10 Useful Rummy Strategies

Rummy is an interesting card game which is widely played among the Indian audience. Lots of people prefer this game over other card games because it gives an adequate workout to the brain. Moreover, the rules are not complicated and mind-twisting like other games. The craze for rummy has reached stratospheric heights following the emergence of online rummy game. It is unsurprising as the game has a unique blend of strategy and chance, making it an ideal game to play. Also, huge stakes are riding in the online rummy industry these days.

According to a report by KPMG, Online rummy industry is the primary contributor in terms of revenue to the thriving online gaming industry.  In order to be successful when you play rummy online, you need to adopt a few rummy strategies which will help you to attain success continuously. In this post, we shall have a look at a few commonly used rummy strategies which will give you a better idea of how to approach the game.

Common Rummy Strategies

  1. Sort your cards

After you are dealt cards, arrange them according to the color or suit. This eliminates confusion as you know what cards you possess with a cursory glance. Most online rummy sites have sort option integrated into their platform which gives you that luxury.

  1. Analyze your hands

As soon as the cards are dealt, analyze the cards you have and the potential hands you can make out with it. Be confident with the rummy rules as it would help you to look at things with a clear perspective.

  1. Look out a pure run

A pure run is the lifeline of online rummy. If you don’t have a pure run, then other melds you make will not come to your rescue. So, your first priority in the table should be to make a pure run.

  1. Drop option

Starting hands play a crucial role in a rummy card game. You can base your strategies only based on the strength of your starting hands. If the cards you get appear so random, then it’s useless. Playing with a bad hand is a big risk. Opt out so that you will only lose with 20 points which constitute an initial drop.

  1. High-value cards

If you have face cards (A, K, Q, J) in a set or a  sequence, then leave them as it. However, when they aren’t belonging to a meld, try to get rid of them as soon as possible. Retaining high-value cards that are not grouped is a liability. It’s better to discard them in the first chance you get.

  1. Middle cards

Cards like 5, 6, and 7 are an asset; they can be grouped with both lower-ranked as well as high-ranked cards. However, retain them only when you foresee a chance to make a meld with them.

  1. Joker cards

Joker cards are like a much-needed catalyst to your game. In a 13 card game, aside from the printed joker, we have a random joker drawn which can be used as joker. Joker cards can be used as a substitute for the missing card in a set or a sequence.

  1. Play to the situation

There’s no point in waiting for a hand or holding a card for a long time. Keep strategizing and play to the situation. Do not get strung out in a situation. Follow a flexible approach

  1. Observe your opponents

The most important rummy strategy is to keep an eye on your opponents’ hands. Observing your opponents moves (his discards, his pick-ups) would give you an idea about the melds he’s trying to make. Plan your moves accordingly.

  1. Play practice games/ free tournaments

All said and done, nothing comes close to live table experience. Theoretical knowledge would help you to some extent, but the practical experience is the real deal. Don’t worry about investing! Play practice rummy games and free rummy tournaments to get real rummy experience. Try to implement these strategies and check which one worked for you


According to the latest research, gaming is the number 1 mode of entertainment preferred by the Indian audiences to catch a break from their regular hectic work. And rummy plays a vital role in this. It’s good to play the game with a piece of good knowledge of its strategies. Hope this article on rummy strategies was helpful! Do follow these strategies religiously and we can assert that you will dazzle on the tables shortly!

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