5 steps that puts you in advantage in a rummy table

Playing online Rummy can be relatively easy, but winning is not as easy as you think. Sometimes you can lose without really knowing how the loss came about. The main reason for this is the callous disregard for the strategies and rummy etiquette. The main elements in regards to being a successful rummy player are having discipline, persistence, and resilience. If you play each game with patience and an open mind, there is no reason why you can’t win it easily. Here are some ways through which you can get an initial advantage in Rummy.

Rummy player

5 Steps to be successful Rummy Player

Table selection

A quick way to win big bucks is to play high stakes tables. However, for a beginner it may be a tall order, such players can start off with the low stakes. After signing up with a 13 card rummy site, check the timings of heavy traffic and other factors like entry fee and prize money for each table. This will help you locate the best table where you can play rummy to your heart’s content.


Life is all about adapting to changes. If you read the biographies of successful people, you would realize their success lies in their adaptability. The reason Indian cricket is often super successful in home conditions and crumble like nine-pins when playing overseas is that of their failure in adapting to foreign conditions. Team India has been carrying an ignominious reputation as bad tourists now for years. Rummy is a dynamic game where things change from good to bad and vice versa in a moment – you will have to adapt to these changes.  A smart player adapts to the changes very quickly. Wouldn’t you want to become one?

Don’t let your ego hurt you

Rummy isn’t a card game to fulfill your ego. Always remember, you might be having an occasional bad day here and there. There’s no point in throwing a fit on those occasions and chasing your losses. A smart rummy player gracefully accepts his defeat and focuses on improving his rummy strategies. Leave your ego behind yourself and come to the tables.

Passive aggression

As the old saying goes, all good things to those that wait, so waiting for the right opportunity to strike is very important in shaping you as a successful player. However, it doesn’t mean you must stay docile all the way; this is where you need to display your smartness. Passive aggression is something you must exhibit always to keep your opponents at bay. Passive aggression is the indirect expression of hostility. In a rummy table, you can procrastinate during your move; throw some non-sequitur flippant remarks in the chat window to get on to the nerves of your opponents.  Remember, all these will put you into an advantage if you do it during the right moments. However, do not overdo it as you may become predictable.

Take Losses Lightly

At the end of the day, rummy is, after all, a very unpredictable game. Some days you win; some days you lose! The Rummy player who is able to control his emotions, rein in brilliance all the time will often emerge as the successful player. You do not have a plan for losses but learn to take them sportively.

If you follow these things mentioned above, there is a bright chance that you put yourself in advantage the next time you hit our tables. Till then, happy playing!

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