts to get to their current position. Many rummy players make a note of strategy then and there as each game differs; you must follow this technique to get that spark that will help you to fire on all cylinders. In the meanwhile, also engage in conversation with that person using our interactive gaming chat feature to get some knowledge about the game. You can connect with them through social media and build a relationship thenceforth. Mentor/prodigy relationships are somewhat a cliché, but it is still very much relevant in this case. There is no easy way to get that motivation than by connecting with the successful players.

Let go of the past

It may be hard to believe, but your past can drag you down miserably. In games like rummy, your previous losses can be a heavy burden on your shoulders. The good news is that it’s already the past and it is dead after all. You can take it off your shoulders and leave it. Today is a new day, and you have a great chance to try again. No matter how many losses you’ve suffered in the past, you still have a fair chance to win today because of the unpredictable nature of the game. Don’t let the burden of the past drown you in the present. Meditation is a great motivating tool to get rid of the stress and get your spirits up! Practice meditation & some deep breathing exercises to improve your concentration levels.

Set a Goal – A believable one

Setting a goal and pursuing it vigorously is an art. It is not as easy as people think. It requires a lot of confidence and commitment to work towards the goal. Set believable goals so that you have a chance of reaching the goal. For example, if you are a rummy player with a string of losses, there is no point in aiming for a tournament win. It’s a bit of a stretch. Your first goal must be to break free from the flurry of losses that is plaguing you. To begin, set a goal of winning at least 10 games this week. It is certainly achievable if you remain motivated. Once you reach that goal, stop for that week & come up with some tough goals gradually.  Setting goals are very handy in keeping you motivated because you hold yourself more accountable.

Listen to Motivational speeches online

Rummy games can sometimes be very mentally exhaustive. As players play the game hours together, they start losing that desire to win and begin losing money. Professional rummy players prepare themselves mentally hours before the game and hit the table with lots of confidence. If you’d ask them their secret of success, their answer would be their high motivation levels. They get that motivation by listening to motivational speeches. There are tons of motivational speeches available on Youtube for free. Listen to time whenever time permits. Keep constantly looking for ways to unwind yourself. You can even read some self-improvement books to get that desire to perform at your highest levels. Eg: Try reading “The Success Principles” by Jack Canfield.

Keep Pushing

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts – Winston Churchill.

When you meet hurdles along your journey, you may want to quit. You feel it’s something too much to take, too often. You may think you’ll never achieve your dream. But this is where winners and losers differ. The courage to continue separates winners from the losers. The same is applicable in online Rummy.

Apply these tips and check if it is working out for you. Don’t be content with mediocrity. Push yourself to the limits and let your excellence win laurels for you. Stay Motivated!