Do Card game players retire?

Professional sportsmen get the luxury not only to live the life of their choice but they also have the luxury to seek retirement from the sport whenever they wish. There comes a time where everyone will have to retire and sports person are no different.

We live in an era, where sports personnel get to earn so much in a limited time and we see so many of them opting for retirement soon. Card game players also fall under this category of sports personnel. When these players commit so much time and energy to sharpen their skills, what do they do when they throw away the cards for one last time?


The term has become such a loose term these days. Back in the old days, a person would retire after putting in some decades of work experience. People used to retire by 58 or 60 back some years ago. Only people who were privileged to amass wealth had the luxury to retire early.

Gamers these days are earning such a healthy income that they afford to retire in their thirties or even twenties. Such things weren’t possible a few years ago. Card game players have broad territories to earn.

How early can Card Game players retire?

Card game enthusiasts fall into that category of being able to potentially retire earlier than most of the normal people. These days games like Indian rummy, poker, and other card games provide a platform for the players to earn lucrative sums of money.

Card game players are entering into the gaming sphere like never before. With the explosive growth of online games in which card games are occupying a huge chunk, card game players have an opportunity to earn lucrative sums which were never possible before. All it requires for the gamers is to spend some quality time on the site to learn the game post which earnings would automatically follow. The success stories of players and the way sites are promoting their games in social media have inspired legions of gamers to join the website. Now the online card gaming community is one of the biggest gaming community followed by other genres like adventure, strategy, and action. A card game like the poker or rummy online can give you an opportunity to earn a level of income that can give you an option to retire a lot sooner than what you planned.

Diverse Career options

With the fine tutorials, practice platform, and lots of free tournaments in place, players now get a solid experience even before they get to play for real cash. Players who have made it big in big guarantee tournaments consistently call it a day. Though, the proportion of players retiring early after a big breakthrough is low, it is still a factor. Many players do go into a shell after a string of losses and eventually come back after a short hiatus. It’s more a case of being worn out! We can observe some big hot shot poker players are involved. However, their involvement with poker has not ceased to exist. They continue to associate with the game through videos, podcast, articles, and coaching.

These days players have a diverse range of options to choose from with regards to their profession. There are n numbers of career options for the players. No longer would you need to stick to the 9-5 schedule or with the same profession to make money. All one needs to be as versatile and adaptable in this fast-changing environment so that he can cope up with any profession.


No card game player is the same. What works for one does not necessarily work for the others. However, the general consensus among the card gaming audience is that players who retire are more likely to come back to the sport at some point in time. That’s the power of the card game. It can pull you back to the groove anytime! Keep Playing!

Indian Rummy Rules Wiki

Playing rummy games have always been a great pastime in India for several years. With the advent of technology, rummy games have moved online and we have more or less bid adieu to the traditional way of playing rummy. With the availability of rummy games online, we are able to connect with players’ worldwide and play the game to our heart’s content. Just like any other game or task, there are certain rules of Indian Rummy that needs to be followed. This Indian Rummy Rules wiki article is all about the fundamentals of the rummy game.

Indian Rummy Rules Wiki

Indian Rummy Rules Wiki

Reading quotes like “rules are meant to be broken” and following it may appear cool and hippy. This may even work in certain instances once in a while. But in the case of the Indian rummy, rules are the God. If you do not follow the rules you’re going to end up with a heavy loss. Here are the 4 scenarios you can look forward to if you fail to follow Indian Rummy rules wiki:

1. You will lose

Apart from the money factor; a win boosts the morale of the players by huge magnitudes. However, you must remember, a win is possible only when you keep grinding to your limits without deviating from the rules. If you deviate from the rules for the sake of winning, there are heavy chances that you will lose miserably. Rummy Rules are the heart of this game; treat them as such.

2. You will be banned

Adhering to the rules of rummy is important for long survival in a rummy website. Following the rules becomes even more important when you play games that are long winding like rummy tournament which is a real test of players’ patience, endurance and gaming skills. A disregard for the rummy rules will not only cause your eviction from the tournament but may also result in a ban on occasions. Read our terms and conditions to know more.

3. Bland Gaming sessions

The main reason behind playing Indian rummy online is to kill your boredom by engaging in an exciting gaming session. The whole gaming session would lose its sheen and fall apart if you do not follow the rummy rules. Why in the world do you want to risk a dull gaming session when you can have an exciting one just by following the rules?

4. Bad reputation

Earning the tag of a notorious trouble maker isn’t a noble idea when you’re playing rummy in a hub of like-minded players. It takes years of effort to get the reputation of a good player, and long-time winners are given exclusive privileges than other gamers. You will lose your privileges if you disregard the rules. Do you want to play spoil-sport to your chances by doing something as silly as breaking the rules?

As you can see from the above points, you can enjoy Rummy Games only when you follow its rules. That is why following Indian Rummy Rules wiki is imperative. In fact, without rules, the rummy game doesn’t make sense at all. Once you grasp the rules and fix it in your mind then it’s just the matter of forming your own rummy strategies to win.

7 warm-up routines for Indian rummy players

Do you love to play rummy online? Have you ever had a bad day in your online rummy career? Aren’t their days where you think you might have made a better move in hindsight quite often? If your answer is yes, then you need to follow a proper warm-up routine to streamline your fledgling Indian rummy career. It’s quite obvious that we cannot function at our 100% best all the time.

While occasional defeats are inevitable given the nature of the game, however, you can mitigate losses if you have picked the knack of playing a consistent game. A good warm-up routine would help you play rummy with more confidence. Here are some basic step rummy warm-up routines that will help you in your rummy career.

Indian Rummy Warm-up Routine

1. Rummy game demands complete focus and concentration. Ensure you isolate yourself from the hustles and bustles of your daily life and stay away from distractions. If possible hang a do not disturb sign in front of your room so that no one disturbs you.

2. Switch off the television, audio sets, and mobile phones while playing. These gadgets easily capture your attention thereby disturbing your focus in the game.

3. It’s important to stay hydrated. Keep a bottle of water alongside so that you do not have to go out for water. Staying hydrated helps your mind function better.

4. Sign out of social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter so that you do not get carried away by its notifications.

5. Keep your mind fresh an hour before the game by meditating or doing yoga. As the game warrants patience and focus, it’s important to keep our minds in a stable state.

6. Ensure you refresh materials relevant to rummy like rummy rules, rummy tips, and types of gameplay. There are tons of materials on rummy that are available online which are easily accessible.

7. Avoid junk foods and carbonated drinks while playing the game as they tend to affect your concentration. It’s crucial to reenergize the body and mind with healthy food and exercise.

Ensure you follow these seven warm-up routines every time before you play Indian rummy online. You will see the best results in a few days! With so many exciting rummy promotions lined up, you would need to conserve a lot of energy for better performance. Follow this routine religiously and bring your A-game to our tables every time.

How to boost your winnings at online rummy game

If you are an online rummy player, you’ve probably thought of earning a weight sum of money over a short period of time like a lot of players. Many players are on the lookout for an efficient way to enlarge their winnings. Here are a few tips which might come to your aid in your pursuit to boost your winnings;

Rummy Online

Pick a rummy game you know very well

Your best bet to boost your winnings is to pick the variant that is more suited to you instead of juggling with multiple rummy variants. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to start with practice games and freeroll rummy tournaments so as to get some practice and identify your strengths. Soon you’ll identify a system which will raise your chances of a win.

Manage your bankroll

Planning the amount you are going to bring into the table is extremely important. Meaning, if you want to spend no more than Rs. 500, there’s no point in playing the game with stakes like Rs. 100, 200 and so on. The amount you wager make should be just a minor part of the funds you’ve brought to table. Wagering on tables valued at Rs. 10 or Rs. 20 would be a good idea. Avoid chasing losses at any cost. Think of the amount you’re wagering is the amount you’re ready to lose. And if  things don’t go your way – stop for the day.

Use the bonus offers to your advantages including offers for rummy app

One of things that differentiates online rummy from the real casino is that the former comes with a lot of promotions than the latter. Do not let go of any of such opportunities that come in your way. Most rummy sites have multiple bonus offers running at a time. A smart player makes use of all such offers to strengthen his bankroll. Why pay multiple times amidst all these extraordinary offers and promotions? As we are living in a world that is currently seeing a mobile revolution, several rummy game sites are coming up with exclusive offers for the mobile users who are playing with rummy app. Ensure you utilize these rummy app specific offers and boost your bankroll

Have a break after playing rummy online for a while

Playing rummy online requires a great deal of concentration and strategy. Sometimes you feel like your head is about to split, being overwhelmed with thoughts. When you develop symptoms like that, it is hightime to take a break. A good amount of time away from rummy arena isn’t going to do too much harm to you.

Quit while you are winning

Knowing when to stop is the one of the important prerequisites to be successful in online rummy. On an eventful day, where you keep winning, it is natural you may want to milk your good time; so many players keep playing again and again without self control. All it takes is one defeat to crash your party. Beware of this party crasher and quit while you are winning. Greed will definitely cause your downfall in a game like online rummy. Follow responsible gaming every-time whenever you play rummy online.