5 Traits of Professional Rummy Players

Indian Rummy is a popular card game based on the draw and discard of cards. Contrary to the popular myth that it is based on luck, it is a game of skill. You can win the game only when you learn the skills to perfection. Many rummy players from the most diverse walks of life have taken a real liking to the game and are making big impact in the rummy world. Rummy is all about skills; it is all about how effectively you manage your cards to form the required runs & sets. On paper, it might appear simple but the game has its share of intricacies. You need to be really on your toes all the time to create an impact. Below mentioned are some of the traits of successful rummy players at Deccan Rummy for your reference.

rummy player

Comes with a plan

Rummy is all about planning & execution. Successful rummy players have mastered this art and they often hit the table with a plan. Planning in this context refers to his preparedness to handle any challenges he may encounter during the game. Rummy players do not hesitate to fold if things do not go the way they planned. By planning, we also mean the budget, a rummy player allocates for a rummy session.

Equipped with strategies

As we have mentioned before, you might not get a good or ideal hand every time while playing online rummy. You must prepare your game strategies even for a bad hand. Strategy varies for each type of starting hands. A good player chooses the right strategy based on his hand cards. You can read about the most common rummy tips and strategies employed by successful rummy players in our blog.

In control with his bankroll

Discounting the lack of skill, the main reason a rummy player goes broke is due to poor bankroll management. A wise rummy player is always in control over his budget. The crux of the issue is only using the money that you can afford to lose while playing online rummy. If you are using the funds that are required elsewhere, chances are that you always play the game with a fear of losing funds.  This hits your confidence and the chances of losing become high. It is advised to set a limit while playing online rummy.

Observes carefully & quits at the right time

Good observation skills are the hallmark of a professional rummy player. You might be able to devise strategies required for a particular game only after observing the moves by your opponents. Wild and random moves without observing would doom your chances in the rummy game. Professional rummy players know when to wrap their sessions. Even though they are on a winning streak, they know when to call it quits. Professional rummy players are not money-grubbers they consciously avoid avarice from consuming them.

Optimistic & Resilient

Rummy players remain optimistic at all circumstances. Unfortunately, you can’t win each game while playing rummy. The outcome of the game depends on several factors like starting hands, hand cards doled out in every deal etc. It is important to remain optimistic on all occasions & stand undeterred by losses. Rummy players who are resilient can rise up even when they are burnt to ashes in a rummy game.

These are some of the common traits of a professional rummy player. Every rummy player needs to possess these traits in ample doses. Once you get to their level, you can give a real run for their money. Always remember, the path to excellence is always going to be riddled with obstacles, the key to success is to display total commitment. How committed are you with the rummy game?. Players can refer rummy rules and how to play rummy tutorial in our site for a better understanding about the game.

3 card games you should never miss out

The history of card games is really rich and diverse. Card games do own a huge part of life for Indians. Be it any generation you can find many who love the card games and those who love only card games. End of the day it is going to be just the Skill, taking the players across the finish line. Before Smartphones it is so obvious that people in India, people had cards in their hand- cards were their entertainment. Even now, in the online gaming era, you can’t find a gamer missing out chances to play card games.

Let’s look at some of the best and popular card games you can enjoy playing.


Poker does share the tag of being played most along with Rummy in India. The skill players need and the challenge in the game make it more loving. The American Card Game has a great following in India. The game now is available on the online gaming platform with a great opportunity to make money. Started playing from 1820 on the gambling boats in River Mississippi, the game is one among the top games played at the global level. The game had a rousing welcome when ESPN telecasted the World Series of Poker in 2000.


The biggest market in the Indian Gaming industry is Online Rummy. The game is so much simple and very much interesting. Melding is the basic objective in the game. It is a Draw and Discard card game. The origination of Rummy is not so clear. The game of Rummy has 3 variants – Points, Deals and Pool Rummy. The different formats of the game are making the game very much interesting. In India, the game has a great connection with the peoples’ traditional lifestyle. Even now you can see families playing the game in Indian homes. Online Rummy has turned to be the best to make money in an online platform.


Solitaire, the first card game available on PC’s- the game had its early entry into the smart world by entering Windows. Matching the suits is what the gamers have to do.  The game is also called as patience or cabale. The game is played by one and was started playing from the end of the 18th century along the Baltic region of Europe. Solitaire can also be played against players with certain specific scoring schemes.

Get Rich with seal the deal Bonus Offer

It’s always great to start a month with a reward. We at DeccanRummy.com understand this well and often comes up with exciting and most rewarding offers at the beginning of every month. Check out our exclusive bonus offers and tournaments that are almost available every day. With constant leaderboard contests, freerolls and cash rummy tournaments and special monthly promotions, you have a lot to take from.

March is an exciting month. It’s spring time, the flower blossoms! So does the offers blossom here at DeccanRummy. In tune with our policy of rewarding our players every month, check out the exclusive bonus offer that is available this Month.

Seal the Deal Bonus Offer:

Start every week this March with our brand new 60% Seal the deal bonus offer. Spread over 4 weeks, the bonus offer will allow the players to play with a bonus everyweek. Regardless of the rummy variant that you are playing, this bonus will definitely boost your gaming and get you all the way to feature in the leaderboard. As the bonus percentage and type keeps changing every week, players are advised to plan their deposit properly so that they don’t run short of cash at any point of time. Make sure you avail the maximum bonus amount everytime.

Seal The Bonus

The Bonus code are as follows;

Seal the Deal Bonus
DatesBonus OfferBonus TypeBonus Code
Mar 7 – 1420% Bonus Upto Rs.1000Bonus PointsDECCANJACK
Mar 15 – 2210% Bonus Upto Rs.500Cash BonusDECCANQUEEN
Mar 23 – 3020% Bonus Upto Rs.1000Bonus PointsDECCANKING
Mar 31 – Apr 710% Bonus Upto Rs.1000Cash BonusDECCANACE

Any bonus received is always a surplus and allows you to make a good progress. In other words, this is some extra money for you to play an extensive range of rummy cash games. Don’t miss out on this marvelous offer, Hurry! Make a deposit now!

Deccan rummy is legal 13 card Indian Rummy site and is also one of the fastest rummy online sites that allow the player to play free rummy online. In the event you haven’t signed up, follow our 3 step registration process and join with an awesome Rs. 5000 Welcome Bonus. DeccanRummy is also available on Mobile Platform. With a massive number of safe and secure payment gateways for both deposits and withdrawals, there is never a need to worry about making a deposit or a withdrawal.

Whether you are looking for a rummy download apk or for your iOS, Deccan Rummy Mobile is available on both platforms. Download Rummy apk on Google PlayStore or our site and start gaming on our seamless gaming platform almost effortlessly now.

Aadhavan takes down Social Sharks rummy tournament

June month went down as a relatively happy and joyous month. Despite the scorching heat that the country felt all this month, rummy players were able to cool off with some solid promotions from us.

DeccanRummy.com, India’s fastest rummy card game website, is synonymous with exceptional promotions and high-octane thrilling tournaments. If you are a regular at Deccan Rummy, you may very well know what we are talking about and had you missed it, you’ve missed a lot as a rummy player. Wondering what is it? Yes, we are talking about Social Sharks tournament worth 1 Lakh that is conducted every month.

Deccan Rummy’s Social Sharks tournament has been a rage since it started off three months back. Players actively took part in the quizzes that we organized for issuing the free tickets to Social Sharks tournament. Who doesn’t want to take a shot at the hefty prizepool of Rs. 1 Lakh? Given the huge prize up for grabs, every player gave their best in the tournament.  In addition to the free tickets, there was also a buy-in option available for Rs. 150 through which many players actively participated.

Social Sharks Winner

This June Month’s Social Sharks tournament was taken down by the user “aadhavan”. It certainly wasn’t an easy win for him by any stretch of imagination as he had to fight off the likes of many rummy experts. Taking a tournament down is always special as unlike games that sees a familiar audience, tournament sees lots of participants from all over the country. It’s the random element that heightens the speciality in these kinds of tournament. The player for all his intents and purposes may be pitted against the best rummy players in the country that he might have never seen before. That’s why we mention a tournament win is greater by magnitudes than a game win.

Aadhavan – winner of Social Sharks rummy tourney

Deccan Rummy team extends our dearest congratulations to Aadhavan for winning the tournament against all odds. It is players like him who send ripples of excitement across the Indian rummy fraternity with encouraging performances like this, that continues to pull many players towards this wonderful tournament.

We would also like to congratulate “ksantu” “shafirockzz” for their incredible effort in securing the second and third position in the tournament. We expect both of them to win a tournament sooner than later after having seen their stupendous game plays.

Deccan Rummy also likes to congratulate each and every participant in this game. Without your active support, the tournament wouldn’t have been this much successful. Social Sharks would continue to run once every month. In the event you didn’t make the cut this time, there’s always a tomorrow. Keep checking our facebook posts and participate in all the contests that we conduct to get your free ticket for the tournament. Whether you like to play rummy for cash or play rummy online free, we have sufficient number of games to keep you occupied. Happy Playing!