Three ways to keep yourself updated about the gaming developments

Playing online games are one of the most preferred hobbies of many people these days. Prior to the advent of internet games, video gaming has played a big part in our life growing up. It may be the super mario or contra we played during our childhood days, we all have pleasant memories of playing such games in our childhood.

Good thing is that we have don’t have to keep reminiscing about the past, as the internet has paved a way to enjoy them at this moment. You can play any game that you like in minutes. You can always find a player at any time you are comfortable with anytime.

It’s quite natural for us to be bored with a genre after a while. Afterall, we don’t even like to repeat what we eat. Internet is such a vast space so finding that particular game which you can vibe with, may be not possible.

It would be amazing if we could find that online game, we are dying to play easily isn’t it? Here are some of the tips to stay updated with the latest developments in the online gaming world.

1. Subscribe to Gaming Websites and Online Games Blogs

Going with the spike in the number of games, there has been a astronomical growth in the number of websites, forums, and discussion boards. These sites provide you the latest developments in the online gaming community via emails, newsletters, and blogs.

There are so many websites discussing different genres of online games. All you need to do is type in google the topic you’re interested in, and you can get relevant results. For example, if you are interested in playing rummy game online. Type Online Rummy news, you will end up in sites like Deccan Rummy. You can simply register and subscribe to our mailing list, newsletters, and SMS to stay updated about the tournaments and games.

2. Check out Youtube Streams

Youtube plays a very important role these days in the gaming industry. With nearly 100 billion hours of content watched in 2020, youtube’s gaming reach has grown manifold in recent times.

Several game influencers and game reviewers have youtube channels posting reviews and updates about the latest developments in the gaming industry. Moreover, several gamers livestream their gaming sessions. Watching this will help you pick up tips and strategies apart from the exposure to the MMORPG world.

3. Gaming enthusiasts

Most of us might may have a buddy in our group who is interested in online games. Gone are the days, where online gaming was merely a source of entertainment. With the popularity of real money online games, millions of players play such games to win real cash. Keeping in touch with such players will give you an idea about how to get started. Discuss about their approach towards the game and their strategies. Playing and winning cash in online games is no rocket science. You can easily master it!

Covid 19 Second wave – Mask Up – Nothing More precious than life

The Covid 19 Pandemic struck the world like a tsunami last year. Extended lockdowns, loss of job, closure of businesses, lack of entertainment options, social distancing came in its wake. It has been more than a year since the pandemic wrecked havoc across the world and made people endure these hardships. Thankfully, due to timely management, our country was able to thwart a major health crisis last year.

Covid 19

Increase in Covid Numbers

As a curse the pandemic fatigue set in and people threw these norms into the wind. The result can be seen in the increasing number of cases everyday and the fear of situation going out of control.

The Covid situation in India has manifested into a large health crisis, with acute shortage of medical facilities and staff required for to serve a large populace. Several states have admitted that situation has gone out of control. If the lax attitude towards the norm had not set in, we wouldn’t have seen in this position.

Mask Up – the only way

Now it is more important than ever to support our country to relieve ourselves out of this mess. And the only way to get it done is follow strict Covid 19 Protocols like Social Distancing, wearing a mask, using hand sanitizers and soaps to wash our hands frequently and get vaccinated against Covid 19, as soon as you are eligible. Until we develop a herd immunity, we cannot afford to relax. Avoid moving out unnecessarily and stock your essentials at least for a month. As the threat of mutated strains which escapes the immune system also looms large, ensure you do not step out unnecessarily.

People must understand the grave situation and not subject the frontline workers engaged in fighting the crisis to any more hardships. Their hands are already full. Not following the protocols is equivalent to showing a red flag to a raging bull. Realize that masks are not just for your own safety, but also to the life connected to you. With options such as contract tracing and mass hospitalization difficult at this point of time, the best way we can help our country during these moment of crisis is not catch the infection ourselves.


Now that the vaccination drive for all just a few days away, ensure you get vaccinated at the earliest. Even after receiving the shot ensure you strictly follow the Coronavirus protocols. If you are someone with comorbidity like BP, Diabetes, ensure you get vaccinated at the earliest.

Always remember, getting vaccinated is just half-work done, the ultimate goal is to develop a herd immunity which may take a few more months. Do not lower the guard just because you’ve got yourself vaccinated. Apart from the chance of reinfection due to multiple strains of this virus, you can also be a potential carrier.

Do not engage in anti-vax propaganda or circulate disinformation campaign against vaccines. Accord to experts, the curve will flatten only around the first week of June, meaning it’s important to be ultra-cautious for the next two months.

Flatten the Curve

With options such as work-from-home available, ensure you not step out unless it’s absolutely essential. Nothing is more important than saving yourselves and your loved ones. While you are it, take steps to improve your immunity by regularly exercising and consuming an health diet. We understand that being confined in our homes may open the gates for a lot of other physical and mental discomforts. You can always unwind your stress by playing online games like Indian rummy or poker. The only way to deescalate the situation is by strictly following the Covid norms. Stay Home! Stay Safe! Follow the Protocols

Virtual reality and Online Rummy

Online Rummy is growing in popularity these days with a massive number of people foraging in this territory. Aside from Rummy online, the other most exciting gaming phenomenon that is raising a lot of eyebrows is virtual reality gaming. Players are largely playing in online rummy sites these days as there aren’t that many brick-and-mortar type Casinos. Upon analysis, it is clear they enjoy every moment of playing rummy in online rummy sites. Online rummy websites come up in provide many luxuries that land based casinos cannot afford.

Wouldn’t a rummy player be stimulated by the prospect of winning multiple gifts, gigantic cash prizes and paid trips to exotic locations? All this comes with the comfort of playing your favorite 13 card game from your homes. Playing rummy online for fun is no longer just a pass time; it’s fast becoming a serious business.

Because of the availability of the mobile APP, our rummy games can be accessed from anywhere and anytime on the go. Whether you’re waiting in a queue for something or traveling, online rummy is there for your company and also to convert that spare time into something very productive. Isn’t it great when your hobby pays well enough to allow you lead a luxurious life?

Being able to enjoy your favorite online rummy games at the comfort of your home is great, but the thrill and enjoyment of facing live players in clubs and casinos will probably never matched, right? The vibes you feel and generate while being in a real casino is too hard to beat. To give you that vibe that you’re craving while playing online card games is a new technology that has taken the gaming industry by storm – Virtual Reality. Virtual Reality is a spectacular technological advancement that has happened within the realm of human abilities.

In this article, we shall discuss Virtual Reality gaming and how it can be applied in the online card gaming industry.

Virtual Reality

What is Virtual Reality?

Virtual Reality is truly an engaging phenomenon. VR is a technology that happened at the culmination of the strenuous efforts put forth by the game developers for years. How does wearing a virtual reality headset make you think that you’re hunting predators in an alien land when you are, in fact, actually sitting in your home making slow movements?

Virtual reality gaming in simple words is a simulation of you living real in an imaginary world. With the help of VR you can experience being in a three-dimensional environment and can interact with its surroundings while playing. Whether you’re traveling in a spaceship, hunting aliens, clashing with the demons – you will experience a sense of realness. The player with his VR-helmet is virtually transported to the gaming environment.

With the army of VR handsets increasing, let’s see some of the top players involved in manufacturing VR handsets. HTC Vive and Oculus Rift are covering a major chunk of players playing PC-based VR gaming, Sony seems to have had a major success with their Playstation VR and the likes of Google and Samsung are offering very affordable VR headsets for Smartphones.

VR for Rummy

There are already some companies who have created Multiplayer Poker for Virtual Reality and it has been a massive success due to the user immersion it has created. Once you wear the VR device, you transform as a real poker player playing the game in a casino in a great atmosphere. With VR making interactions with the fellow players easier, you can use subtle psychological cues to your advantages in Poker.

The other exceptional benefits are that you feel like moving in a real casino with hard rock music. And most importantly you get to interact live with the dealers and other players. Visual cues, real vibes, and hand gestures while placing a bet all give you spectacular gaming feel. While most of these developments are in its nascent stages, we can expect them to reach its pinnacle in the near future given the way VR industry is evolving.

Virtual Reality technology has not implemented in the Rummy Games so far. Similar to Poker, Online Rummy is a mind game which requires plenty of mental skills. So, it’s only a matter of time before online rummy gets its share of virtual reality. Imagine sitting in your home playing rummy with your shorts and flip-flops and suddenly transported to an awesome rummy casino. That day is not very far away!

As of today, you can experience Mobile Rummy which gives you a great experience similar to VR-based gaming. Play rummy on your mobiles & treat yourself to a host of exclusive promotions, privileged offers only for the mobile APP users. If you are looking for a genuine 13 card rummy game download try Deccan Rummy mobile for free.


Five types of Gamers you would see at Rummy tables

Online rummy tables are vibrant, colourful and energetic places. The minute you step into one, you will instinctively be drawn into the action. New gamers may be mesmerized by all the colours, software functionality, and speediness of the game. No doubt most of us would have played rummy at some point of time in our lives. However, the dynamics of online rummy is entirely different from the offline version. It is not uncommon to be fascinated or even overwhelmed by its settings.

The Indian rummy game which people play as a hobby also gives you a platform to socialize. Most people get amused by the different types of people they meet at rummy tables. The online rummy crowd can be really diverse. Here is a list of people you are bound to meet while playing online rummy.

Types of Rummy Players

  1. Casual Gamers

Casual gamers usually belong to the age group of 20-30. They might be already working in an office and play mainly as a hobby. You can spot them randomly on cash tables at times and also during tournaments. As the game is just a hobby for these kinds of players, they mainly concentrate on freeroll games. They do not spend much time on cash tables. They do not have much mastery over rummy rules nor expertise in rummy strategies. At times, they do not even visit the site for months

  1. New Players

New people keep coming all the time on our platform. As they learn about the game and the earning potential through social media and display advertisements, they really want to give it a try. In the beginning, they do appear overenthusiastic, people already familiar with the game may even win a couple of games. However, since they are overzealous, they are bound to commit certain mistakes. You should count yourself lucky if you find one on your table

  1. Aggressive Gamers

Normally, certain people are aggressive by nature. They do not think much while embarking on a task. They believe their instincts and go all-in. However, rummy is not such a game. It requires your complete focus, clear thought process, and strategic analysis. Aggressive gamers tend to lose quite often as the losses they endure create negative energy. Unless, they change their thought process and learn to exercise patience, endurance, and other skills required for rummy, there’s not much hope

  1. One-hit Wonders

These are the type of players who always wanted to try out online rummy and now have the money. Some among them may get lucky the first time they hit the tables. This may due to luck or their prior familiarity with the game. No matter what, there’s nothing earth-shattering about a newbie getting lucky in his first attempt.

  1. The Veteran

People will solid experience in rummy is referred to as veterans. These are players who you can never rule out. Given their experience and grasp of rummy, they can always come back even when the odds are completely stacked against them. Usually, this category of gamers emerges on top during special rummy tournaments and leaderboard contests.  Unlike the rest of the players, they are not easy to spot, just like how a shark decimates its opponents; they surprise their opponents and attack and conquer rummy tables.